Chapter 2

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I am now inside a van park near the entrance of Anox to initiate my plan to kill my target. And in my hand is a Nr. 1 Barrett M82. It is an American weapon that the organization bought before that can shoot at least 1500 yards. Since I was not that far from the building of the company where the target would get out, this was just a good weapon. It is light and easy to assemble so I can get out of here as soon as I finish my job. The office hour has just ended and I can see from my scope that the employee of that building is starting to get out of there. That means that my target will be on my sight in just a couple of minutes since according to our Intel, he never stays at his office after office hours. “He will be there in just a minute.” I heard Li San say from the communication device that I am wearing. Li-San Cesium is the only daughter of the Seventh Sector’s head, George Cesium. But aside from that, she is also our computer analyst and our communicator from the headquarters. She is also the one who guides us in our escape route if something goes wrong in our mission. She is my girl best friend who always looks out for me whenever I am doing a job for the organization. “I still can’t believe that in just a minute, you are going to kill the man of my dreams,” Li-San said which made me frown. “I wish I could see him one last time before he died.” “Yeah, you will just see him in your dreams.” I snorted. “I still can’t believe that you actually admire that kind of man.” “Well, you can’t blame me for that,” she said. “Aside from being kind and nice to everyone around him, he is also handsome. And his body? Oh my! You should have seen it and I am sure that you will also--” “I am a straight man, you crazy!” I exclaimed. “And looking at the other man’s body is a no-no for me.” “Chill.” She laughed at me. “I know that you are straight but I can say that even if you are straight, you will never deny Lancelot Neon’s charm. He can make you fall in love--” “What you are saying is gross so just up and tell me if Neon will get out of the building.” “Hmp! Killjoy!” I just rolled my eyes. Well, I can’t really blame her because that man is like a living god and every woman in this country is head over heels for him. Ah! I wanted to finish this job as soon as possible so I could have some time to visit a bar. It has been a long time since I unwind and this will be a great opportunity for that because I am sure that it will be a mission accomplished again for me. “He’s out,” Li-San said. I immediately searched for my target and smirked when I saw him with nothing but his female colleague. It will be an easy job because he didn’t even bother to hire some bodyguards for him. Oh, maybe he doesn’t know that his life will be in danger which gives me this kind of opportunity. And well, I don’t really care about him. His life will be mine and I am taking it now. I looked at the surroundings to make sure that I wouldn’t damage anything and when everything was clear, I placed my finger on the trigger of the gun and pointed the gun at Lancelot Neon’s head while he was walking towards his car. “Well, you should only blame yourself for creating something that puts your life in danger.” I was about to pull the trigger when I heard Li-San's screams. “Abort! Abort! Abort!” she continued to scream so I immediately took off my finger at the gun’s trigger. “What the hell, Li San?” “Well, sorry about that,” she said. “But I just got a message that your mission to kill Lancelot Neon was canceled. And I don’t know how to say it to you in a nice way since you are about to pull your gun’s trigger.” “What do you mean by that?” I asked and started disassembling my gun. “Why do they cancel the mission?” “I know that you already thought of this situation but someone is interested in the thing that Lancelot Neon created and they are starting to join the game,” she explained. “And the Seventh Sector is actually auctioning his life to all the clients on both sides. As of now, the other side bids for a large amount to make sure that Lancelot Neon will stay alive and protected by our organization.” Damn it! Then, it will make my job hard. Ah! This is one of the reasons why I hate greedy and scum people like those clients of ours. “So? What is the change?” I sighed and put my guns in my violin case. “We are not the only organization that was after his life. There are a lot of assassins that are being hired so you need to protect him no matter what happens,” she said. “I know that it will be hard for you since you are rarely assigned to a job like this but since you are already there, just continue what you started.” I sighed again. Yes, I am not used to protecting someone. I rarely get assigned to the protection squad of the organization because the skills I have is only for killing someone. But in this kind of job we have, we don’t really have a choice to choose what we are going to do. I just had this luck that’s why I got this job but now that it is being changed, I don’t have a choice but to finish it no matter what it will be. Ah! For the sake of the huge amount of money that I can get after this job, I will do it with everything I have. Besides, I know my capabilities. And I shouldn’t doubt myself because I am one of the best agents of the Seventh Sector. “You will receive one million euros every time you get to kill the assassin that will be sent to kill Lancelot.” My eyes got widened after I heard what Li San said. This is more than what I can receive if I just kill him. “But like the first regulation of this mission, it will get deducted but only if Lancelot sustains a serious wound while you are with him,” she added. “And you can destroy anything you want if you think it will be necessary for you to protect your target. The client will hold responsibility for all of that so you don’t need to hold back and do everything you can to make sure that he will be alive until the killing side of our clients drop their case.” Then, it will be a long-term job so I need to prepare everything I need to do that. There is much more I can gain when I finish this job and that is the most important part of this. I got my bag and stood up. “Okay. I understand all of that and I will accept the terms and conditions of this job.” “Good,” she said. “But I want to remind you of the last part of the contract.” “There’s more?” “Well, this will apply if you fail your mission,” she said. “First, if Lancelot dies, all the money you get from killing his assassin will be taken back by the clients. You will get nothing even if you save him a million times and kill a dozen assassins. They need him alive so you will need to make him stay alive.” That was a fair trade. His life is important to our clients so I am not surprised that they gave me that kind of bargain. “And second, you have to prepare your life because those who wanted him to be alive will surely make your own life miserable for failing the mission,” she added. Well, it makes sense because they are investing too much time and effort just to make sure that they will gain more benefits if they let Lancelot live. “This job is indefinitely so you have to prepare yourself. Both sides are still negotiating and I think it will take long for them to decide the fate of Lancelot’s life,” she said. “For now, do protect him with everything you’ve got. I will inform you once there are changes to your mission.” “Okay.” I got out of the van. “Just call me.”
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