7: Drunk Hazard

1106 Words
LISA The aftermath of that fateful night left me shaken, my mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Despite the assurance that I was safe, the weight of my secret bore down on me like an anchor dragging me into the depths of uncertainty. Being a werewolf was not something one could hide for long, not with the less sharper senses and instincts than Lycans. And should I mention how I’m technically not even fully a wolf since I haven’t met mine yet. Thinking of what The Executioner will do to me when he finds out makes me shudder in trepidation. I was alone in my tent. On edge and close to shaking with fear. Every little sound made me jump. And a voice in my head kept chanting I’ve been found out. They are coming to kill me. If the rest of the people died a quick death. Mine is going to be slow. It made the small hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention. Pacing back and forth, I tried to push aside the fear and anxiety clawing at my insides. But each step only echoed the turmoil within me, a constant reminder of the danger lurking beneath the surface. The hours passed in agonizing slowness. I’d gotten tired of pacing and sat on the sleeping bag in the tent. My anxiety didn’t let me relax even for a minute and I found myself standing back up and continuing to pace. Sound of footsteps that weren’t mine made me freeze. Then I turned around sharply. My breath caught in my throat when I saw the man who had claimed me publicly without batting an eyelash. The man who ruined my life even before I started living it. The Executioner’s presence was a hollow blanket. And wraps around me tightly, stealing my breath and making me shake. He doesn’t say anything. His eyes just make a slow perusal of me. From head to toe. Only the fear I had for him stopped me from moving. Because I’ve heard of him severing people’s heads from their bodies because they moved the wrong way in his presence. I ball my hands into tight fists. Like that would stop the shakes. Inherently, it didn’t. It only seemed to get worse. I wish he would just tell me what he wants and get it over with. Then at least I would know he hasn’t found out the truth. But his silence and the look he was giving me. Both were a terrible combination. “How are you settling in?” His deep voice makes my shoulders shake. He takes a step forward, moving closer to me and I have to force myself to stay still. “I don’t believe it has been easy.” I glared at his feet. Is this man for real? He attacked our camp, killed all the werewolves he could find and then claimed me as his. And now he is trying to empathize with me? He has got to be kidding. Before I could think of speaking, I felt his hand on my face. Sparks shoot up my body from where he was touching me, to the juncture between my thighs. My breath stills as he strokes my chin with his thumb. “So soft.” I could have sworn he said that. But I wasn’t sure. I was barely hearing anything past the sound of my heart beating in my ears. He pulls away sharply, dropping his hands. He gave me one last look. Emotions I couldn’t decipher in his eyes before he walked out of the tent just as he came in. I was left shocked and confused in the middle of the room. Wondering what that was all about. When I hear footsteps again, I assume it’s him so I don’t even bother turning. “You’re going to pay for this, you slut!” I screamed in horror as a hand clamps over my mouth and I felt a hard body behind me. He reeked of alcohol and blood and sweat. And the rough way he was tugging at me didn’t look like he was coming for peace. Claude.m. How did he find me? How is he alive? With a deep breath to steady my nerves. I tried to turn so I could be facing him. He forces my face away roughly. “Don’t move. Stupid b***h. I’ll deal with you.” He growls in my ear. I let out a scream which was muffled by his hand. He wasn’t giving up but I’m not about to give up either. I just survived an interaction with The Executioner. I’m not going to lose my life at his hands. “My whole pack was killed. Because of you.” His voice shook with anger. And something else I couldn’t help but name sorrow. “My Alpha. My friends. Everyone.” I shook my head. As much as I could, with the way he was holding me. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t my fault. The people I knew and grew up with were also killed. Even if they didn’t like me and they always bullied me. They were all still all the family I had left. And now they were all gone. “I should have known you were a devil beneath your innocent facade. You slept with a man even after I’d claimed you as mine.” His hold was getting tighter around my throat. I could barely breathe at this point. Stars were starting to dance in my vision. And all the strength I had to fight was fading. Please, God. Help. I can’t die like this. I’ve tricked death twice already. Third time is always the charm. And this might be the end. “Fuck.” Claude shoves me roughly, making me land on the floor with a hard thud. He stands over me as I pant. Trying to catch my breath. His eyes wide and red rimmed. Something violent lurks in his gaze and murderous. I started crawling back, seeing the crazed look he had. He didn’t seem like he was in his senses and I have to— I screamed when he grabbed me by my legs and started dragging me. I could only hold onto the sleeping bag which didn't offer much of an anchor. No. No. No. No. I screamed in my head when he kept pulling me. When he reached the exit of the tent. He turned and gave me a cruel smile. Something hard connects with my head. Causing pain to shoot through my skull. It all goes dark after that.
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