Chapter : 8. Talking to the weird guy..

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Faith’s point of view :- -------------------------- “So? What do we do now? They got busy with their thing. Emily and Callum are inside. And we have two whole classes to wait for.” Hope asked me once Truce and Mirth went on their way out. In the morning, we failed the test and get scolded by uncle Oliver. Now we got late for school and again got scolded by Miss Silvia. If our parents find out about this punishment, they will scold us too. Can this day be any worse? I have no idea what to do now and I am too tired to roam around. There is only one place in this shool where I can find some peace. And maybe a little sleep. “I’m heading out for the library. If you want to join me, you can come.” “No. I am sill a bit hungry. Today’s morning breakfast wasn’t enough for me after that heavy work out. So, I think I am going to the cafeteria in search of some snacks.” “Okay. I will see you later than.” With that, we separated our ways. Hope went to grab some food while I am in search of a book to pass time with. The hallway was completely empty, as all the students were in their classes. It seemed like I am the only living being on this earth. It’s so quiet. Once I reached the library, I fount it quite and empty as well. Looks like it’s a nice opportunity to rest for a bit. But first I need a book to help me fall asleep as well as hide me from the librarian. I quickly grabbed a random book from the shelf and got settled on the furthest seat of the library. Opening the book in front of me to cover my face, I put my head down on the table to sleep. Like I wanted. Soon I fell asleep and started dreaming. In my dream, I was in a forest. A beautiful green forest with flowers everywhere. The day was sunny, but a nice cold breeze was cooling me down as I was enjoying the beauty of the flowers around me. But all of a sudden, everything changed. All the flowers dried upright in my hand. Dark clouds covered the sun, bringing darkness everywhere, and the wind became so freezing that it made me shake in cold. What is going on? I looked around to understand what is happening, when I got a smell. This smell is dark and fearsome. But for some reason, it’s very familiar. Where is this scent coming from? I looked a carefully at the horizon and saw something. I saw a black huge wolf with red eyes approaching me from a distance. Its eyes were so bright red that it seemed like it wants to put me on fire with that one look. “Who are you? What do you want?” I asked it, knowing that whoever he is, he is not friendly.. “I am your worst nightmare. Get ready to die, princess..” He said with an evil smile on his wolf face. And in the next moment, he jumped up on me with his mouth open to kill me in that instance. I jumped up on my seat to find that I was in my school library and not in any forest. I breathed out to calm down when I realized it was just a dream. But it’s so weird. I have never gotten a dream so horrible. I should better leave the idea of sleeping for now and search for Hope. I picked up my head and closed my book to find that there is someone sitting right in front of me. I was more shocked to find out that it is none other that Gordon. He was minding his own business and reading a book with his full attention. “I didn’t think you are a go to libraries and read all the books kind of person” I spoke out without realizing who I was talking with. He picked his head up once and looked at me with ‘do not disturb me’ look and went back to reading. “Sorry for disturbing.” I said and started grabbing my belongings. I was about to leave the place when I remembered something. This is a nice time to ask him about his problem. Maybe he will tell me something now that there is no one around. So I sat back again and kept gathering the courage to talk to him. “Umm.. Hi. My name if Faith. Faith Romero. It’s nice to meet you.” I forward my hand for him to shake. But he just looked at in once and went back to his reading without any reply. Rude..! “Okay.. Umm.. So. I noticed that you don’t have many friends to talk to. So, I was wondering..” “Stop bothering me..! Don’t you see that I am not interested in talking to you. First you ruined my day and now you are ruining my peace. Leave me alone before I lose my temper and kill you right now.” He roared at me in his rough voice, without hearing what I want to say. It made me angry that I am trying to help him in here and he is threatening me to kill. “You know what? You deserve to be alone. I was just trying to help you, and in return, you are threatening me. Do you know who I am..” “Can’t you just shut up. I don’t have any interest in you. So, go away. You know what? If you are not going to stop bothering me, then I am going to leave. You can blabber all your nonsense in here all by yourself.” “What do you think..” He didn’t let me finish my words before grabbing his belongings and storming out of the library, while I was just sitting there in awe. What the hell does he think he is? I wanted to support him and forward our helping hands to him. But in return, he showed us some arrogance and left me in the middle of my speech without any reason. I am not going to do this mistake anymore. He should suffer for the arrogance he has kept inside. With this thought, I also got out of the library and started searching for Hope.. Hope’s point of view :- ------------------------- After separating with Faith, I went to the cafeteria in search of some food. The day just started and also the work of the chef. I hope he has something for me there. As I was fearing. He hasn’t prepared anything yet. But my luck is good today, so he gave me an apple to spend the time till he makes something. Taking the apple in my hand and a smile on my lips, I was leaving the cafeteria when I bumped with a hard rock like chest. I felt like, I just walked into a wall. Even the apple fell out of my and rolled away from there. “Ouch.. Look what you did..! I lost my apple and I am so hungry.” I whined like a child and started searching for it without looking up at the person I just bumped with. Surprisingly, that person also began to search for my apple and discovered it from a corner of the cafeteria. “Take it and leave me alone. I don’t understand why you two sisters are so adamant about ruining my life.” Hearing a heavy voice, I picked my head up and found that the person I just bumped into was none other than that weird boy, Gordon. He pushed the appel in my hand and went to sit on the chair. “Umm.. Thank you.” I told him and looked at the apple carefully. It was my fault that I wasn’t looking and bumped into him. But still he helped me and found the apple for me. Maybe Faith was right. Maybe he needs a friend to talk to. Maybe I should try to make friend with him, now that no one is here. “Umm.. I was thinking.. No. Actually, my sister was thinking that you need a friend to talk to. We have noticed that no one talks to you in this school because you are new in here. So we were wondering if you want to join our group. You know. We special ones should stick together and all.. You understand what I mean, right?” He breathed out loud to hear me and stood up from his chair. “Yes. I am understanding everything very clearly. It’s not just you sisters. But all of you are trying to torture me by showing me kindness. I don’t need your kindness. I am better at myself. And how did you think that I would join your team? You are all pathetic losers. Especially those twin brothers of yours. I can’t even make out which one of you is who. I have enough confusions on my life. I don’t want to add more. Especially with you guys. So, I want all of you to leave me alone from now on. I don’t want your help.” With this final word, he left me speechless in the cafeteria. What just happend in here? “What is going on? What was he saying to you?” I looked back to find that Faith was entering the cafeteria while looking back at Gordon. “I have no idea. I asked him to join our group. But he blabbered something about not needing our help or something before getting out. I didn’t understand half of it because of the speed he was going on.” I replied to Faith what I got out of his speech. “He is truly a crazy one. I tried to talk to him as well. But he just insulted me and stormed out of the library. Now he was insulting you in here. Truce and Mirth were right. We should have never talked to him in the first place.” “Yeah. You are right. After today, i will never try to talk to him again. If he wants to stay alone, let him be. And get all those crazy kind thoughts out of your head now.” I told Faith as she raised her hands in surrender and we ended up laughing at our own self. Maybe we are enough for our little group. After two classes ended, we went back to attend classes again. Gordon also did the same. But again with his weird looks. Nothing is changed. It was like we never talked to him in the first place. He is still sitting behind us and staring at us for the entire class. At the lunchtime, we all sat together on our bench and Callum started the conversation. “So, are we still on the mission?” “What mission? What are you talking about?” Mirth asked him, not understanding what he wants so say. But me and faith understood it very well. “I am talking about that weird guy, Gordon. Are we still going to ask him to join our group?” “No.. There is no need for that.” Faith replied quickly. “What happend to you? Wasn’t it your idea?” Emily asked her. “Hope and I already talked to him.” “Really. You two talked with him? Why didn’t you wait for us? What if he tried to hurt you while you were alone? What did that as*hole say?” Truce became angry to hear that we talked to him while they were not with us. “He clearly said that he is not interested in joining us. So, drop this matter here and never think about him again.” Faith said to them and digged in her food without looking up again. “What happend to her? Did he say something serious to you guys? Are you hiding something from us?” Emily whispered it in my ears. “He not only refused our offer, but he insulted us as well. This is not the place to tell you everything. If Truce and Mirth find out, they will kill Gorden today. So we are keeping this a secret. I will tell you everything later.” I whispered back at her. “Oh! So, things are much complicated that what I thought. I’m glad he refused the offer. I don’t like that guy at all. Even though he looks handsome and mysterious in a sexy way…” “Who looks handsome and Mysterious?” Callum heard Emily’s words and asked her. “No one.. Why do you need to know?” “I'm telling for the last time. Stop thinking about him, you understand. He is not good for you. Stay away from him.” Callum warned Emily like she is his girlfriend, making us all shocked. So, does that mean he has feelings for Emily?
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