Chapter : 5. The werewolf training..

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Hope’s point of view :- ------------------------- With another horrible morning wake up, our day started again. Today is Tuesday, our werewolf training day. Werewolf trainings are not that bad because with this excuse, our wolfs gets to run free for a little. Our wolfs doesn’t get much free time because we are always busy with our study and other trainings. And even if we are free, our parents don’t allow us to go out without any adults supervision. So they remain asleep inside for days. I hope today we can bring them out to train. “Good morning Callum. Where are our brothers?” I asked him when I found him waiting for us on the ground alone. Callum is the only one who trains with us on werewolf training days. Rest of our cousins are way too small to match with us. “Late as always.” “Those boys are never going to learn.” Faith replied to the news. “Should we go and wake them up? It’s going to be really fun this time.” A silly idea came into my mind and I became excited to think about the results of it. “That won’t be necessary. Your mom already did your job and they are on their way.” It’s Dad A’s turn to take care of our training. And he answered to my thought while coming on the ground. “Oh.. We missed the chance.” Dad A laughed to hear my depression about not getting a chance to tease our brothers, along with Callum. In result, he got an elbow on his stomach from me. “Ow.. What did I do?” He exclaimed in pain. “Don’t laugh at us if you want to live. Ever.” I silently threaten him and he showed me a zipped sign on his lips. “We are here.. We are here.. Wait for us.” Finally Truce and Mirth came running towards us. “Why are you running? I thought you two are not going to train with them?” Dad A asked them. “Mom said if we don’t come to the training at the right time, she will stop our allowance for two weeks. So we had to run..” Faith and I both laughed to hear that while our dad just smiled at his wife’s threat. The only person who didn’t show any reaction was Callum. Seeing him stand there emotionless, I showed him a punch and e understood what I want. In the next moment, he laughed out louder than all of us, shocking those who don’t know what just happend. It looks like my threats work on him way too well. “Okay. So let’s get started with your today’s training. Today we are going to improve your wolves’ abilities. I have placed two envelopes with coupons on them. Bring me the coupon and you will get a fifty dollars each. Now, all of you must be thinking, why two? At first I was about to keep one with a hundred dollars bill in it. But then I remember about my two little devil girls. I know Callum is going to be the one to get it first. And I also know that you two won’t hesitate to rob him in the next moment. That is why, I place two of them in different locations. Find it, bring it to me and take the money. Now, go and shift quickly to begin.” Ugh.. Not again. We never win in challenges like this. It’s always Callum and Truce who win. They are excellent in tracking. We will never get that money. “But dad. Is it safe to go into the forest separately? I mean, what if that bear comes again?” We were all thinking about how to win the money, while there was something else going through Faith’s mind. “Yes, sweetheart. I just came from there. There is nothing to be worried about. And I know that my children are strong enough to fight off whatever comes in that forest.” Hearing his words, a smile came onto Faith’s lips. She got the confidence she needed to take this challenge. After that, we went to our separate spots to open our clothes and shift. We girls have a special place, and the boys have their own. Faith and I quickly get rid of our clothes and in the next moment, the sound of bones cracking filled the ground. Once we were all shifted, we came back to our spots. Once we are shifted in our wolf forms, it’s really difficult to recognise us four because even our wolves look almost the same. The only difference among us is that Truce and Mirth’s wolves are a little taller than mine and Faith’s. They are an alpha male. So it’s natural for them to be bigger. And another way to separate us is that we are a little different in colour. Truce and Mirth are a deeper shade of brown. Truce is the deepest in between them. Faith and I are lighter shade of brown. Faith is the most lighter. But Callum is completely different from our wolves. His wolf is in gray shade. We also have names for our wolves, but we rarely use it. Their names are- Truce have Lupo, Mirth have Anax, Callum have Eos, Faith have Gaia, and I have Nala. Even though they are not that connected to us yet, but they will never back up from protecting each other. Our wolves might be different in soul, but they understand the value of brothers and sisters and we love them very much for it. “Are you guys ready to win the cash? Fifty dollars.. Who is going to get it..” We all showed our excitement at his question. ‘Nala.. We have to get that and prove how strong we are okay?’ ‘Okay.’ My wolf seems excited as me too. “On count of three. Ready? One.. Two.. Three.” Just as dad finished counting, all of us ran inside the forest with the will of winning. It’s not only a matter of money, it is also going to show whose wolf is more active than others. All of us chose different direction because we don’t know in which part of the forest he has hidden it in. I ran a little further from the ground and stopped to get an idea of the location. If I don’t get any clue which way to look, I will definitely become last in this game. ‘Nala. It’s up to you now. Can you smell it or sense something?’ I asked my wolf. It took her a minute before she gave me a reply. ‘I smell something unusual. Give me the control. I will take you there.’ I did as she said and gave her the control while I watched from the back of the mind where she was taking me. ‘How far is it?’ Nala kept running and running deeper into the forest. I was getting bored from all the run and finding nothing yet. ‘Not much. It’s really close. It’s right in front of us.’ Hearing it, I became excited. I am going to win this challenge before anyone else can get it. But I didn’t think that it was not the smell of the envelope dad hid in the forest, which Nala got. It was something unexpected, or should I say something dangerous, she got the smell off. I felt her getting excited as we were close to that smell. But just when we came into a little clearing, the creature in front made us halt on our way immediately, almost tripping in the process. My throat got dry to see the creature standing in front. It must be the same animal Faith saw yesterday. But it is not a bear. Instead, it is a big black wolf with red fire like eyes. Seeing me there, he turned around at me and started snarling at us by showing his canine teeth. It scared me a lot because even if it attacks me, there is a very slim chance of my survival because it was bigger and stronger than Nala. Going into an a fight with it means I lose. I have no idea what to do now. I can’t jump on him to attack and nighter can I back off because he might attack me from the back. But I wanted to take my steps back. Surprisingly, Nala was not scared of it like I was. Instead, she was forcing me to step forward. ‘Nala, what are you doing? We have to run.’ I told her in my mind. ‘No. Wait. He smells very familiar. Let me get a close to him and take a whiff. He is not going to hurt us.’ ‘No, Nala.. Stop. He will hurt us.’ I tried to stop her, but he was forcing me to move forward. I was slowly losing control of my body as she was completely taken over. But just as she took a few steps forward, that wolf barked at us and jumped on us to attack. Ducking his attack from below, we went to the other side and started running to get away from him. This time Nala understood that it is dangerous for us and ran as fast as she could. Looking back, I found that it was still following me. He is going to kill me today. ‘Nala.. What do we do? He is following us..’ ‘We need help..’ Saying this, she started howling as loud as she can to ask for help from our family. In less than a second, howls of reply came from all around us. I got released a little by finding out that my family is really close to me. I ran towards the nearest person of me and found Mirth running towards me with his full speed. I stopped on my way to see him cross me and stop a little close to the wolf behind me. That black wolf stopped following me by finding a help standing to protect me. Mirth also snarled at him to warn him, as it did to him. In the next second, all of my group was standing beside me ready to kill if necessary and they growled at him to dare to take a step forward. Seeing so many of us ready to attack us, he slowly backed up and ran out of that place. “Are you okay? Did it hurt you somewhere?” Truce came near me to check for any wound. “No. I managed to escape his attack.” I reply to him as they all came to me and rub their mane with my wolf to represent hug. “So, it’s not a bear. It’s a wolf. A big black wolf.” Faith looked back again to see if it’s coming again or not. “Kids.. Are you okay? What happened?” In the next moment, not only our parents, but our god parents also came there with the intention of fighting the danger away. “Everythings fine now. Everyone’s safe.” Callum stepped forward and gave them the news. “What happend?” “The animal Faith saw yesterday attacked Hope. It’s not a bear. It’s a werewolf.” Truce answered them. “A werewolf? Why would a werewolf attack their own princess?” “It doesn't look like a member of our group. It seemed more like against us.” I replied to them. “Are you trying to say that it was a Dark Moon Follower?” “Looks like it. And by the look of its size and color, I think it was the Dark Alpha himself.” Truce’s word made everyone gasp at it. “We should get back home now. If it was the Drak Alpha, there is a chance he will come back with rest of his team. We have to be prepared for that situation.” Mom announced it and everyone agreed with it. Soon we all went back to our home. Changing into our human form, we went inside home as our mom ordered. Everyone is quiet. Very quiet. Especially me. If you notice closely, you can see me still shaking in fear. It was actually a life-threatening moment for me. I have no idea why Nala was going near that monster all of a sudden. Isn’t she supposed to protect me from any danger? “Looks like they are not planning to attack today or else they might have gotten here by now.” Dad E said to others. “But that dosen’t mean they will never attack. If the Drak Alpha is here, it’s about time they do it. We have to be more careful from now on. Especially you kids. Their biggest target is you because you are the future of this unity.” Uncle Cody said it to us. “Yes, kids. He is right. You have to stay warned. Don’t go anywhere alone. And if you see something unusual, inform us first. For now, go to your room and get ready. You are getting late for school.” We didn’t argue to mom and did as she said. We have no energy left to say something up on them..
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