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My chest was burning with excitement from simply hugging him, it felt like I had an entire world of joy in my arms, like I had achieved a world goal.  “What are you doing?” The vibration of his deep and husky voice against my chest caused me to flinch.  He gently pushed me from him, looking confused. “What was that?” “You don’t know what a hug means?” “What was that for?” "Tristan.... I'm really confused, I don’t know where to begin.”  “Why did you just hug me?” He frowned again, walking towards the bed and took off his wristwatch, dropping it on the nightstand, as well as his phone, car keys and wallet.  “Tristan, there’s a big misunderstanding here.” I sauntered to him.  He sat on the bed and took off his shoes. “How? When? Why?” Lifting his figure to his feet, he shambled to the drag his travel bag to the wardrobes.  “How on Earth are you always so cold and mean to me?”  Still no response, he only started arranging his clothes into the wardrobe. I walked to stand beside him. “Tristan, you lo—” “Do you realize you’re bothering me?” he cut me off, still not sparing a glance at me.  “Why do you love me?”  My question seemed to place him in a state of shock as he dropped the cloth he was holding and froze in place for a few seconds before he finally turned to me. “Love you?” “How on Earth are you possibly so mean to someone you love?" “Love? Did Charlotte or Kye tell you anything? If yes, then they said total nonsense, just lies.” He continued arranging his clothes into his wardrobe, his bored look returning to its place. “No, they didn’t.” “Then what the hell are you talking about?” he snapped, fixing his gaze on me. “I can’t love anyone.” “I know you love me. You won’t admit it?” “If neither Charlotte nor Kye told you, I’m certain Nikita wouldn’t. There’s no other person who knows, else…” a frown returned to his face. “Hazel... Hazel…” he grasped my arms, tilting his head. “You read my diary?”  “N–no.”  “There’s no other way you’d have known. I forgot to keep my diary so you must have gone into my office without my permission and read my diary.” His electric blue eyes were starting to burn with fury.  “I— I didn’t.” “How dare you read my diary?! Don’t you understand how to stay away from me or anything that belongs to me? What the heck is your problem?” He let go of me, raking his fingers through his hair angrily. “Okay, I admit I read your diary and I’m sorry, it wasn’t intentional but that’s not the main point. Our entire marriage is just a misunderstanding. I didn’t get married to you because of money or anything, I didn’t even know that crazy woman asked for the expensive dowry.” I started but he didn’t seem like he was interested in listening to me but rather seemed like he wanted to strangle me for reading his diary.  “I didn’t receive money from Indy or anything of a sort but I only got married to you because—” “Did I ask you for any explanation? I’m more than pissed off right now. No one has ever dared to invade my private life and by reading my diary, you’ve crossed every line. This is a warning,” he pointed his index finger at me, “stay away from me or anything that belongs to me, else you’ll rue your decision for the rest of your life.” He started walking towards the door.  I grabbed his arm before he was out of arm reach; I couldn’t just let him leave without clarifying things.  “I married you because I love you.”  Every form of anger washed off his face but it didn’t last for so long. “I can never love anyone again.”  “You—” “Just because it was in my diary– you read that I have feelings for you but it’s all in the past, I don’t want to have anything to do with you or anyone else, don’t try to be close to me. My so-called feelings for you has vanished completely, I assure you. Never, I repeat, never touch my diary.”  He walked out of my hold then left for the bathroom.  This man was so annoying, what was his deal? How could he love me? And why wouldn’t he accept it? I sat on the bed, a headache was starting to find its way in my head like a heavy block of pain. “I need to talk to someone.” I felt so alone, there was no one to share everything with since Indy’s disappearance, she was always the one I could run to when I had an issue like this.  “Who on Earth… Charlotte!” A smile grew on my face.  Reaching for my purse, I slid my phone out of it and called Charlotte's phone.  “Hey, Hazel. You’ve arrived in my country? Do you love it? How is Tristan? Have you met any of our friends? Do you need to know anything? How are you? Is your honeymoon starting greatly?” She asked at once after she answered the call.  I chuckled. “Calm down.”  “Sorry, I’m just really excited right now. Kye is plea…” She trailed off, clearing her throat. “I’m sorry, I'm just too excited and saying nonsense. Why did you call?” “I realized that since Indy left, I really need a female friend." “Oh my God, I’ve waited my whole life to hear you say that!” Uh? “To be best friends with my husband’s best friend’s wife.” Oh… I chuckled again. “There’s a kinda issue and I just figured out that you’re aware of the fact that Tristan… loves me…” “How do you know he has feelings for you?” Her tone sounded serious this time.  “I accidentally stumbled upon his diary and figured out that he has feelings for me. I tried to explain to him that I didn’t get married to him as a gold-digger but because I’ve been in love with him for so many years now.” “In LOVE?!”  “Y–yes.”  “Oh my gosh. Did you let Tristan know this?” “I tried to— I did but he was instead mad at me for reading his diary and doesn’t want to have anything to do with me. He threatened me to stay away from him.”  “Tristan knows you read his diary? And you’re still alive?!” This woman was so dramatic.  “Listen woman, you’re one lucky person. Tristan would’ve murdered anyone else who dares to invade his personal life. “I can’t believe you also like him, this is amazing. Tristan is very emotionally unstable. I don’t know how but I think you’ve managed to create a spot for yourself in his heartless heart. You shouldn’t just give up on him. Tristan really likes you and you just have to add more effort to make him yours. He really needs you in his life. The good news is, I'm here for you.”  “How on Earth is he so… the way he is?” “Just don’t give up on him, no matter how harsh, rude or disrespectful he might be. He’s still a nice person if you get to know him well. He’ll still be so angry today or tonight so you should let him be, he should be fine by tomorrow, hopefully.” 
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