4: Attacked Again

1817 Words
LISA I was dragged back to the camp by the men. The reality of never escaping this torment weighed heavily on me. Right now, escaping this place seems more impossible than anything else. Alone in a small tent, I was haunted by memories of the night before. I replayed my mistakes in a loop, if I had just ran instead of going into the bar. Would they have found me? The silence offered no answers, only the torment of my new reality. With those worries plaguing in my mind. Exhaustion won and I slipped into a restless sleep. Which didn’t last long. I jolted awake to the sound of footsteps in my room, my heart racing with fear. My eyes shot open, but before I could react, a hand clamped over my mouth, stifling my scream. Panic surged through me as I struggled against the harsh hold. But their grip was strong, and I couldn't break free. "Shh, calm down," a voice whispered in my ear, and despite my fear, I recognized it. It was Beta Claude, the same man who had humiliated and disgraced me earlier. Anger and terror warred within me as I tried to comprehend why he was in my room and what he wanted. "Let go of me!" I hissed in panic, trying to push him away. He only tightened his hold, his breath hot against my skin. "You're going to listen to me, whether you like it or not," he said in a low, threatening tone. "You belong to me now, and you will do as I say." I felt sick to my stomach, the realization of what he was implying hitting me like a ton of bricks. "No," I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes. "L-let me go, please." He was relentless, his intentions clear as he pinned me down on the sleeping bag, his eyes filled with angry lust. “You don't have a choice," he snarled, his fingers digging into my skin. His rage filled gaze bore into me, sending a chill down my spine. "You're mine," he sneered, his words dripping with possessiveness. “And you’ll never forget that when I’m done with you.” Beta Claude moves so close to me. There was barely an inch left for me. The strong smell of alcohol wafted from him to my nostrils, making me gag. I dared not show my reaction. He kept moving closer until there was no inch of space between us. My heart pounded in my chest when he lowered his lips. I s**t my eyes tightly, waiting for the inevitable. But it never came. He jerks back. If I thought he was angry before. He looked livid now. “You dared to share your body with another man! You b***h!" he growled macaonbly as his grip tightened on my arm. He pushed me further into the thin sleeping bag, his rage simmering. “You’re mine. I’m taking what’s mine.” I struggled against him, fear coursing through me like a raging river. “Stop moving. Else I’ll make this more painful.” He growled, sounding beastly as he pinned my hands above my head. I was completely defenseless. Hot tears trailed down my face when he roughly yanked my shirt off. Tearing it. “Please, stop.” I spoke softly. Already giving up the more he undressed me. My pleas fell on deaf ears as he was driven by his rage. With my wrists restrained, he climbs over me, straddling me with his knees resting on either side of me. His body wasn’t fully on mine but I still felt suffocated. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t move. I was frozen in fear as this nightmare became more real by the second. I heard the unmissable sound of his zipper being undone. And then his free hand tugged my thigh roughly, parting my legs with force. A sob broke from my chest when his cold cruel hands moved upwards. Heading towards my center. Just when I thought I couldn't bear it any longer, I heard shots and screams from outside. At first, Claude ignored the commotion, his focus solely on me and his attempt at taking off my jeans. “f**k!” He growled in annoyance, his eyes looking unfocused. I knew instantly that he was getting a mindlink from his alpha. “Stay here and dont f*****g move.” He commanded, his eyes blazing with newfound anger at being distracted. Probably. “If you move an inch when I come back. I’ll carve out your skin the serve you to the dogs.” With those parting words. He stalked out of the tent. Redoing his cooler as he went. He locked the tent shut. I didn’t know how to make out. I tried parting the entrance but it was sealed shut. More tears ran down my cheeks. Scared of what he would do to me when he comes back. No. I’m not going to sit here and wait for him. I have to get away. I didn’t know how. I wasn’t strong enough to break the lock. As I was pacing the small room. I noticed a lone dagger thrown on the other side of the sleeping bag. Hope filled my chest. I could remember when beta Claude had taken it off himself when he was trying to pin me down. He probably didn’t want to hurt himself. That worked out in my favor. I carried it to the opposite side of the tent and stabbed into the material. I knew it would come down on me if I didn’t work fast. I tore a large area, big enough that I’ll be able to sneak out of. Then I shoved my head out, after making sure the coast was clear, I crawled out of it. As soon as I was out, I started moving. I paid no mind to where I was heading. I just ran. Not daring to look back and slow myself down. I saw that people were running and trying to get away from whatever caused the shot. I was only focused on getting away from beta Claude. As I made my way through the chaos outside. I heard from panicked whispers that we were under attack once again. This time, it was the devil himself. The Executioner. Just his name that sent shivers down my spine. How did he find us? Rumors about the Executioner had circulated among the pack for years, tales of a ruthless lycan who slaughtered werewolves without mercy. And now, those rumors were coming to life before my very eyes as large men, much bigger than the warriors from beta Claude’s pack surrounded us. One roar from them had us all coming to a stop. They encircled us, their menacing presence casting a dark shadow over the camp. The air grew thick with tension as they commanded us to follow, each step feeling heavier with dread. We were led to the center of the camp. There, a chilling sight greeted us. Most of the Lycans were in their true form. Large and threatening with their elongated canines. Their form was ugly and they towered over us. The others in human form didn’t look any less big or scary. Their savage and formidable aura made many of us shiver. Me included. The sight of them was frightening indeed. I noticed a figure lying in a pool of blood and another tremor went through me when I recognized the face of the man that was with beta Claude last night. Their alpha. Not just any man. I found myself looking around in my panic, to see if I would find beta Claude but he was nowhere to be seen. Last I knew he said his alpha had called for him. Where is he? All the other men, even the ones that had bullied me last night were on their knees. Looking weak and scared just like everyone else. “Get on a line, all of you.” A loud voice booms. He didn’t have to say it twice. We all started moving. Some even push others in their rush to do as they were told so they won’t get killed. When we were getting in line, I felt that prickling sensation in the back of my neck. Every part of my body tingled. My head snapped in the opposite direction of where I was facing. There were some other people standing. Goosebumps erupt all over my skin at the sight of a very handsome man. He was staring in this direction as he conversed with the other men around him. He oozed an air of power and something else so dark and cruel. Even from here. I could feel it. I didn’t need anyone to tell me who it was. It was the Executioner. The man who murdered my parents. My thoughts of him were distracted when a familiar scent trickled into my nose. A tingle started from between my legs, making my thighs clench on their own. I felt feverish. Someone bumping into me reminded me of the order we’d been giving. I pushed the feeling away and kept walking along with the others. Desperation and fear took over again. The fight for survival becomes crucial. We didn’t need to be told. Everything we have been told about the executioner is coming to play. How he separates wolves from Lycans and then kills the former mercilessly. All because a wolf has killed his mother. A mean and strong looking man stands at the front of the line. He had a sneer on his face. I couldn’t deny that he was still good looking. “Mutt.” His sneer grows and he grumbles. His hand reaches into the man’s chest and he rips his heart out without blinking. Then he throws the organ on the ground like it was nothing. My eyes widened and a startled gasp fell from my lips, becoming one with the cries of the people around me. My fear intensified, seeing how he looked bored if anything. Like he didn’t just rip someone’s heart out. I still heard the squelching of the heart as it dropped to the ground. The splatter of blood. The loud thud of the lifeless body connecting to the ground. Like that was the go ahead they needed. The other lycans pounced on us. Sniffing and killing without a second thought when they find out you’re not one of them. I’m already shaking when they get to me. My eyes shut tightly, waiting for any memory of my life to come. Something to mark my last moments. Nothing but black fills my vision. No happy or sad memories. The man finally stops in front of me. My eyes snapped open, filled to the brim with tears of disappointment. He opens his mouth and my breath hitches, waiting for my death.
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