Little One

4211 Words

I feel drugged, honestly. My eyes are blurry with an unblinkable layer of tears acting like a shield or veil, it’s stubborn and awful, and Zera’s silenced somehow but when I try to think about how my head throbs, did I say it was awful? Because it is. Every time I wander back to where she’d kicked me off to I feel like I’m hitting a wall. Where there was at least somewhere safe to be, there was a void. The thought of not ever being myself again crossed through my mind while I tried to settle there. While I’m here I see polarized memories, times I could have been nicer, louder, bolder. I see my errors, so… so many errors, so many opportunities to join a pack, and yet I shied away. I could have been more of the Omega I was supposed to be but I shut her out too. I was always thinking, h

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