Chapter 5

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I noticed that the car was already entering the exclusive village where this man lived. I looked at the back and saw that the cars that had been following us stopped far outside the gate so I guess they still don’t have access inside this place. I sighed with relief. This is a high-end subdivision. The security is tight so I can relax even just for tonight. Sneaking inside this place is out of their option because there are a lot of high-profile personalities here. They can only get inside if they use another identity and rent a place here. Even though it still has risks, I think that is what they are going to do to get close to Lancelot Neon. I tapped the driver’s shoulder when I saw that we were close to this man’s house. “Pull over, dude.” “What?” Lancelot snorted. I turned to him and pointed at myself. “You are going to let me get inside your house?” He nodded. “That is why I brought you here,” he said. “You were hired to protect me, right? It will be more convenient for both of us if you stay close to me. So, you can live here for a while.” I stared at him. “Yes, I was hired to protect you, but don’t you even think that I might be lying to you?” He shook his head. “Why would I think about that?” he asked. “You got hurt while saving me. If you didn’t catch the bullet that was meant for me, I might be fighting for my life as of this moment.” Oh, god! Is he really that trustworthy? Just because I saved his life today, doesn’t mean I will not kill him. “What about your family?” I raised my eyebrows at him. “Seventh Sector might not be a secret organization but that doesn’t mean I am allowed to tell people the details of my job. So, how are we going to tell your family the reason why I am living with you?” “You don’t have to worry about that,” he said and signaled the driver to keep going. “My parents are on vacation until the end of the year. My siblings were living in their condominium unit and they always call whenever they visit here.” “What about your staff?” “They come and go every day,” he answered. “Lucile, the head maid together with two other maids, Martin, my driver, and a couple of guards were the only people staying here overnight. I don’t know if it is a good thing that there are only a handful of people living inside his place. I mean, now that his life is in danger, he should surround himself with a lot of people who will protect him. “Fine.” I sighed. “But I still need to go.” I covered his mouth before he could say something and tapped the driver’s shoulder again, signaling him to stop the car. “I need to get some of my things if I am going to stay here. Don’t push my patience to its limit, Mister Neon. I might be the one to kill you if I get annoyed with you.” He slowly nodded so I let go of him and opened the door of the car since it already pulled over. He needs to learn that I can kill him anytime so he had to do everything I said. He needs to be aware that I don’t have much patience with the people who don't listen to me. I got out of the car and immediately went around his mansion. I don’t really need to go back to our headquarters just to get my stuff. I just needed to secure the perimeter of the place, as well as the security around so I could plan on what I should do to protect this man. I even memorized every detail and immediately called the headquarters to let them know my situation. “Adze!” Li-San screamed my name as soon as she answered my call. “What the hell happened to you? Why did we lose contact with you?” “Well, I have a little situation back there,” I said. “The target almost died so I had to meddle a little more than I should.” “You got hurt?” I sighed and nodded even though she couldn't see me. “Yeah. It hurts but I’ll live,” I said. “Anyway, he is aware of his situation and knows that I was hired to protect him. He proposed that I should live with him for both of our convenience and I agree with his idea. I don’t want my money to get deducted just because this worthless man gets hurt.” “Let me remind you that the man that you are calling worthless is the only person who can make you rich so behave and be nice to him, okay?” I rolled my eyes because she was right. “Anyway, you were in his house now, right? I will just send your things there.” “Please put an additional camera for instant surveillance,” I requested. “I planned to install some in and outside the house. He only has a handful of guards staying here so I‘m free to move around the place but it is not easy to guard it alone.” And those guards are too lax in their duty. They were just talking to each other and didn’t even notice my presence even though I was sitting right behind their back. “I know what you need, Adze,” she snorted. “Any update on my mission?” I asked. “People that want him to live are still the highest bidder,” she said. “So you are still ordered to protect him. I will inform you once there is a change in your mission.” “Okay. Thanks.” I ended the call and looked around. I know that it is just my job but I can’t help but feel sorry for Lancelot. His life is being auctioned for a huge amount of money. The Seventh Sector is now holding his life and it is up to us if he lives or dies. And I might be the one to protect or kill him. But just as I said, money is the most important thing for the people working in our organization. So, I won’t hesitate to do what our clients want to happen. I just have to prepare because changing the mission I have right now will happen unexpectedly. “Hey…” I looked behind me and I saw Lancelot standing not far from me. He was frowning while staring at me. “What the hell are you doing?” “I was just checking the perimeter.” “I thought you were going home?” “That was the plan but upon looking around your house, I don’t think I can leave you here with just these people.” I even pointed at his guards who were slacking in their duty. “I just asked some of my colleagues to send my things.” Even though the assassins that were after his life were still not inside this subdivision, I still needed to keep my guard up. Some high-profile people bid to take Lancelot’s life so they might have done something to immediately let the assassin inside. “I have to keep an eye on your surroundings.” He nodded. “Will you please answer another question from me?” I frowned. “What is it?” “Why did you choose to get hurt just to save me earlier?” he asked.”Sorry for eavesdropping but I heard you calling me worthless with your conversation over the phone.” I stiffened. I didn’t expect him to hear that. “I am not really offended by your words,” he stated. “I was just wondering why you still saved me despite thinking that I am not worth anything.” I sighed. “It is just my opinion so don’t take it to heart. I am just a stranger so I don’t really care about your life,” I frankly said. “To me, your life is worth nothing but for the people who are availing our service, it is worth a huge price. And since it is my job, I am bound to do everything to save you, even if I have to shield you using my own body.” “So, this is just about your job and the money that your client will pay you?” I didn’t hesitate to nod. “Money is what matters to me. If keeping you alive is what will make me rich, then I will give my one hundred effort to ensure that you will live until the contract of our clients expires.” He nodded and turned his back on me. “Yeah, I forgot. Money runs everything around this world.” He sighed and tapped his chest before turning his head back at me. “Just get inside. Lucile will take care of you so just feel at home. You are also free to do everything you want as long as it is related to your ways of protecting me.” “Okay.” I don’t need to get close to him even though I will live here. He was just a subject for this job. Feeling bad about his situation will not do any good to me so I had to keep my distance from him.
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