Act Out

1286 Words
[Austin’s POV] I stare at the tiny creature in front of me; her cheeks are bright red, and her cheeks puff out in frustration. She looks adorable like that, and I can’t stop the urge I feel to continue to tease her, especially after what I just found written on the pages of what I could only assume was her diary. “Tell me, kitten,” I push, dangling the book in front of her. “Why should I keep this a secret? I don’t particularly owe you anything.” “You’re my brother’s friend.” She tries, her voice wavering ever so slightly. “As his little sister, couldn’t you do this for me?” Smirking, I let my eyes slowly trail along her body. There was absolutely nothing little about the tiny thing standing in front of me. She had the body that all the other she-wolves could dream of, from her hourglass figure to her full breasts, which rise and fall with each of her breaths and don’t even get me started on that ass, which I got a slight peek of when we first met thanks to her only wearing an oversized shirt. It wasn't only her body that stood out; it was also her looks, which seemed so plain yet so adorable at the same time. She had that whole girl next thing down, and I wasn't sure if she even realized it. It wasn’t a secret that many of the guys around campus and the pack wanted to try to get a piece of this girl, but she was so standoffish and always on guard that no one dared to get close, especially when her brother was being annoyingly overprotective of her, warning those other assholes to stay away otherwise he would kick their asses, and as a beta heir, of course he was believed. “If you were worried about someone finding this, why did you even bring it with you?” I push. “Isn’t that like asking for someone to see?” “I...” she begins, flushing ever so slightly. “I use it to jot ideas down when they come.” Jot ideas when they came. Was she saying that naughty things like this appeared in her mind while we were at school? What a truly naughty girl! “Oh, kitten, you really are a bad girl, aren’t you?” I chuckle, opening the book and letting my eyes scan across the first page I find. “His fingers slide along my stomach, studying the plains as it moves toward the under curve of my breast.” “No!” She gasps, jumping at me so her breasts press against my arm, causing my wolf to stir and come alive with excitement. “Please, don’t!” “Tell me what you’ll do to keep me quiet, kitten.” I urge her, trying to ignore the desire that is beginning to stir. “I don’t do favors for free.” “I…” she stammers, worriedly chewing her lip, only stirring me up further. “I... I don’t know what you want.” What I wanted? Well, I could name something that I wanted. I was bored with all the girls that hung around me day in and day out. All they wanted was to get close to me in order to brag to their friends, and once we f****d, that became clingy. Not to mention, it wasn’t much fun f*****g them since I was met with muscle and bones. I wanted someone with meat that I could grab and... “I’ve got it,” I grin, taking in the woman in front of me again. “I’ll stay quiet if you act out a few of these scenes with me.” “W-what?” She gasps, her blue eyes growing wide with shock. “What did you...” “You heard me,” I say, reaching out and grabbing her hip so I can pull her against me. “I won’t tell anyone else about this if you act out a few scenes from this book with me.” Honestly, I understood the shock she was feeling over what I was saying, but I wanted to get a taste of the beta’s daughter now that she was actually looking my way. And frankly, I needed a way to pass the boredom that I was feeling recently. “What do you say, kitten?” I push as she remains silent. “It isn’t too much for my silence, right?” Growing quiet, I wait as she processes everything, and when her shocked expression shifts to one of anger, I realize that maybe she isn’t going to be as easy to taste as possible. “No,” she snaps, reaching out and grabbing her book while I’m distracted from her rejection. “I don’t know what type of woman you think I am, but I’m not easy.” At her words, I feel a laugh bubble up in me, and then I’m losing it while the fierce kitten collects her things and shoves them back into her backpack. Fuck. I wasn’t sure if she knew or not, but she was making this much more interesting and making me want to tame her that much more. “Is that your final answer, kitten?” I ask, watching her stand and square her shoulders so her breasts stick out even more, just f*****g tempting me. “It is,” she responds. “I’ll do anything else but that.” “Oh yeah?” I chuckle. “And what if I’m unwilling to accept this answer?” “That’s your problem, not mine.” She snaps, whirling on her heel and beginning to move so that I can watch her ass twitch with each step. “Game on, kitten!” I call at her retreating form. Remaining in place, I watch for a bit longer as she grows farther and farther away. It is only when she is almost out of sight that I begin to move, staying just close enough to watch that perfect ass move while I imagine what she will look like when she finally gives into me. Pulling out my phone, I scroll through my numbers until I find William’s. A: I’ve found our new target. I send the message while whistling, and when my phone vibrates, I know that William is as ready as I am for our next conquest. W: Who is the lucky girl? A: A naughty little kitten with a dirty mind. W: You’ve piqued my interest, but who is she? It isn’t Rachel, is it? That girl’s been bugging the hell out of me. "Like I would give her the time of day." I puff, reading his message. "Every guy has already had her." A: Not her. Someone even better. Deciding to save the surprise for later, I shove my phone back into my pocket and quicken my pace until I’m almost right beside our future target. “What?” She demands, whirling on me. “Why are you following me? Didn’t I already say no to you?” “You did.” I confirm, falling into step beside her and throwing an arm over her shoulders so that everyone’s gazes come to rest on us. “But that doesn’t mean that I’m going to give up.” Pulling her closer, I nip her ear, earning myself a shocked whimper before she scampers away from me, but the damage is already done and I know that my plan has been set in motion. “See you later, little sis!” I call waving. “I’ll see you at home later!”
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