Reuniting With Takuya

4264 Words

The sky is unreal tonight. It truly looks almost as if it's alive. Green waves move naturally across the sky as if the ocean had been replaced there over the stars. It’s hypnotizing, actually. All the while, stars seem to fall in every direction guiding us along with them. Neither of us are sure why we even looked. Maybe out of frustration over our whole situation. Maybe while deep in thought, maybe as a way to reach the gods and goddesses of the night. We’re not sure… of anything really. “We should have just stayed in the shower,” I snorted at her. “You know, where we started?” “If you remember correctly, Lilith and Marco were there mating.” “Not in the shower,” I hiss. “Oh yes, great idea. We should have slept in the shower. A clean Omega during the new moon; yes, that would have

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