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Tristan didn’t return home last night and neither was he home this morning. I had packed my bags for the so-called honeymoon but still no sign of him. Despite my numerous calls, no response. “Where is Tristan?” I asked a random man who suddenly approached me. “I have no idea.” “Gosh, I've been trying to call him since yesterday but no response. What’s going on?” “I really have no idea. I was only told to drive you to the airport. He said you shouldn’t be late.” I let out a heavy sigh. “Please pack my bags.” “Of course, I will.” He bowed politely. I left for our room to give him and another man my bags then locked the door after they left, stripped my clothes off then got into a long black rhinestones velvet dress, applied makeup on my face, wore a pair of silver matching heels, re-straightened my hair, grabbed my purse from the nightstand then left the room for the car downstairs. Mike opened the car door for me with a small smile on his lips. “I’ll miss you.” He sighed. “Me too.” I gave him a friendly hug before getting into the car and he shut the door. The driver turned around and got in too, zooming off. “The airport…” “Yes.” He replied though it wasn’t a question. I slouched back in my seat, my mind was still racing through different thoughts, mostly associated with his diary from yesterday. My brain was still trying to process the words, it didn't feel real at all. There was no way Tristan loved me. He hadn’t answered my calls, increasing the rate at which I was going crazy. How could Tristan love me? When? Or was it a dream I had last night? He was always so cold and not even a hint of him loving me was expressed. I was still as confused as hell, I needed to speak to him immediately. Everything was all just a big misunderstanding... He loves me, I do too, my fantasies were finally going to come true? This was still so damn hard to believe. The drive lasted for about two hours before we arrived at the airport. As I got out of the car, hot bodyguards in tuxedos and sunglasses started surrounding me. At first, I was startled but then I remembered I was Tristan’s wife so such dramatic things ought to be expected. “This way, Mrs. Hendrix.” A random man appeared out of nowhere and said, leading me to where I prayed Tristan was. After a while, he finally stopped then left. “Tristan,” I smiled, heaving a sigh of relief to finally digest the sight of this excessively good-looking man again. He only glanced at me, still having that crazy frigid exterior on, then continued talking to whoever he was calling on the phone. “Okay.” He hummed. “Sir, the large cabin jet is ready.” A familiar man said with a polite bow, looking quite nervous. He placed the phone away, casting a dangerous glare at the man. “Stupid.” “I’m sorry, sir.” He apologized. “Let’s go.” He held the small of my back, returning the phone to his ear. “Tristan, we need to talk.” I said as he started walking. “Okay.” I couldn’t tell whether he replied to me or who he was calling but I was starting to feel kind of sweaty, feeling more nervous now that he was with me and I knew the truth. “It’ll be fine.” Okay, it wasn’t me he was talking to. We got into the jet, sitting at opposite sides of each other. “Tristan, we have to talk.” He glared at me but didn’t say anything. How could anyone be this mean to someone they loved? This made no sense. He dropped the phone angrily. “Tristan,” I called again. This time, his glare was scarier. “Don’t you understand that I'm not in the mood to talk to you? I’m very furious right now and you’re pestering me.” He yelled. He was clearly not in the mood to talk and settle things so I was going to wait till we arrived in Spain, I guess. I shifted my attention to the jet, only paying attention to the fact that I was in a jet for the first time, in something that probably cost millions of dollars. “Stupid men everywhere.” He then continued muttering angry words to himself with clenched fists. This man had to deal with his anger problems first before I spoke to him. *** Tristan was the first to walk out of the jet, not even bothering to wait for me. Without wasting any time, I grabbed my clutch then rushed to meet him. “Take her to the hotel.” He said to a man. What was seriously wrong with this dude? He hadn’t calmed down at all and still didn’t let me talk to him, his grumpiness was pissing me off so much but the fact that he loved me made me feel calmer and more than eager to talk to him. It was definitely going to be best to let him know at the hotel. I followed the man to a limousine then he opened the car door for me. “Where am I going?” I asked him. “Seville, the driver will drive you to your hotel.” He said, maintaining a bold face. I got into the limo while he shut the door. Sinking deep in the chair, I rested my head against the car window, letting the darkness from sleep overtake my vision. *** “We are here, Ma’am.” I was woken by someone gently tapping my shoulder. Squeezing my face, I slowly opened my eyes, greeted by the blinding lights around the walls of the hotel building. I yawned, grabbed my purse and got out of the car. Different hefty men served as my bodyguard again as one of them directed me into the hotel and to our hotel room. “Here’s the card. Bienvenido a España (Welcome to Spain).” He handed a card over to me. “Thank you.” I gave him a small smile which he politely returned, walking out of my sight. Worming the card into the right hole, I opened the door and flicked the switch on, immediately greeted by the amazing red and white interiors of the room, clearly a presidential suite; There was a king-sized bed with a red duvet on it as well as red pillows, five red sofas in front of the bed with a silver center table, nightstands by each side of the bed, a standard wardrobe, and other white furniture, a large television, beautiful red paintings on the white walls, silver chandeliers, a balcony— it was like the combination of a living room and a bedroom. In all, it was more than beautiful and very spacious. “Gosh, I love this place.” I shut the door. My mind instantly returned to Tristan. This was stupid and annoying, I couldn’t be aware of the fact that he loved me and remain quiet about it. Was he doing this intentionally? I had a seat on one of the sofas, trying to call his phone but to no avail. After about an hour of waiting while constantly dozing off, there was a large thud against the door that roused me from my slumber. Tristan slowly walked in, still not smiling but this time he wasn’t frowning so dangerously. “You’re still awake?” He walked towards me, shoving his hands into his pants pockets. Seeing him made my breath quicken once again, a weird emotion started building up… like fear of letting him know I knew the truth… it suddenly felt like my lips had been glued together, I didn’t know where to begin. “Are you okay?” He sounded genuinely concerned. “You said we need to talk? Did you seriously still stay awake this late just to talk? Can't it be tomorrow?” Without thinking twice, I rose to my feet and pulled him into a really tight hug.
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