History Repeats

3417 Words

I’ve never been one to feel bad for myself but what choice is there now?  The stress since my vision has been nothing but overwhelming and right at this moment I’d do anything for a pair of underwear and a blanket to rot away in this corner with. Even that's too much, I know. The Alpha King wasn’t known to be humble. He was known to be vicious. Single minded, I shake my head at that. He had been single minded with me. I lower my eyes to my lap trying to will myself not to cry about the thought of him there.  It wasn’t his to take… My center feels as though it’s been ripped to shreds. He hadn’t been careful, just commanding, like shoving himself within me would have made me into the person he thought he saw. I wonder for a beat if he’d done the same to them, if there was anything left to

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