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~ HAZEL ~   “Hi, Charlotte.” I grinned.    “Hey, how’s everything now? Have you resolved your misunderstandings yet? Should I get ready to be an Aunt?”    “An Aunt?” I burst into laughter.    “Yes, you and Tristan’s babies.” I heard her laugh too from the other end of the line.     “Tristan still insists on not loving me. He won’t let us resolve our differences. We are in an extremely beautiful beach house now and we’ll be here for 2 days.”   “That’s great, Tristan loves swimming. Don’t worry, everything will be fine. It’ll take a while for him to accept his feelings for you again but it’ll be fine, just don’t give up on him. I’m so glad you have feelings for him too.”   “I don’t know, it makes me feel weird. He’s so mean to me but I just can’t unlove him, if that’s a thing.”   “Don’t you dare stop loving him.” She threatened jokingly. “He’ll accept your love soon, you should also take the first steps. Have you tried to kiss him?”   “No?”   “If he receives a kiss from you, he might not be able to control himself anymore and admit to his feelings for you. How can anyone resist someone as hot as you?” I could feel myself blushing from her compliment.    The door to the beach house was opened and Tristan strolled in with his phone on his ear.    “Okay… yes… bye.”   “I’ll call you later, bye.” She said and the call ended after a beep sound.    Tristan walked towards me on the bed with a small smile on his face, an expression that seemed like it only appeared on his face once in a million years.    “Hey,”   “You definitely look excited today.”    “Yes, I am. I received a contract and I’m quite excited about it. Please get into your swimsuit, it should be in the wardrobe.” He laid his lower half on the bed.   “Okay…”    I walked to the white wardrobe that matched the white-themed bedroom and grabbed the bikini from it, left for the bathroom to get into it then returned to the bedroom.    Due to my  presence, Tristan’s eyes widened and he jerked to sit up straight.    Walking back to the wardrobe, I could feel his gaze on me, it was beginning to feel uncomfortable.    I finally found a robe in the wardrobe and slipped it out.    “What are you doing?” He rode to his feet, advancing towards me.    My eyebrows quirked at him. “Wearing a robe.”    “Why?” He stopped in front of me, clearly checking me out. How on Earth could he say he felt nothing for me with the way his electric blue eyes had a burning gaze that didn’t portray lust but a different and soothing emotion.    “I don’t feel comfortable wearing a bikini publicly. There’ll be tons of people out there staring at me.”   “You don’t like your body? You don’t think your body is good enough?” He frowned.   “No… I just don’t feel comfortable. I don’t have to swim, I’ll just watch.” I turned towards the wardrobe to check for something else to wear.   Tristan’s arm wrapped around my waist and swiftly turned me to him, his frown still present. “I don’t like the fact that you’re not comfortable with your body. I hate it when women like you don’t think their body is good enough. You should know your body is perfect and not care about others—”   “Tristan,” what the heck was wrong with him? “I love my body, I know it’s perfect, but I don’t like revealing too much of it around strangers.”   “Oh…” his frown gradually left his face and he unwrapped his arm from around my waist. “Fine, I can make the entire beach ours for two days.” He moved closer to me and my instinct warned me to step backwards but of course, the dumb wardrobe just had to be behind me to stop my movement while he held my waist, sending butterflies to my tummy.    His eyes scanned me from head to toe . This time, they were filled with lust while he gently caressed my outline. “I’m your husband, right? So you shouldn’t be shy around me.” He brushed a few strands of straightened dark brown hair from my face, staring at my lips like he was begging to possess them. “The beach can be ours for a day, two days or even a week, if it means I can stare at you— that body for…”    Remembering Charlotte’s words, I cut him off by cupping his face, stood on my tiptoes then pressed my lips to his.    I had expected him to push me away but he seemed more interested in the kiss than I was, tilting his head to deepen it, his arm went around my waist to pull my body closer to his chest, gently caressing my bare back skin.    My stomach was bubbling with the greatest excitement there could ever be, every part of my lips and throat were burning with pleasure as his lips kept performing wonders to mine; this was the pure definition of on cloud nine.    This was the best kiss of my entire life. I couldn’t explain the extent to its awesomeness, something was pushing me to believe that the kiss wasn’t enough. He's my husband, right?   “I love you, Tristan.” I said between the kiss but immediately regretted it after he pulled away from me like an electrocution occurred.   He looked like he just realized what happened, the lust in his eyes was now replaced with anger, towards me or not, I wasn’t aware.   “Why did you just kiss me?”    “You kissed me too. Your gesture started it. Why won’t you admit to me that you love me? You’d rent the entire beach just to stare at my body? Why are you trying so hard to stay away from me when it’s hard for both of us? Why are you afraid of agreeing that you love me?”    “I don’t love you.” He barked. I swear I felt my life jump out of me and return after a second from the way he yelled.    “Lies.”   “I can’t love anyone, not you, not anyone! I admit I had feelings for you but it’s all dead.”   “Dead? Your action just made it obvious, you want me.”    “Are you crazy? There’s a difference between lust, having short-term feelings for a person, and love. You should never interchange any for the other. I can never love anyone again.   “Why would you think I’ll magically fall in love with you? Who the hell do you think you are? The world's most special person that can easily have Tristan Shane Hendrix? You’re nothing to me, absolutely nothing!” He continued to holler.    I felt a pang of pain in my heart. Nothing?   “Just because of the words of some stupid diary, you think everything will change between us? If I get close to you, it’s simply pure lust and just like a one-night stand deal with a great offer, but I can never fall in love with someone like you, stop thinking so highly of yourself by trying to get close to me. You’re nothing but a middle-class woman to me.” He didn’t care that he was hurting my feelings.   “We'll return to Seville in a few hours, we have to attend the party tomorrow.” With that, he stormed out of the beach house.   It felt like my heart had been stabbed with a burning arrow of agony.   I was hurt, furious, embarrassed, broken, regretful, unsure of how to feel anymore.    ***    “Tristan said all of that to you?!” Charlotte screamed over the phone.    I wanted to speak but I felt something at the back of my throat that didn’t let me. I had promised myself that I wasn’t going to cry for being reminded of the worthless person I was by the one I loved the most.    “He is crazy, I know.” I heard her sigh. “I’ll make sure Kye talks to him, I’ll try to too but I’m more than certain he didn’t mean anything he said to you.”   I scoffed. “How can someone be so mean to someone he loves? Just a one-night stand with a lot of money? Am I a slut to him?”   “Listen Hazel,” Kye spoke, “I’m sorry for eavesdropping, Charlotte, but I have to interfere. Hazel, I understand Tristan more than anyone else in this world.   “I’m not supporting him here, he’s crazy for saying such mean things to you like you’re nobody but I can assure you that he meant none of those things he said. Tristan had tried to hurt me and our friendship almost broke but that was before I was able to understand him well enough. He says things to intentionally hurt the other person if he really wants to let go of something but he can’t.    “I shouldn’t be telling you this but I have to— Tristan really likes you. Even if he loves you, he won’t admit it because of a few things related to his past which I assume he’ll let you know when it’s the right time.” He cleared his throat. “He must’ve said all he said to you to hurt you intentionally but he’s hurting himself more, he wants and needs you more than anyone else but he won’t admit it and it’s up to you to make him do so.”   “Of course, he won’t ever apologize to you,” Charlotte added, “but if he’s truly sorry, it’ll be very evident in his eyes and his behavior, he’ll look extremely sorry, but only to the ones he cares about.”   “If he apologizes to you then I’ll have to believe you’re some kind of heavenly queen or something.” Kye said and they both chuckled.    “Please do not give up on him. I have a plan to help with the misunderstanding between you.” I couldn’t see her but her tone sounded like she smirked. 
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