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~ TRISTAN ~   “Has she arrived at the hotel yet?”    “Yes, sir.” Rob said with a polite bow of his head, taking his leave.    I heaved a sigh of relief that she had agreed to return. It was so stupid of me to have angrily left her and returned then ask someone to bring her here.   Sleep had felt so difficult last night because my mind kept racing through the words I had said to her. Of course I didn’t mean any of them and didn’t intend to say them but I had to. I was starting to get too close to her and I didn’t want that at all.    I got out of the car, walked into the hotel and used an elevator to convey me to our hotel room floor.    I was starting to think I was being excessively mean to her and though I didn’t want it to, it was hurting me so badly which made absolutely no sense.   The doors re-opened and I strutted out of it to our hotel room door and opened it.    “… then what? So stupid.” She huffed, trying to pull the zipper of her dress up.    I quietly shut the door and walked to her, helping her with the zipper of the dress.    She flinched, attempting to hit me but her hand froze mid-air. “Oh, it’s you.” She sounded disappointed to see me.    “Uh…” I scratched the back of my neck. There was absolutely no way I was nervous to talk to her. “You’re ready for the party.”   She didn’t respond to me but walked away to her shoes, slipping her feet into a pair of silver heels that matched her grey knee-length gown.   No one walked away from Tristan Shane Hendrix, but it was going to slide this once because I had offended her.    “Hazel,” I called but she still didn’t respond to me.    She returned to the vanity mirror to straighten her hair.    “Leave your hair in its normal form, I prefer it that way.” I said, taking a seat in one of the sofas.    “You can’t decide what I do with my life or my hair.” She replied indifferently.   I watched her till she straightened her hair, rose from the vanity chair then grabbed her purse and started typing on her phone.   “We can finally leave?” I asked.    “I’ll meet you in the car, I have to make a phone call.” How on Earth did she learn how to sound so cold overnight?   “Hello,” she said to whoever was on the other end of the line, taking a seat on the bed with one of her legs over the other, showing off her thighs.    It felt like my head was spinning at the sight of her smooth skin, I felt the need to caress it and have those legs around my waist… wait, what was wrong with me? Why was I feeling this way? I had seen women in short dresses that showed off their thighs but none of them had ever made me feel like I was losing my mind. What did Hazel possess that always affected me this much?   “I'm so sorry, ma’am. I’m still in Spain but hopefully, I’ll return very soon because I’m sick of this place.” She said, fiddling with her fingernails.    I didn’t mention that we were returning anytime soon. Or did I in an angry state?   “… no, it's nothing… I’ll be back to bake a lot to repay you for the time, you can hire someone in the meantime…” she chuckled. “Yes, I can assure you we won’t be spending much time here because nothing makes sense anymore, there’s no point in a honeymoon that’s useless...”   Useless?!   “… it’s nothing… no, not at all… yes, ma’am… okay, bye.” She ended the call, shoving her phone into her purse.    “Hazel,” I strutted to her. A weird emotion was running in my body that she had just tagged our honeymoon as 'useless'. “Useless? Seriously?”   She frowned at me, opening her mouth to speak but no words came out of it.   “If last night has made you this way…” I trailed off, unable to apologize. I never apologized to anyone anymore and apologizing was very weird and impossible to me.   “You clearly have nothing to say, I’ll find the car myself.” She walked away from me but I grabbed her arm, pulling her back.   “You just called your boss, right? If you like baking so much then I can create your own bakery store. You like cooking? I’ll open a restaurant for you.”   She frowned at me, releasing her arm from my grip then walked out of the hotel room.    No one had ever ignored me this much. I would’ve been very pissed off and never talked to a person if they ignored me this much but I think I deserved this treatment.    I switched off the lights then left the room, running after her and got into the elevator before it closed.    She was typing away on her phone, not paying any attention to my presence. Rude!   “Hazel,” I called again. Of course she still didn’t respond to me, focusing on her phone like she was staring at a life goal finally coming true.    I sincerely didn’t have anything to say to her but I didn’t want a silent treatment from her.    Walking out of the elevator, our bodyguards started surrounding us till we got into the car.    She returned her attention to her phone while the driver started the car.    After about twenty minutes of her staring at her phone, “Hazel,” I called again but no response. “You can’t possibly ignore me forever.”   Still no response.    A growl escaped my throat. “I hate being ignored!” I snapped, frustration was running through my blood already. How could anyone ignore 'me' this much?    “Do you realize you’re bothering me? If you don’t like being ignored then it’s not my problem. Stop pestering me if you don’t want to be ignored because sitting with you is so frustrating and your voice is giving me a terrible headache, you’re bothering me.” Her tone was churlish but for some reasons, I considered it very sexy.   Sincerely, I couldn’t figure out the perfect words to reply to her with. Was I supposed to be angry? Sad? Frustrated? Or keep quiet and let her be since this was what I wanted; to not have anything to do with her? I had no idea so I kept quiet, hoping she was going to be calmer later and not treat me this way.   About an hour later, the driver pulled over in front of the grand hall for Mr. Hernández's 20-year company anniversary.    Someone opened the car door for me.    Being the gentleman I was taught to be, I extended my hand to Hazel but she ignored it and stepped out of the car on her own.    I cleared my throat, tugging at the lapel of my suit coat to avoid things from looking weird.    “Mr. Hernández is hosting a party for his company’s 20-year anniversary. He was friends with my father then we had a business relationship with him. He’ll be very excited to see you, he has been bothering me about you, be nice to him.”   “As long as he’s not as terrible as you are then it’s fine.”    Oh God, what had seriously gotten into this woman overnight? She was being me.   Bodyguards started surrounding us and flashes from different cameras around us.    Just for the public, I placed my hand on the small of her back.    I immediately regretted my decision to touch her after she stylishly wiggled my hand off her body.   Was this really how people felt when I ignored them?   This had to be the most frustrating day of my life. 
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