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[Abbie’s POV] For the next few days while on campus, I try my best to avoid the twin princes, but everywhere I go, they seem to be there. In the cafeteria, on the grounds, even in the library. Everywhere I look, I see them, and their eyes are on me like a hawk. I’m not sure if I’m just acutely aware of them after what happened when my brother brought them home or not, but by the time the school days end, I’m more than ready to head home. However, even at home, I can’t seem to escape them. Each afternoon when I enter the house, they’re there laughing away or playing video games with my brother, like it is the most natural thing. And every time I try to escape to my room, I’m reminded that I’m responsible for cooking and am forced to stay in the kitchen, where the twins come and go as they please to either get a snack or drinks. By the end of the third day, I feel like I might explode and find myself storming into my brother’s room late in the evening, where he lounges reading a porn magazine. “What the hell?” He growls, closing it and throwing it beside himself. “What the hell are you doing, Abbie?” “Why?” I demand, placing my hands on my hips. “Why what?” He asks. “I don’t understand martian.” “Why are you suddenly so close with the princes?” Before this, I didn’t even know my brother was acquainted with them, let alone close enough to be bringing them home almost every damn day. What exactly happened to cause this, and how could I end it? “Why shouldn’t I be?” Andrew asks, seeming truly offended. “Just because you’re nothing more than a ghost at school doesn’t mean that I am. In case you didn’t realize, I’m pretty damn popular. The girls are lining up to get a piece of me. And I’ll soon be their beta, isn’t it natural that we befriend one another?” Grimacing, I try to ignore the cocky look that crosses my brother’s features. “Gross!” I gag. “How can you say all that with such a serious expression? The princes are on a whole other level from you.” “Did you just come here to insult me?” Andrew growls, getting up and grabbing my arm. “If so, you can get the hell out.” “Wa-wait!” I gasp as he all but throws me out of his room. “Wait! Andrew! I wasn’t done speaking to you!” As the words leave my lips, my brother’s door slams in my face, leaving me alone in the hallway. “d**k!” I yell, kicking it and then instantly regretting it as pain shoots through my foot. “Dammit.” Turning, I limp up the stairs and to my room, where I collapse in my computer chair, preparing to write in an attempt to try to calm my nerves and forget about what has been going on for the past few days. However, to my dismay, nothing comes. The next day, I get up early in hopes of catching Andrew before he heads off to class, but when I reach the bottom of the stairs, I stop in my tracks as my gaze comes to rest on the twins who wait in the living room. “Morning,” Austin calls, giving me a thousand-watt grin. “Gabbie, right?” “It’s Abbie, moron.” William huffs, shooting me a look that screams disinterest. “Right?” For a moment, I don’t speak as I look from the ever-friendly Austin to the brooding William and back. “Y-yeah,” I rasp, just as Andrew appears. “Move,” he snaps, shoving me out of his way, so I’m left crashing to the ground ass first. “Why are you standing in the middle of the hall?” “Andrew!” I gasp, shooting him a glare. “What the hell? Couldn’t you have been a bit nicer about that?” “Nicer?” He repeats. “After you insulted me last night, not a chance.” “Oh, look, William, we’ve got a bit of drama this morning.” Austin laughs, his eyes flashing with amusement. “The siblings are fighting.” “Are you a child?” William huffs. “Andrew, if you’re ready, we should really get going.” As he speaks, he rises to his feet and gives a stretch that allows his shirt to rise just enough to show his muscular midriff. “We’re going to be late for class.” He continues, beginning to move. “Aw, you’re no fun.” Austin sighs, getting up from his place. “See you later, little sis.” Giving me a wave, he follows behind William so that only Andrew and I are left before Andrew quickly starts to follow. “Ass hole.” I snap, getting up and rubbing my ass. “Trying to act all tough because of your new friends.“ Grumbling to myself, I head out, only to find that Austin is still standing on the porch. Frowning, I look around for Austin and Andrew, but neither are in sight. “What?” Austin asks me, seeming offended. “Are you not happy seeing me?” Opening my mouth, I prepare to say there was no chance, but I stop myself as I try to make sense of why exactly he would even be here. “I told them that I forgot something.” He says as if he were reading my mind. Nodding, I continue to not speak as I try to understand what is happening. Why would one of the princes lie so he could simply wait on me? “Are you confused by something?” I ask slowly, hoping that I’m not offending him. “Or did Andrew maybe ask you to wait for me?” “Of course not.” Austin laughs, making my insides feel funny. “Why on earth would he do such a thing?” “Then why?” I blurt, unable to stop myself. “I don’t…” “I wanted to walk with you.” He shrugs. “Is that so hard to believe?” “It is.” I say before I can stop myself. “Since I’m just... me.” Even I knew that I wasn’t on the level of a woman that would catch the prince's attention. So, why on earth would Austin show any interest in me unless this was some type of prank? “I don’t know what it is that you’re up to,” I continue, finally getting my wits about me. “But I’m not interested in your games.” “Ouch,” Austin hisses, clutching at his heart. “That was harsh. Who knew that the kitten would have claws?” Ignoring his words, I begin to move, wanting to make as much distance between myself and him as I possibly can. However, with his long legs, Austin easily catches up with me and even falls into step beside me. “Come on, kitten.” He says, reaching out and snagging my bag and hoisting it over his shoulder. “Don’t be mean. I assure you that I have no ill will toward you. I just figured that I should at least be nice to my friend's little sister.” “No need.” I announce, attempting to take my bag back while Austin holds it high. “Give it back!” I snap, jumping up and managing to grab the zipper, but only succeeding in dumping the contents of my bag on the ground. Eyes widening, I stare in disbelief at my journal, which lies open on the ground, and before I can even attempt to reach for it, Austin is diving and grabbing it, then holding it up so he can read it. “DON’T!” I gasp, trying to take it back, only for him to pull it out of reach. “DON’T READ THAT!” “Oh, kitten.” Austin purrs, his lips twitching into a smile. “It seems that you’re not so innocent after all. Instead, you’re quite a dirty girl. Do others know that you write such naughty things?" "Please pretend you didn't see that." I beg, regretting keeping my journal in my bag. "Please." "And if I do?" Austin asks, dangling it in front of me. "What do I get in return?"
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