3: Await Punishment

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I woke up to a pounding headache and a sense of disorientation. I groaned in my this, wishing I could just sink back into oblivion. I blinked a few times. Trying to remember the last thing that happened. But my memories were hazy. I just kept getting fragments of images of supposed events that I couldn't piece together. Moving made blind pain shoot through me. It takes me a moment to register that it came from between my legs. Oh no. What happened? What have I done? There were bite marks all over my body. I couldn’t explain what it was. I didn’t even want to know. This is a nightmare. I thought shakily as I opened my eyes fully. The room I was in was bright and unfamiliar. But that’s not that my mind is focused on. I sat up slowly, wincing as the movement sent another sharp pain through my body. Looking around the unfamiliar room, panic surged within me and tears gathered behind my eyelids. A man lying next to me on his front. The only thing I could see was his muscular back. Where was I? How did I get here? And who was the man lying next to me? I was too scared to move or make any sound. I didn’t know what would happen if I dared wake him up. As the fog of sleep lifted, bits and pieces of the previous night's events started to come back to me. I remembered the attack in my camp. Being rejected by the beta. And then running away to the huamn’s town…and the mysterious scent. The man in the darkness. I thought with a small gasp. There was him, his eyes cold and calculating, yet strangely alluring. That was the only visible part of him as he had been sitting in the darkest corner. Away from prying eyes. Realizing I was looking at him, he tipped his head in a nod, beckoning me to come. Like a doll on a string, I found myself unable to tell him no. So I went to him. It had seemed like a good decision then considering I finally had a roof over my head after a long day. But now, in the harsh light of day, all I felt was pain and regret. I didn’t even see his full face or know his name, and yet, I had allowed myself to be vulnerable, to be used like a toy for his pleasure. Shame washed over me as I realized how easily I had fallen into his trap. How would I escape and survive when just the first night, I lost my virginity to a complete stranger? I glanced at the man lying on his stomach beside me. He was still fast asleep, oblivious to the turmoil raging inside me. I knew I should leave before he woke up. I didn’t know what he would say or do. And I would rather not find out. I’m already feeling shamed and degraded as it is. Carefully, so as not to disturb him, I slipped out of bed and began gathering my clothes scattered across the room. My hands trembled as I hastily dressed, my mind racing with thoughts of escape. When I opened the door, a crushing sadness filled my chest when a sudden realization settled into me. I had nowhere to go, no one to turn to. I was alone in a world that seemed determined to crush me at every turn. I glanced at the man one last time. My eyes trailing to him before I could stop myself. He seemed to be enjoying his sleep. With the slight rise and fall of his chest. As I turned back and reached for the door, a sound from behind me made me freeze. The man had woken up. "Leaving so soon, sweetheart?" he drawled, his deep voice dripping with arrogance. I didn't respond, my heart pounding in my chest as I gripped the doorknob tightly, ready to bolt at any moment. He just got off the bed. Because I heard him shuffling and probably looking for his clothes. This was my time for escape. I pulled the door hastily and ran out before he could say or do anything. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Ignoring the pain I felt shot through my limbs especially between my legs. I was out of the building. A motel of some sort. I didn’t stop to check the name. I just ran past it and down the block, passing other buildings. People gave me strange looks. Not that I blamed them. I looked strange. My heart was pounding in my chest as I prayed that I could find safety somewhere, anywhere. But fate seemed determined to mock me at every turn. As I rounded a corner, I found myself face to face with a group of men—men I recognized all too well. They were the ones I had ran into last night. The ones who had attacked our camp. And now, they had found me again, vulnerable and alone. Even worse than last night. Before I could react, they surrounded me, their faces twisted in cruel grins as they closed in on me like a pack of hungry wolves. The same man from the night before sneered, grabbing my arm roughly. "Looks like we caught ourselves a little runaway." He looked back at the rats of the guys and grinned. “Again.” I struggled against their hold, but there were too many of them, too strong and too determined. "Let me go!" I screamed, my voice filled with desperation and fear. "Please, just let me go!" My pleas fell on deaf ears as they dragged me with them. “The beta will make raw meat out of you, girl. You’ll regret ever running away.” A shiver rolled through me. Trepidation causing sweat to form on ny forehead. I couldn’t let them take me back. The beta will probably kill me. He looked merciless. “Please, please, please let me go. I’ll go far away. You’ll never have to hear from me again.” I pleaded, not giving up. "You thought you could escape, little girl?" he growled, his grip on my arm bruisingly tight. “You’ll pay for the mess you created.” The force of his voice and I realize begging isn’t going to help me. Nothing I say would help me. They were like hound dogs. As soon as they found their target, they must bring it home. They dragged me with them towards the woods again. I wanted to sob when I caught sight of the familiar land markings. There is no way I’ll ever get to escape again. This is the end. Those thoughts slipped from my mind when I saw a familiar large form standing by the end of the trail. His jaw clenched in anger and eyes blazing with fury. He covers the distance between us in no more than three steps. He yanks me from the other men who easily backed away. Not wanting to be in the way of his wrath. “You thought you could get away from me?” He roared. I didn't respond, too overwhelmed and terrified to form coherent words. All I could do was stare at him. "Take her back to camp," Beta Claude ordered his men, his voice cold and unforgiving. "She should await her punishment.”
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