Back to Hell part 5

1938 Words
The devil was on his throne , that's good Asha powers grows up , humm! i want to see more of those fights , i always thought that he was afraid of his brothers ,but i was wrong , i hope to see more ,more and he laughed. we need some break said Sarah , ok, he answered, let go in the hotel they walked and went to the underworld district fifteen ,he just snaps his fingers and they was there , in front of a big house with a red door , he said to Sarah welcome to the district of fame,you can see all the celebrity here , they all servers my father , he knocked on a door, someone opened the door it was a beautiful lady ,with long blond hair ,but she didn't have a heart ,her chest was empty ,they went in ,it was a city the street was full of celebrity, they was drinking cups of blood , others was dancing, singing , playing instruments , smoking human bones , the city was full of theaters, Cinema, hotels , some of the celebrities didn't have heads , others didn't have eyes , others stomach, didn't have face but all of them was well dress,with jewelry on themselves.they was also children but they didn't have brain in their head .they stopped in front of a hotel,they went in , welcome back she said , in front of them it was a little girl ,they can see inside her head ,it was empty, a lady came to them , come this way my Lord she show the way with her hand ,the lady didn't have a face ,but they can ear when she was speaking,she tooked them upstairs and give them a royal suite, the lady Open the door , should I send ladies for you to have fun my Lord? she asked, yes send two for my friends , with a bottle of wine he answered ,yes my Lord she said and left , the suite has eight bedrooms and a living room, they was in the living room when they heard someone knocking at the door , Plog went open ,and it was two ladies the first one entered with the bottle of wine, in her left hand, she has six breasts , and two face one in the front of her head and another one to the right side of her head, she was only wearing a skirt ,the second lady cames in with a plate of glaces,she has also six breasts ,and two head,she also wore a skirt , they left everything on the table and went with Plog and Gör, to their bedroom ,they could ear disturbing noise . Asha took a glace of wine ,when he was drinking , Sarah said this is blood right? , of course he said , he looks at her , she must be very important for to fight for her ,who is Queen Stephanie for you to fight for her? she asked , he drinks another glace and said i know that you have many questions in your mind , but i want you to know , i never said a lie , sometimes what you think is the truth can be the lie , so be patient and you'll have all the answers to your questions, at the right moment he looks to her red eyes and smiled at her . After two hours they left , back to the street of fame ,they walked until they arrived to the lake of red Ruby, the garden of lake appeared and show them the boat ,they finally arrived in a place where the road was made of precious stones ,even the trees , everything was made of it. From far away they could see something shining like a star, Sarah asked Asha why every place that we have been ,the time is not the same ? ,i mean here it's look like we in the middle of the day , the first place we have been seems to be a sunny day but there wasn't any sun event not a sky , the second place was night time ,and we always see that garden of lake everywhere we go, why?, Asha looks at her and smiled , my dear every owner of an underworld district give to his underworld the appearance he want ,and every owner has he own garden of lake he said , that's mean you have one too? ,of course I have one his name is Tiki he answered, you give him a name, he smiled, i can do anything i want in my underworld, another question he said , yes , why there is not sun or moon ,even sky everywhere we go? , he stopped to walk and said Sarah my grand father create the universe, even hell ,we can copy some of his creation ,but can't make all of them like men kind ,sun ,moon and life . your grand father? you mean God ,she said , yes i mean him he said , Plog and Gör was laughing , he turned to them ,why are you laughing ? he asked, Gör said lady Sarah looks older than you , you look smaller in front of her ,and they laughed ,shut up he said , and stopped afraid. They continue to walk ,on the way they saw trees made of precious stones,flowers ,animals with different color from red to blue, they entered in a beautiful garden made of precious stones ,they was many different color of precious stones, and in front of them , there was a beautiful mansion made of precious stones too, before they arrived in the middle of the garden ,many men made of precious stones ,with sword appeared in the garden, a man came out of the mansion he was well dress and had a rabbit head and the rest of his body looks human ,welcome to my beautiful mansion my brother , at the same time the men of precious stones make a cercle around them , who he is ? she asked Gör ,that's rabbit there is Lord Kam . killed them he said and the men of precious stones attack them, before the noticed it , Asha was inside the mansion and many men of precious stones fall down dead on floor behind him , Sarah, Plog and Gör stayed outside and started to fight them . In the middle of the fight Sarah received a sword on her back and fall on the floor ,Asha was in the mansion and there was many rabbit man in the mansion , there was cleaning the mansion , then they stopped and attack him , some of them has knifes others swords , Asha defend himself and killed three of them at the same time ,only with his hand , everytime they came to attack him , he cut they head just by moving his hand, the hall was full of head and body , Lord Kam double the number of rabbit man just by snapping his fingers , they attack him again , he removed they heart from they chest and eat it , he has blood on his hands and stood on a mountain of rabbits body , he walked on the body and cames in front of him ,with a heart on his hand, the heart was beating ,those souls was your best servants ,Kam looks at him shocked ,how can you eat souls heart? said Kam, Asha laughed at him , and said how it possible ? only father can do it ,don't worry you won't remember what you are seeing today and he eat the heart in front of him. Kam get made ,i will kill you and his body became red as blood , and big horns came out of his forehead, he trow his tongue and put it around Asha and pulled him in front of him , he punch him on his face. Asha laughed everytime his brother punch him. Sarah stood from the ground look around her ,and get made , the sword on her back , came out and Fall, her fan and her knife came from the ground and without touching , she trow them to the men of precious stones,she killed many of them,some of them attacked her ,she put her hand on their chest and removed their heart and eat them , everytime she was eating a heart, her hair became white and her eyes became red as blood ,she has blood on her hand , Plog and Gör look around them and couldn't see any men of precious stones alive ,all of them was dead,they look at Sarah she was eating their heart one by one . Kam pulled again Asha to him,the moment he want to punch him Asha put his little hands on Kam hand and said enough ,my turned now , and put his finger on his hand ,Kam's hand just has the bones broke, and he scream at the same time he removed his tongue around Asha . how could you do it? that impossible you can't break my bones only ,before he ends his phrase Asha said only father can break the demons bones ,but now you discover ,i can do it too, i will give you a little lesson ,you wont never attempt to kill me .He run very fast ,jump and put his hands on his brother horns and break them .Kam fall on his knees and put his hands on his head ,how can you break my horns ? what did you do?, Asha smiled and said know listen very well nothing happen today ,but everytime that you'll see me ,you better get scared as hell , Kam sat on the floor his eyes wide open and laughed. He came out of the mansion and find Sarah eating hearts ,Plog and Gör came to him my Lord they said ,Gör asked him what happen with Lady Sarah? ,there nothing anormal with her he said leave her alone ,sit and be quiet he said to them. For three hours they was watching Sarah eating hearts,then she finally stopped to eat and stood on the mountain of body ,she walked to them , and she said to Asha I'm still hungry ,but i eat all their hearts and her hair change back to red ,i can see it ,don't worry I will find you fresh blood said Asha ,tell me Sarah how taste blood ? she smiles ,blood taste life ,it was an amazing feeling and she laughed . Asha smiled ,then they went back to the lake , took the boat and went back to the hotel . Asha took a cup of blood and give one to Sarah too ,she drinks it and her hair turned white again , i want more she said ,as you want he answered , at the same time someone knocked at the door, Asha went at the door and opened it was a lady with a plate in her hand,he asked her to leave the plat ont the table and she leaves,he closed the door and came next to Sarah put his hand on her head and Open the plate ,it was a heart ,he sat in front of her this is a human heart,he just died do you really want it? ,yes i do she answer ,so eat it he said , Sarah took the heart and eat it ,and he smiled.
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