Chapter 14 sparring

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Devon’s P.O.V   “Alright everyone, now I want you to spar against each other. I want to see what you have got and what you know. Casey, if you want to sit this one out and just watch I understand as it's your first time.” I said, but she shook my head. I was smiling on the inside as she had just passed the first test for becoming a warrior. If she’d have sat out on this one then I would have had to tell her to leave the group and I didn’t want to do that. She seemed to be eager to learn and I was one hundred percent sure that she would make an excellent fighter when the time came, but she just needed to stick with it.   “Alright, on the count of three I want you to begin. One….two….three…begin.” I announced, slapping my hands together. I couldn’t wait to see what she was going to do and what she was capable of, but I was also nervous that she would get hurt as it had been a while since she had been in a fight.   Casey’s P.O.V   Tracey and I took up our fighting stances and I tried to watch as she moved from side to side, trying to work out what attack she would try first. I watched her carefully as she landed blow after blow on me, but she didn’t seem to have a tell. I mean her leg moved, but….wait, hold on, her other leg moved when she was about to attack. I realised her tell, but it was too late and the next thing I knew I was on the ground, wincing in pain. She had kicked me in the stomach, winding me, but I got back up after I caught my breath and dusted myself off, then started again.   “Damn, she's tough.” Tracey muttered under her breath, but I heard her and it made me smile. We started up once more, but this time I blocked each and every move, until I got thrown and then I quickly got back up and did it again. This time I copied every move Tracey did, kicks, punches, slaps, flips and leg trips. Blow after blow I copied her and by the time Devon stopped us we were both a bloodied and bruised mess, but we were laughing hard. Everyone cheered for us and the sparring match we had just had, but then they started cheering my name and I could hear them over the mind-link, saying that even though I took a beating I never gave up. It made me proud to hear their praise and it made me glad that I took this up. I wanted to learn and so far I have learned a lot.   “Casey, after watching you spar I think you might be a copier.” Devon said, confusing me.   “What’s that?” I asked, wondering what he meant. Copier? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Was it something to be scared of or something dangerous? Could I end up harming someone I loved with this copier thing?   “A copier is a person that can copy another person's moves in a fight, they can even copy another person's face and everything else. We can try to do it tomorrow in training.” Devon replied and I nodded. I went back to the pack house and straight to my room, needing a shower. I went right to the bathroom and washed off all the blood, sweat and dirt, then got out, drying myself off and going back into the bathroom to get dressed. I wanted to know more about what a copier was, so I decided the best person to ask was Star. she had a lot of old books and scrolls, so maybe there would be something in there about it. I headed to Star’s office and knocked on the door, then went inside. Star looked up at me smiling and I knew that she had already heard what happened because Devon said that he was going to mind-link her and tell her.   “Hey Casey, I heard you did an awesome job in training today, I’m proud of you. So what's going on now? Did you change your mind?” Star asked, but I shook my head.   “No, I don’t want to change my mind, but Devon said something that has made me curious. He thinks I might be a copier and I thought you were the best person to ask. What does that mean? What’s a copier and what do they do? Is there a way to find out if I’m a copier or not?” I replied and she nodded.   “Well, I have many books for different things and types of abilities, so I’m sure we can take a look. You can always read them and learn what it means to be a copier. I know that a copier can copy the face of others, but you must learn to do so. Come on, I keep the restricted books in the library, let's go and we can find them together.” Star said, getting up from her chair and taking my hand as she led me to the library. I was curious to know what it was and what it meant, but at the same time I was also nervous and scared. What if this was something dangerous? What if I copied someone and it turned out bad, like if I copied someone's face and could change back?
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