Fated Alpha

2644 Words
My body stings as if it was on fire.  It’s the first thing I can recognize regardless of the scene unfolding around me. What was I thinking? I whine audibly. “Shh,” I hear my mysterious savior hush me.  I can feel my body sag against his. In its strength, I can feel his soft fur against my back and it’s all I can do to arch into him, seeking something more.  If he likes it, he doesn’t slow enough to savor me, something that I’ve been taught to accept in every other class I’ve ever taken. My peers have done the same without another thought, but in this moment of finding my mate, I can’t help but think he’s already rejected me.  That thought stings more than my face. I move to wipe it with the back of my hand, finding exactly what I thought. Blood. I must look like a f*****g wreck.  I wonder why he hasn’t dropped us in disgust yet. I frown at that. I’m not some gross creature. I’m big… tall rather, in my human form. I’m toned, not overly muscular, I mean I do have a little tummy but it’s nearly winter where I’m from. It’s necessary for survival. I growl and don’t realize I’m doing it out loud until he holds me closer. The grumble in his chest wars with whether or not he’d like to make it roll off his tongue. I close my eyes and squirm a little, pressing my legs together tightly to ease my reaction to him. I need to hear him again, see him, feel him... I’ve never felt so needy, I think.  Then my mind snaps back to what Zera had said.  Fuck.  She said what she did in front of so many… what if this is just a response to that? What if I feel desperate because she said I was?  I am not desperate, I growl at Zera. Then move to take back my form despite my obvious problem. I’ll just… figure it out, like I always do.  Zera happens to growl back at me and force her way out of this animal’s hold. I’d say mate as she does but I’m not sure I’m positive of any of this.  We both felt it.  He feels good… he’s strong enough to carry us but we don’t know him. I wonder again about Lilith and Marco. How did they know? How did they submit? It couldn’t have just been, “you smell good, like hickory smoked tuna, let’s f**k and be merry.” But now I don’t know if I can trust her. Or him. How did they even find me? Do they know those other wolves? The pack? Do they know who’s got me?  Would anyone tell me? I drop my gaze to check on my predicament with him... His hold on us is steady.  Our mysterious werewolf mate grunts at the feel of us moving to get free and holds us tighter to him to establish control. I’m not into it and Zera, as much as I thought she might go willingly, is frightened too. It’s almost as if the goddess had gotten us confused with someone else. Although, I shouldn’t say that. She could curse us to an eternity of moon phases, something I would rather not do. Being immortal was not part of my plans. Granted, no one thinks of dying, but the idea of outliving a mate would be too much to bear. I can only imagine what the grief of losing that being would be like and we haven't even lost anyone yet.  I suppose that's the benefit of being packless.  Packless.  “Takuya!” Zera cries for him like he’ll come back.  “Shh,” I try to hush her. “He could crush us for thinking of another. You and I both… we both felt it, felt this alpha…” “Don’t say it,” she pleads and so I don’t. I can only lower my eyes. “We don’t know him yet,” I tried to comfort my wolf.  “I’m not sure I want to,” she sniffles, calling my attention to the way his claws grip us.   Zera hadn’t been the type to worry. She was sure of herself in this world as I was in mine and now we had to be alert. What if the stories of the spiritual bond were lies, ones made by the alphas to control who got rights to the omegas? “Alpha?” I whimpered at the sight of my own blood trickling down his claws, our body still moving with his.  The call of his designation broke us from his hold. Our body dropped onto a hard, flat surface, much like the cliff. Our mate isn’t supposed to treat us like that. Like a fresh kill… I gasp and force Zera up from her quaking form, forcing me out entirely. My bones crack and crunch as if they’re being pulverized but I’ll cower to no alpha. I don't need him the way Zera wants a mate, nor the way he clearly needs us. I try to steady my breathing as I stand upright on my feet, despite how sore I am.  I vaguely notice the farmland merely acres away. The flat ground is tempting to run through, but if they’re people, they’ll notice us by our nudity alone, not to mention the soft tuft of fur that takes the longest to recede by our wrists and ankles.  I hear him sniff the air, then at me. It doesn’t take him long to smell Takuya on me and growls. The large wolf in front of me is darkly colored, charcoal perhaps, although categorizing colors was never my strong suit, which is a long story I’d rather not give into telling at the moment. Right now, I’m trying to stay strong for Zera. I’m trying to make sure I don’t submit to this alpha by looking away, and I’m certainly trying to make sure that if he does charge me, I have a chance to get away.  I snort at the thought of having to get away as a human, especially with how fast Zera was, and now this alpha I never saw coming. I’d never make it out alive. “I wish you wouldn’t think so horribly of me,” he grumbles while taking steps towards me in the rising sun.  A couple times I lose him in it as he goes which is frightening given his size. What if I’m imagining this whole thing?  “You’re not,” the alpha chuckles as he moves in to look over me again. “H-how are you doing that?” I can hear myself put to words despite how much I want to focus on getting away.  His guarded eyes meet mine once more and while I want to stay silent, I push on.  “Who are you?” His eyes look wounded that not even someone destined to him would know who he was.  “Who am I?” he retorted. “I’m positive you don’t even know who you are,” he kept moving closer still. “I know well enough who I am,” I coolly replied. “Besides, I asked you first. If we are supposed to,” his cold nose taps the side of my leg, particularly interested in a specific spot on my thigh, stopping all forward thought. “What are you doing?” “Who is Takuya to you?” he growls.  How does this wolf know Takuya? I can hear Zera faintly whimper at his name.  “You haven’t answered my question,” I reply, not ready to give that information. If it meant a bond with my wolf, I’d spare the knowledge of what he might mean to Zera at least.  “You’re answering it just fine, if this had anything to do with it,” he retracts from my thigh, drawing a stripe of his cold, wet nose around my muscle there before opening his mouth just wide enough to dart between the gap between my thighs.  Oh, f**k no, Zera growled, taking back over in an instant.  This wolf would have to put us down before he could f**k us. Her body lunged off to the side, not caring about the sound of gun rounds firing, most likely at her, but there was no time.  We had to move.  Zera ran through the fields ignoring the alpha she just left. Her destined alpha! What the hell? She swore Selene was slowly going mad and we were the first of the poor souls she’d allow to suffer as she was. That wasn’t necessarily true but as Zera saw it, she was already involved, her heart was with him, even if the beta didn’t want us like that, even if he was fated to be with someone else, she’d go to all lengths to be near. And now, with the scent of him lingering just deep enough on our skin, we run off back into the woods, regardless of how it’s thinned. Coverage during the day was a necessity. Especially while formed like a beast.  My body still hurts but my wounds have healed as far as I can tell at least. Soreness still lingers. It’s unfortunate now as Zera makes our way across the land, whimpering for Takuya.  There’s no way we’ll find him like this. His scent won’t stay with us at this pace and if our alpha is still chasing us which I haven't even checked behind us to know for sure. All I can do is try to push forward, searching for Zera’s wolf, trying desperately not to think of what that creature tried to… Zera feels him before we see him. Takuya’s body collides with ours. His chest pressed against Zera’s leading us up onto our hind legs before we realized it was him.  “How? I thought I’d lost… you…” she whined. “You did,” Takuya replied and did his best not to growl at me.  “But I,” “I gave you directions, Zera. You didn’t go where I said to,” he snorted, his teeth bared in frustration.  “I…” Zera couldn’t help but whine the moment their paws came back down to the ground. Her nose chased his, dying to press the bridge of it under his chin but no matter how she moved closer he moved away.  “You found him, didn’t you?” he growled finally. “He found me,” Zera whispered, “caught me.” Her demeanor changed just as quietly as her last words did. If we weren’t overwhelmed with our surroundings, with Lilith, with the cliff nearing, with Zera needing to know what it felt like to be cared for, we would have known to turn. That the cliff was not supposed to be jumped over, we’d have remembered that there was another.  Zera whined again and wanted to curl into a ball like they had the previous night. “Please,” she whispered to me. “We can’t belong to that monster. Not when I want to belong to him,” she sniffled. She hated to see him like this. Her wolf wouldn’t make her feel like she was less than she was. Her wolf was kind, comforting… and now, her wolf was angry. Well, who she wished her wolf was, was angry. It broke her heart, honestly. She didn’t want to hurt him. It wasn’t her fault her fate was chosen, she sniffled.  My heart broke for her but our only hope was to leave. An alpha was tracking us now and we’d most likely put him in danger. The pain that surged through our heart was like no other injury I’ve ever experienced.   I could feel the way she backed off of him, her eyes drifted to the ground and her head hung low as she closed them. “I’m sorry,” he whispered quietly. What was he sorry for?  I soothed my wolf the best I could as she drifted from his words back to the field where the alpha approached her. In our memories, I can actually see him. Sure, he’s dark, and I can’t make heads or tails of the actual color but his eyes are sunk in, old even. How can that be? A mate is usually chosen to be within the same age as the other for longevity. Zera winces at the thought of Takuya rejecting her again and whines at the thought of the word, longevity. No one wants a nasty alpha, fate or not Zera shudders at the memory of our alpha’s touch. He was so vile, the feel of him was even commanding, I wonder how I even embraced it when I could have been smart enough to follow my wolf instead of fighting with her. I hear her cry, wondering if we’ll ever be able to accept something so simple as Takuya’s touch again. I can’t bring myself to roll my eyes at that but our world is just so real now. Solid, concrete, different… In a defying moment, silencing Zera to me again, I can't help but need to know more about this animal who treated me as a piece of meat. He said something, threatened me with the knowledge of my… him. I can't exactly call Takuya mine or Zera’s. He pushed us away.  “Why does he know you?” I blurt out.  “Who?”  “My fated alpha? Why does he know you,” I ask, not sure of whether or not I want to know.  “I’m still not sure who he is,” he replies, his nostrils flaring at the catch of the wolf’s scent on our body.  Takuya cautiously moves forward to us and I feel like I’m dead already. Our connection severed the moment that animal touched me.  “Can I?” I hear him trail and it’s all I can do to move to let him find what he’s looking for on his own. I feel his nose start at my shoulder, his way of telling me it’s him and that I can relax. He moved down Zera’s fur covered chest, taking in long draws of our combined scents, while he tried to map together the smell of the alpha who came for us.  He’s gentle, careful only to nose around in her fur until he comes across her own blood which has dried there.  I can hear Zera beg for him to soothe her, his whimper is as much as a surprise as any, and both our eyes are drawn to him.  “He did this to you, didn’t he?” Takuya noses around in her fur looking for the other five indentations but when he gets to three he’s compelled enough to lick her.  Zera’s eyes roll back and a breath is caught in her throat the moment his tongue lapped at her skin. It feels so much different here, her alpha couldn’t care for her like Takuya could, she’s sure of it.  She wants to watch him, to take in that feeling of her wolf caring for her but can’t manage to open her eyes, entranced by the feel of him instead.  “Damian. Takuya…” I whisper, “please…” I can’t help the way I feel at this moment. His tongue works through Zera’s fur, parting through it, diligently licking at our flesh, reaching for it in every angle. It makes breathing difficult, shallow even. I can’t help but feel the need to beg for contact every time his tongue laps back into his mouth. I don’t think I would have ever felt quite like this about anyone, especially him, but his care for me has been welcome… and I simply need more of him.  “Please,” Zera repeats her question, rolling our neck to the side. “Scent me, please. I need to feel you close to me,” she begged.  Takuya’s tongue stopped mid lap at the sound of Zera’s plea. His breathing became deeper, repeating her words to himself as if it were a spell breaking him free. “I need you,” she continued then narrowed her eyes so she’d still be able to see if he approached.  His own darkened. Takuya’s mouth dropped open, unable to speak. Instead he licked the corners of his mouth, then swallowed.  My wolf imagined what he would mean by such a reaction. Was she asking too little of him? Did he want to claim her instead?  “Of course he does,” rumbled her given alpha as he stepped into view, just outside the thickened tree line. “Any mut would take an Omega.” Zera blinked just for a moment at the sound of pure evil making its way back to her and then her whole world went black.
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