Trapped In Darkness

2364 Words

I want to panic. Actually, I think I might be. The unnatural thought of the world opening up to swallow me whole is completely created out of stress. That's it. It’s stress. Every being faces stress. Just not like I have over these past few days. It’s been days, I repeat to myself. Days. There’s been so much going on, so much to process and while it built up, we never did. We never tried to at least. It made no sense to go back and wonder about it. Thinking on my toes has been my life up until now… There was never a time to sit and process, unless it was school, of course. And in all that time I used back then, I never thought I would be here begging for affection and being torn by it at the same time. I never thought I would be thrown down into the great abyss of my own min

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