Stay Calm

3250 Words

Heal the world?  I couldn’t have heard what I thought I did. Then again, I’m here aren’t I?  My tongue darts out to lick my lips before I speak again, something I must have acquired from Zera or possibly even our Omega. No matter who it was, I noticed I was picking up some of their physical reactions to challenges they’ve faced with me and I can only wonder if they’ve started to do the same with my own. It’s then when I notice Zera, then our Omega’s repeat the action. My brow furrows finding it odd that they’d done it along with me now but try seeing past such a small observation before responding to the obvious issue now.  “What do you mean? I can’t save the world, my goddess. Mother,” I manage to correct myself. “I’m one werewolf. Just one. How can one change so much?” Selene softly

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