8: Taken

1018 Words
RHYSAND I didn’t go far from Lisa’s tent when I heard a strange noise. At first I disregarded it. Thinking it was just one of the detained people making a scene. We see a lot of those. But when the sound came again, louder this time. I realized it was coming from her tent. I didn’t know when my body started heading in that direction. I rushed back to Lisa's tent the moment her scream pierced the night again. A primal instinct propelling me forward to her. The need to protect taking a hold of me. It was an emotion I wasn’t familiar with. But it didn’t feel so bad. When I arrived at her tent. Or the place her tent was. My worst fears were realized. If I hadn’t been there a few minutes ago. I wouldn’t have guessed there was a well standing tent there. All I was seeing now was just wasted pieces of material and broken sticks. The tent lay in ruins, a testament to something bad. One I didn’t even want to guess. If the place looks like this. Then I really didn’t want to know what happened. I just wanted to know who had a hand in it. Gritting my teeth in frustration, I turned to my men, a fire burning in my eyes. "Find whoever did this. Now." I barked out the command. Rage was burning through me. Thinking someone dared to do this. Right under our noses. And they had gotten away with it. Not for long. My nostrils flared as the men returned. They needed no further urging. They were quick on their feet, calling all available and our best warriors. We mobilized, got weapons at the ready, determination driving us forward. Lisa's safety was paramount, and I would not rest until she was back in my sight, unharmed. And whoever was unfortunate to even try this s**t. Dead at my feet. Only then will I be satisfied. "Search every corner of this damned place," I commanded, my voice brooking no opposition. "It's either her or them. If we don't find her, it'll be because they're dead, or you’ll be the ones dead. Am I understood?” “Sir, yes sir.” They all chorused. The urgency of our mission resonated in them. I saw it in the way their shoulders straightened after I spoke. They were propelled forward with that motivation. Every step echoing with the weight of our purpose. Lisa's fate hung in the balance, a fragile thread that threatened to unravel with each passing moment. We had no idea who had her or what they wanted. There was nothing worse than fighting an unknown enemy. You have no idea what they want which puts you at a great disadvantage. Not to worry, I’ll end this soon. As we scoured the camp, my mind raced with possibilities and scenarios, each more dire than the last. The thought of whoever has her laying a hand on her ignited a rage within me that bordered on madness. And as the seconds turned into minutes then an hour, and the search yielded no results, I grew more and more furious. I was hungry for blood. Crazy for it. And no matter how much I tried, the feeling of rage didn’t overpower the sense of dread that settled over me like a suffocating blanket. How could they have vanished without a trace? It was as if they had melted into the shadows, leaving behind only echoes of their presence. It couldn’t be possible. They had to be here and we should be able to find them. I have the best men with the most superior hunting abilities. My pack was feared not just for our ruthlessness but our abilities. Many of the Lycans in my pack had one gift or the other. I wish one of them had the ability to see the past right f*****g now. Pacing back and forth in frustration, I was pulled from my thoughts by the unexpected appearance of my brother, Lucien. His expression was blank as always. But knowing as well I did. I noticed the slight tick of his jaw and the tightening of his fists to know he wasn’t happy about this. Glad we’re on the same page. The furrow in his forehead became deeper and sharper as he approached me. "What’s wrong?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry. Before I could reply, he gave me a once over and his forehead pinched even tighter. “You're not yourself, and it's not a good look. What happened?” I shot him a glare, my anger simmering just below the surface. "Lisa," I growled, the name leaving a bitter taste on my tongue. "She's disappeared. And from what we’ve seen, she was taken forcefully." Lucien's expression darkened, a mixture of concern and disapproval clouding his features. “I understand this isn’t good but you’re letting this girl get under your skin, Rhysand. She's a liability, a danger to us all." I bristled at his words. The all consuming loyalty I was feeling towards Lisa was warring with the rational part of my mind that knew he was right. Before I could respond, a shout rang out from the outskirts of the camp, drawing our attention. "They're here!" one of my men yelled, the urgency in his voice sending a chill down my spine. Without hesitation, we ran to the source of the commotion, weapons drawn and ready for action. My heart thundered in my chest. Anticipation makes a cold sweat trail down my spine. I didn’t know what to expect. What state Lisa would be in and who must have captured her. And when we arrived at the scene, what greeted us was not what I had expected. A cold knot formed in the pit of my stomach, a sense of foreboding washing over me. Blood stained the way we were going. Little drops but the trail was long enough that you know whoever it was had lost a of it. And damn it. I could already smell Lisa. It was her blood.
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