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“Good morning.” I greeted Tristan who was typing away on his laptop. Of course he didn’t respond to me so I walked away, grabbed a nice and comfy dress to wear.  “Wear something else.” Tristan’s deep voice said from behind me. I turned to him but he was still staring at his laptop’s screen.  “Why?”  “We’ll have to attend a party, it’s business-related. So we're going to buy new clothes today, for you to wear to the party. Be ready in twenty minutes.” “I’m sorry about reading your diary last night but I think we have to resolve this misunderstanding.”  “Hazel, be ready in twenty minutes, we shouldn’t be late.”  Gosh, this man is so annoying! ***  ~ TRISTAN ~ “Dile que se reúna conmigo en el auto. (Tell her to meet me in the car).” I said to one of my bodyguards. "Okay.”  I got into the car and waited for Hazel for a few more minutes before she arrived with the bodyguard in a sexy red dress that hugged her perfect curves and was showing a decent amount of her cleavage.  “I’m sorry for taking longer than I was ordered to.” She apologized sarcastically and got into the car. I internally rolled my eyes at her then instructed the driver to start the car.  “I’m not a gold-digger, Indy lied to me that you agreed for me to switch places as your bride.” Why on Earth was she still insisting on clarifying things? “You’re bothering me.”  A frown appeared on her face. “So annoying.” She huffed, turning her head away.  I was trying so hard not to believe her but she wasn’t helping and I was really mad at her for reading my diary, all of my secrets must’ve been out. I was going to burn every one of my diaries when we returned home.  She said she loved me last night; absolute nonsense! These lies of being loved. I could never fall in love again and let history repeat itself.  It was better to stay away from something than test it. My feelings for this so-called wife were going to disappear someday, I was certain of that.  The drive lasted for a while, I was trying my best to not pay attention to the fact that a crazily sexy woman was sitting beside me but I couldn’t help but glance at her at different intervals.  The car parked in front of the clothes store. Someone opened the door for us.  I got out of the car after her then we walked into the store.  “¡Bienvenido, señor Hendrix!” The familiar cherry woman welcomed us.  “Mi esposa y yo estamos aquí por un vestido formal para ella. (My wife and I are here for a formal dress for her.)” “Ah…veo. Follow me.”  I held the small of Hazel's back (an action I secretly loved doing), and followed the woman to a room containing multiple clearly expensive dresses on mannequins. “Let me know your choice.” She smiled then left the room.  “Okay, choose about twenty or fifty dresses, I’ll decide the best dresses for you and we’ll purchase them if you like them.” I said, slipped my phone out and sat on a random high stool, typing away on my phone.  After a few minutes, I started hearing men's voices and shifted my gaze from my phone to two men standing behind Hazel who was still selecting dresses.  “These dresses are really amazing.” She said to herself.  “¿No es ella tan sexy? (Isn’t she so sexy?)” one of them said with a sly smile.  “Estoy de acuerdo contigo. (I agree with you).” The other added with a chuckle, staring at her lustfully.  “Podríamos ofrecerle mucho dinero por una noche. Sin duda, puede complacernos enormemente.  (We can offer her a lot of money for a night. She will certainly pleasure us greatly).” He chuckled. I swear my brain caught fire from their words. Hazel only glanced at them with a smile which they returned. How on earth didn’t she pay attention to the fact that they were undressing her with their eyes.  “¿Darás el primer paso? (You'll make the first move?)”  “Si, un poco de dinero puede hacer (Yes, a little money can do.)” He advanced towards us.  With great exasperation, I returned my phone to my pocket and with clenched fists, stormed to them. Did they think of her as a f*****g p********e or something? These men were insane! I felt like sending multiple punches to their faces but I was a celebrity and such things could harm my image so I instead went to stand behind Hazel, wrapping my arms around her slender waist and planted a gentle kiss on the crook of her neck.  The dress she was holding dropped to the floor and her body froze in place.  “Uh… what are you doing, Tristan?”  “Don’t react weirdly, just play along, else some people would have their noses broken.” I tightened my embrace, pulling her closer to me and slowly turned so I could fix my eyes on the perverts.  “Mi hermosa esposa. Puedo arruinar o incluso matar a cualquier pervertido que se atreva a mirarte con lujuria. Estos dos idiotas se arrepentirán de haber nacido alguna vez si alguna vez piensan en ti de manera tan sucia o piensan siquiera en tocar a 'mi mujer'.  (My very beautiful wife. I can ruin or even kill any p*****t who dares to stare at you lustfully. These two idiots will regret that they were ever born if they ever think of you so filthily or think of even touching 'my woman').” I said with a glare at the men so they understood my message properly, trailing gentle kisses to her cheek and shoulder. With widened eyes, they both left our presence but the beautiful feel of her skin and her wonderful scent had intoxicated me too much, I didn't want to stop yet.  I continued kissing her shoulders and neck, the wonderful feeling of having my waist in my waist had overtaken my ability to think properly. Right now, it felt like one of my billionaire goals had been reached. “Tristan,” I let go of her immediately, snapping back to reality. “Why did you just do that?” “I wanted to pass a message to those men. Forget it.” “Forget it? You can’t just expect to act so romantic towards me then expect me to forget it? Do you know how you just made me feel?” If only she understood that my action made me feel more than weird; a feeling in my entire body that didn’t want me to stop touching her, if she knew how hard it was for me to resist her every time, she would probably not press on about this.  “Are you done selecting the dresses?*  “I guess so, but you can’t keep avoiding every question.”  “I don’t have interest in you. The internet is supposed to believe we’re on our honeymoon and we’re very much in love like we’re a real couple so ignore every one of my actions towards you when we’re outside.” "You only care about the internet or your fans? We need to sort this misunderstanding out.” Gosh, could she stop bothering me? I wanted to be with her but I 'needed’ to be very far away from her for things to be fine, I didn’t want to get hurt and be ruined again. “What is—” “Will you stop it!” I snapped at her. “Let’s go now.” “I haven’t selected the—” I cut her off by grabbing her hand and storming out of the room with her.  “Tristan, you’re walking too fast!” She exclaimed.  I pretended to not pay attention to her but of course I didn’t want to cause her to trip and fall and then get hurt so I slowed my steps. “Selecciona los mejores y más caros vestidos para ella y luego dáselo a uno de mis hombres. (Select the best and most expensive dresses for her then give it to one of my men).” I said to the woman then left the store with Hazel and to our car.  “You can leave,” I said to the driver after reaching for the necessary items. “Is everything in order? I hope there’s no problem?” I asked Rob, my personal assistant. “Yes, sir. The hotel is ready and to your taste.”  I intertwined my fingers with Hazel’s and started walking.  “Fake romance for the public?”  I hummed a response and could tell she rolled her eyes.  Though I wanted the world to think we were a perfect couple, and I was only doing such things for the public, something inside of me genuinely loved them; holding her, pretending to be a perfect couple… and believe me, I hated myself for it. I didn’t want my heart to be restored but sometimes, being around her was starting to make me feel the beats of my heart that had been long-gone, and I didn’t want that either.  I couldn’t help myself, I had no idea why but every part of me secretly craved her touch, her lips… I had to stop thinking of this nonsense.  “I enjoy going on walks. Indy and I loved it. Letting the wonderful breeze sweep our skin,” I noticed her smile from my sideways glance.  Indy… I still hadn't heard anything from her, I was worried about her but I hoped she was safe. Trying not to sound interested, I replied, “it also makes me feel calm, it washes away my worries.”  “What can you ever worry about when you have everything you want with just a word and money?” She chuckled.  “Money doesn’t buy happiness or true love.”  The rest of the walk was silent till we finally arrived at the train station and got into the train, taking our seats. “Where are we going?” She asked. “This is supposed to be our honeymoon so we should have every form of romantic activities.” “Where are we going?” “The nearest beach is 6 hours away. We’ll spend about two days there.” “You seem to be very familiar with Spain and how do you understand Spanish?” She asked with a smile.  “I spent most of my summer breaks here in Spain and even had an entire year of school here so that’s enough time to understand the language well enough. This country is a very important part of my childhood. “During my one-year of staying here, I met Charlotte. She was like a younger sister to me at first till we became friends, then she moved to the United States with her family through my help, and I helped Kye get close to her.” “So you’re kinda the reason they are married?” “In a way, yes.” She chuckled. “The country must definitely be close to your heart and you must be very famous here too, right?” “Yes, the country and the language are very close to my heart and I’m very famous in Spain too but I’m not well known here in Seville and the location of the beach, so we can have some privacy.” I said and felt my lips stretch to a smile. “If you insist on being so far away from me then why would you want to spend an entire two days with me so we can have some 'privacy'.” She air-quoted 'privacy’. “Why would you even go on our honeymoon?” I had also been asking myself that question.  Shifting my gaze to her, my smile disappeared. “It’s our honeymoon. Some people were starting to question the fact that we didn’t go on our honeymoon.” “You care about people’s opinion so much but not even my feelings or yours, whether or not you’re hurting both of us.”  “Yes, I care about my reputation.” She stared directly into my eyes, her hazel eyes flashing with different emotions I couldn’t describe.  “I love you, Tristan.” She cut her gaze off with a sigh, resting her head on my shoulder. “I don’t know why and how but despite how terrible you are, I still love you…”  How could she claim to 'love' me? Love was an emotion I had vowed to hate and never associate with for the rest of my life, an emotion I didn’t want to ever experience again.  With Hazel around me, I hoped the vow wasn’t going to change.
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