Chapter 3

1060 Words
I stared at Lancelot while I was leaning at the side of my van. I just wanted to observe him a little so I could decide what I should do to protect him. And I also have this feeling that the other assassin that was being hired to kill him will surely move as soon as possible so I need to guard the surroundings. However, I can’t really see him from where I am because he is being surrounded by a lot of girls. I shook my head. He really is handsome and most of the girls who see him couldn’t help but stare at his face. He also has a masculine body like Li-San said and it is an additional point why girls are head over heels to him. I sighed. I will not accomplish anything just by standing here far from my target. I should go at least near him even for a while. I started to walk towards him and I didn’t take my eyes off him. Well, there are so many people and it will be hard for me if he just disappears. Besides, I don’t really understand why these girls are crazy over this man. I am only a few steps away from him when I suddenly feel chills in my nape. And I feel this kind of chill whenever something not so good will happen so I immediately look around to see if there will be assassins that will strike to kill Lancelot. And there. I saw a man walking towards Lancelot’s direction and his hand was in his coat’s pocket. And I can say that he is holding a gun pointed at my target. I was about to get my gun but I suddenly remembered that we were in a public place. And there will be the possibility that someone might know my identity since I am not wearing a mask to hide my face. At the same time, the girls who surround Lancelot are starting to go away until he is not fully open to assassination. I couldn’t think of anything so when I saw the assassin’s hand move inside the coat, I immediately blocked my body to hide Lancelot and I hugged my violin bag so I would not get shot in the body. But because of a sudden impact that I received from that shot, I lost my balance and almost fell to the floor but that didn’t happen because someone caught me right before that happened. “Hey, are you o--Oh damn!” His eyes looked straight to my shoulder that is now bleeding because of the bullet. “What happened to you, dude?” I didn’t say anything and just looked around to see the face of the assassin but I couldn’t find it anymore. Shit! I should have attacked him rather than putting my life on the line for this bastard. “I will bring you to the hospital--” “Will you shut up?” I shouted and gave him a dagger look. This is the first time I got wounded on the first day of the job so I am a little pissed on what is happening. I tapped his hand that was holding me and stood up. I looked around again and saw that there were a lot of CCTV cameras that I could use to have a clear copy of the assassin who shot Lancelot. I will just ask Li-San to get a copy for me. I turned to Lancelot and I saw him staring at my back so I looked there. And I repeatedly cursed silently after seeing the bullet hole in the car that was parked there. What kind of assassin is that? He left evidence of his crime. Damn it! “Is that for me?” Lancelot is now staring at me as I look at him. “Am I the one who should be shot instead of you?” I didn’t answer. I don’t have any plans to make contact with him. I was just planning to observe him so that I would know what I should do if I am protecting him from afar. I was about to leave him but he grabbed my hand. “I am asking you, dude,” he said. “Is that for me?” I raised my eyebrows on him. “What do you think?” He is not dumb so I don’t think I need to answer his question. And I am sure that he is aware that sooner or later, what he possessed will put his life on the line. He sighed. “Let’s go. You need to get treated.” He held my hand tight and pulled me to his car. I was about to complain but I saw some familiar faces around that would surely give me problems in the future. They also saw me and smiled at me. We may be fellow assassins but in this job, we are clearly enemies because their target is who I need to protect. And this means one thing. War between us. And I will assure you that in this war, I will be the one who will win. “We need to apply pressure on your wound,” Lancelot said while trying to hold by the shoulder. “I can manage.” I grabbed my handkerchief and started to wrap my wounds. It is not that deep but it will need to be stitched so I really need to go to the hospital. “Why did you save me?” he suddenly asked. I didn’t answer. He has too many questions and I don’t have the energy to talk to him. “Who are you? What are you doing in that place if you are not my company’s employee? “Hey! Answer me!” I messed my hair. “Just use your brain and figure out for yourself why someone is trying to kill you.” This man is getting on my nerves. As far as I know, he only has one thing that can put his life in danger so there is nothing to think about anymore. Tsk. He still asked me about things but I just closed my eyes because the pain in my wound is killing me and I don’t really have any energy to say something.
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