2: Enchanting Scent

1900 Words
LISA I knew I should run. I should flee for my life while I still had the chance. But fear held me rooted to the spot, paralyzing me with its icy grip. The cries went on for what felt like hours. And I stayed, listening to everyone’s cry of pain that was cut off. Knowing why that had happened made me shudder. It wasn’t hard to guess. The ruthless Executioner. Hours later, when all the chaos and cries had long since faded into the night, leaving behind an eerie silence that chilled me to the bone. I finally found the courage to move from my crouched position. My limbs trembled with every step that I took. I moved cautiously, and as quietly as I could, careful to avoid making any type of noise that might get the attention of the people that had attacked us. But I was paying too much attention to what's happening before that it didn’t occur to me to check what’s behind me. I don’t see them until it’s too late. And I freeze as my eyes are locked with dark ones. A group of warriors, about ten of them, carrying heavy arms, all stop at the sight of me. Almost comically, their hard faces twisted into cruel smiles that made a feeling of dread snake down my spine. Were they the Executioner's men? “Well, well, what have we here?” The man I locked eyes with spoke. The deep bass of his voice makes me tremble like a leaf in winter. “A little wolf trying to escape, aren’t you?” Another man asked, looking over the bigger man’s shoulder. I shook my head. Even knowing that didn’t make any sense. “Where are you going then?” The bigger and more scary man takes a step forward. I instinctively take one back. Which makes all of them break into laughter. “Go on. Run.” He tips his chin toward where I was moving. “Run along, wolf.” He laughs and turns back to the guys. He says something to them that I don’t understand before he looks back at me. “You can run, but if we catch you, we’ll do whatever we want with you,” he licks his lips suggestively. Showing me exactly what he has in mind. Just the thought made me want to throw up. I couldn’t imagine that actually happening. “You have five seconds to decide, little girl. Then it’s fun time.” I knew there was no way I could outrun them. They were more than ten, and I’m just one girl. I barely beat the weakest people in the sector during races. There’s no way I can beat these trained warriors. Not to mention they were trained by Executioner. I either surrender or beg them, even though I know it’ll be of no use. They didn’t look like they knew what the word mercy meant. I missed my parents more than ever, and I hated the Executioner more than ever too. He killed my parents, caused my abuse, and now his thugs were toying with me for fun! As I struggled to follow their orders, one of them cursed loudly. “s**t. I just got a mindlink from him. They need us now!” The urgency in his voice made all the other men stand upright. The sick smiles on their faces dropped and they turned to me with anger. “You’re coming with us, little girl.” The scary man said, “I fully intend to finish what we started.” I shivered in fear but didn't argue as I followed them back. Each step I took resonated in the dead of the night, speaking out and telling me how I’m going to meet my end soon. I kept thinking of running when they weren’t paying attention. Except I could feel the heat of their gazes on my back, watching me lewdly. We arrived at the camp less than five minutes later. I started seeing the bodies lying around. Most of them are unmoving. Others are barely moving and breathing. I didn’t keep my eyes on them for long. Not even wanting to identify who was who. Something prickles the back of my head. I couldn’t explain what it was but it made goosebumps appear all over my body and my knees wobbled. We were closer to where most of the people were. I could tell from how much stronger the smell of blood got. I gagged in the back of my throat when I saw someone lying. Half of their face was missing. What kind of ruthless animal could do this? We were just displaced people. Barely surviving and doing our best. We minded our business so why would they do this to us? Why??!!! The energy changed as we got closer to where I assumed their boss was. The darkness and smell of evil clung to the air like a dirty perfume. Just when I turned to where he stood. I froze, and my breath caught in my throat as I met the gaze of the man who stood above everyone else. His eyes, like chips of ice, bore into my very soul. He was tall and imposing, with a commanding presence that sent a shiver down my spine. I assumed he was the alpha from how he oozed power and strength. Goddess. The good news was that he seemed not the ruthless Executioner. And the bad news is- “Mate!” He spoke. My knees almost gave out. His voice was like thunder in the stillness of the night. He didn’t take his eyes off me as he spit the words. My heart shattered at the sound of it. Every alphabet resonated in my brain before it conjured itself back into a word. Loud and clear what he said. Mate! This guy who just massacred my camp was my mate! How cruel could fate be to me? I didn’t know when my knees gave out and I found myself on the floor. Trying to catch my breath. He was on me in seconds. How he skipped over all the people kneeling there was beyond me. I was too focused on the fact that he just called me his mate. His fingers were cold and strong when he gripped my chin and forced me to look up at him. I hadn’t felt any type of relief when he declared me to be his mate. His eyes were a stark blue. So bright that it almost made me fall back. I couldn’t look him in the eyes. His gaze was too intense. “I, Beta Clyde, reject you as my mate.” His grip around my jaw tightened so much that I thought he might break it. He stares at me with so much disdain, I felt my stomach drop. “I can never be mated to someone so weak and displaced.” Sharp pain pierces my chest. It felt like a knife to the heart, sharp and agonizing. My mate didn’t want me. It was like a slap of wolfsbane and salt to all my open wounds. Liquid fire on my raw heart. “No! You can’t do this to me!” I cried, but it didn’t make any sense to him. “Accept it. Or I will make you regret it.” he ordered. For the first time I couldn't hide being scoffed with a bitter smile. "What will you do then?" "You have a nice body. Maybe my men will like your big ass." He chuckled. His handsome face began to look disgusting instantly. The men who had just brought me back started howling, barely able to hide the greed and lust in their eyes. "Not yet, guys." My mate waved his hands, then turned to me, "Or do you want to be my s*x slave? I think a b***h like you should be grateful for such an opportunity." "No!" I retorted before saying quietly, "I accept your rejection." “...That’s great, bitch.” It seemed like my rejection had bruised his ego. He answered through gritted teeth before giving me a slap in the face. I couldn't bear it anymore and collapsed to the ground. Then, like it never happened and he just shattered my world,he joined the rest of his crew. Where they chattered and patted each other on the back. Saying their congratulations. Their alpha made an announcement when I was too busy trying to get my body to go back to functioning. When midnight came, every one of them went back to their tents. The rest of the people were escorted, like a herd of animals, while I was left there on the ground. I got up, backed away slowly, until I was out of sight. I found my stash of clothes I always hide in the woods and hugged it to myself before I took off. Running like my life depends on it. I knew I couldn’t get far because they'd find me. But I’ll be damned if I let them win. I wandered around in the forest, wondering where an omega like me could spend the night in such troubled times. Until I remembered I’ve heard Adrian talking about a town not far from where he sneaks off to get women. It was more human populated and they had no idea of werewolves which made it safe. Since we were rarely allowed to leave camp, it took me a while to get there. I finally let out a relief when I started seeing human beings there. Some gave me weird looks while others barely spared me a glance. I felt lost in the new place. But the thought of beta Claude finding me pushed me to keep walking in the town. When I turned at a corner, my body came to a jerking halt and my nostrils flared, trying desperately to inhale something. Cedarwood and a hint of spice. My lower belly clenched at the sight and I felt a tingling sensation between my thighs that I’ve never felt before. What is that smell? My body was already moving in the direction it came from even before my mind could fully register it. I found myself outside what looked like a bar. The few drunken stragglers there gave it away. The reason told me to turn, but whatever the scent was compelled me to follow it. My mind was solely on locating that scent that made me feel as though my body was set on fire. Big to not blow my cover, I accepted the drinks the bartender passed around. The bitter taste burned my taste buds and I almost gagged. But I just swallowed it and fell into the high chair in dizziness and heat. Just then, the scent water through my nose again it was too much that I couldn't control my reaction to it. I could barely stand on my feet but I still forced myself to get up. I let my body lead me to where it was coming from. A darker part of the bar. Something told me to turn and run for my life. There was a certain energy there. Strong and powerful. The feeling in me was too strong. So even though I knew I shouldn’t going, myself approaching the man hidden by the darkness.
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