Back to Hell part 4

1160 Words
when they was going to the underworld district eight , Sarah looks at Plog he appearance was humain ,but his skin was yellow and red , and his tongue was a flame ,he has black eye ,and black clothes ,then she turn to Gör he looks human too but with a green skin color, a big mouth ,black eyes as well , and black clothes too, she thought they was very strange. He knocked on the red door, and heard welcome my Lord ,the door open itself, they went in and appear in the cave , suddenly the garden of lake appear showing them le boat . On the boat Sarah looks around her and saw so many foods in the lake ,she asked Plog why the lake has food everywhere, it's the way he wanted , he answered ,who ? she asked him , Lord Bex he said ,the Lake has ketchup appearance, then the boat stop and a garden of lake appeared , they place looks amazing, the floor was cream,all the trees looks like candy , before they eyes, the day become a night , then they walked until they saw a cake house , Sarah asked him are you sure the Queen is there? i could feel her present when we was on the boat but I don't feel her anymore that mean they moved her, he answered , why we still here ? ,we still here because I should fight my brother, they arrived before the mansion, went in garden walked to the door , Asha knocked at the door , someone open the door it was a c*******n,welcome Lord Asha , he looks at Sarah and said it's a trap,just be ready and then went in, the c*******n took them to the hall , when he opened it, they saw many candy men and candy women dancing, they walked in the room , Lord Bex screamed welcome my brother and everyone stop to move ,my little brother I'm so happy to see you here as you see there is a ball and you are my guest he said, you want to distract me ,but late me tell you that it's a little game for me ,said Asha. Lord Bex scream fight , all the candy men and women attacked them , Sarah fight with her fan and knife, Plog and Gör did the same with their sword , Asha passed through them and many candy men and women died ,just in half second , he was in front of his brother , Bex get scared , let's play Asha said to Bex, what kind of game , asked Lord Bex , fight like we were young remember, and he smile and tried to hit Asha with his sword ,but Asha disappeared in front of him to appear behind him ,that's all you have ,said Asha. Lord Bex looks like half goat and half human, he get angry and came to fight his brother , with some much hate on his eyes , Asha sword was made of gold ,but the blade can turn to flame, everytime he try to hurt Asha, Bex's sword was hitting against Asha sword ,and before he realized he Asha hit him with his feet on his face , how can you hit me with you child appearance he said to him , look at you you so fate that you can see you belly button Asha answer , shut up he scream and came back to fight, Asha jump and hit on his head the handle of the sword , Bex stop for a moment and put his hand on his head , and scream i will kill you , before to do that you better see around you said Asha, Bex stopped to move and look around him there was sweets everywhere ,cakes from every flavour, and Asha appeared behind him , i know you want to eat just touch one and let's continue our game he said , after trying to resist ,he took and eat the cake, every time he eats one then another one appear on the table in fron of him, Asha smiled and when to help Sarah and other, just three move from him all the candy men and women died. Let's move he said , and they take the step and when down ,to the Lord Bex prison , they walked through the prison , and he stop in front of one , there heard voices , welcome Lord Asha what brings you here ? , why you suddenly though about me ?,i guess you want me to find Queen Stephanie ,he smiled and said shut up and come out , the door opened , and from the darkness came three women wearing a long black dresses ,they hair was black ,their skin was green and their eyes black too , who are those women ? Sarah asked Gör , they are the three witches, but they always speak in one voice. They stood before Asha ,i have a mission for you ,he said ,as you know Queen Stephanie is prisoner of my brother Agom ,and my others brother took his side , i want you to be by her side until i find her,but no one should see you by her side, My Lord they said if I make myself invisible,Queen Stephanie can see me, remember she can see even the invisible thing, i know that's the reason I choose you for that mission he said, the witches disappeared . Sarah looks at Asha ,don't be scared he said she's my servant,my brother put her in prison because she refused to betray me , why you keep trying to save that Queen Stephanie? , when the time is right ,you'll know everything,just be patient he said . Then they went back to the hall ,every candy men and women was dead and Lord Bex was sitting on his throne his eyes wide open ,what did you do to him?,she asked, nothing i just give him what he really want ,he said . Sarah moved her hand before his eyes ,his eyes still wide open ,did he lost his mind? ,no ,he a prisoner of his own mind he said .then they went out and walked on the scream road ,and finally get to the ketchup lake , the garden of lake appeared welcome back my Lord ,they took the boat and went they was on the boat Sarah asked another question why there is only food on the lake and the land is full of candy ,cakes and many sweets? he looks at her my brother has a big appetite for sweet than food ,that why food are in the lake and sweet on the land . Where are we going now? ,she said , we are going to meet my brother Lord Karl is waiting for us .
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