5: More Problems

1353 Words
LISA “Move.” Came the angry growl, forcing air past my lips because of shock. I didn’t know they were talking to me until one of the other Lycans pushed me further. “Are you deaf or do you want to die? Join the Lycans and separate from these mutts.” He spit out in disgust. I didn’t know what was going on. But I didn’t wait for him to speak again. They asked me to join the Lycans? Clearly something was wrong. But I wasn’t going to point that out. Maybe it was the universe finally coming to my aid. After all the years I spent enduring nothing but pain and torture. This might be its way of making up for me. Cold determination to leave this place as soon as I had the chance gripped me. I didn’t know what The Executioner planned to do with us. But I’ll be damned if I let them kill me. Not after I just got a second chance to live. I haven’t gotten over the shock of them putting me along with the Lycans. I was scared they would realize their mistake and then make me pay for not saying anything. I’m not stupid enough to lead myself to the s*******r house just because I’m scared they might kill me mater on. It doesn’t change the fact that I was stuck on how it even happened in the first place. Lycans were able to identify each other by their scent. As werewolf did too. I had always been just a plain werewolf. Weaker than the rest of my peers since I didn’t have a wolf. There was no way I could be a Lycan. I had nothing that would even make anyone think that. But I wasn’t about to tell them that. Knowing that revealing my true nature would mean certain death. They left us standing there as they gathered all the Lycans and got rid of most of the werewolves. The only ones that weren’t immediately slaughtered were some of the women that had been picked by the Lycans. I didn’t know if it was funny or ironic how a pack had attacked our camp and claimed it, and now they have been attacked too. Even worse, by The Executioner. He was the real definition of ruthless. The air around the camp reeked of death and fear. The Lycans weren’t relieved and neither were the werewolves. We all knew we were in the same boat when it came to the Executioner. He may hate them less than us. But he wasn’t known for his generosity towards his kind either. He only respected those in his pack as he believed everyone else to be weaker than them. Like we weren’t filled with fear enough. The energy seemed to change as more men trooped into the camp. These ones were dressed in finer clothing and they looked meaner. “The king is on his way. Get everything arranged.” One of the men who had been leading spoke loudly. They didn’t need to be told twice. The other warriors rushed to get everything in order. They cleared the place of all the dead people. Leaving just us. Everyone was tense and scared as we waited for his appearance. Knowing it wasn’t going to be a pleasant one. It takes him another five minutes before we started hearing thudding footfalls. Another army came in. They surrounded the place immediately. There was no way anyone would scale without being caught. Everyone stood at attention. They looked like they were barely breathing. The Lycans around me all lowered their heads in submission. We haven’t even caught sight of him but people were already shaking in their knees. Another fear gripped me as multiple questions popped up in my head. What if he recognizes I’m not a lycan? Will he kill me? I didn’t even have to ask. He would. Without a second thought I called my hands into tight fists. It was so tight that when I opened my plans, there were red moon shaped marks there. We all held our breaths. A few people hung onto each other shaking in fear as he finally made his appearance. The dread in the air became palpable. Almost explosive as his entire army dropped to their knees in submission. I lowered my head along with everyone else. Even when I was feeling something tricking down my back. I didn’t know what it was. I was also too scared to look up and check. The slowly rose. You could hear them but we had no way fo see what was going on. No one dated raise his head. We’ve heard of him severing people’s head for looking at him when he wasn’t addressing them. He must have gotten to our side because soft whimsies fell from many lips. Then someone commanded us to rise. It must have been one of his soldiers. His voice boomed, making our bodies move even before we did. The first thing I noticed was dark combat boots. Then black pants before my eyes trailed over a shirt covered torso. The price of clothing did nothing to hide how ripped the person was. I couldn’t bring myself to look up and meet whoever it was eyes. I already had something to hide. I wouldn’t what to bring attention to myself. But it seems, my luck has run out. I felt, rather than saw the people around me moving away from me. I tried to hide the tremble in my hands. They have found me. They know the truth. This is the end. The man with comment boots stepped aside and another equally tall figure stands in his place. From the way my body quivered, ready to hit the floor. I knew who to was instantly. I lowered my head further if that was even possible. “You address the king when he is with you.” Someone barks from behind me. I jumped, startled by the unexpected voice. I almost bumped into him. My heart was in my throat and I was close to tears again. My mind which was working faster than me forced my head up. Acknowledging him as I was told to do. The moment his eyes landed on me, I felt a chill run down my spine. I quickly looked down again, hoping he wouldn’t recognize I wasn’t one of them. The last thing I needed was to draw his attention. To my shock, he kept staring at me, his gaze piercing through me like a dagger. My heart raced with fear as he pitted his hand in front of me. I expected him to smack me. Only, he gripped my chin and forced my eyes back to him. "Mine," he declared, his voice sending shivers down my spine. I was confused and terrified all at once. Why would the Executioner claim me as his mate? It made no sense. I was a weak wolf and he was the Lycan king. Some have said he has never foind his mate and it was among the reasons he killed people. Others said she was killed was a werewolf. Hence, his personal beef with them. I didn’t know which of the two was true. All I knew was, he was looking at me like be wanted to eat me for his next meal. “Mine. Mate.” He repeated. His voice deep, smoothening over me like velvet silk. And his touch was possessive. He wasn’t even holding me that much but I could almost feel the brand of possessiveness in the way he didn’t. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I was now claimed by the most feared lycan in existence, and my true identity as a werewolf was not known. I lowered my head, keeping my secret tightly guarded. If they found out who I really was, he wouldn’t wouldn’t care that I was his supposed mate. He was merciless like that. It meant my survival depended on keeping my true nature hidden. The Executioner will never know the truth.
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