Back to Hell part 3

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Sarah was sitting on her bed thinking ,this man is the devil how it can be?,and why he knows me?, before she ends her phrase Asha appeared standing with his back to the wall, I'm a demon, she looks at him,you right I'm a demon he said and you are my right hand,and smiled, Sarah was shocked to ear that, and she asked him why your father choose me to be your right hand? ,he smiled and walked towards her, he took her hand ,my dear let me show you something he take her in front of the mirror and asked her to look the mirror,what did you see he said to her, myself she said , look well he said again ,she took one minute and was surprised by what she saw ,he look at her and said now you understand why you are my right hand,no one else can be in your place, Sarah fell on the floor ,don't be shocked my friend and he put his hand on her curly red hair, the time will come when you will be ready to rule next to me . she cried and said i want to see my mother, you are not ready to see her he said and left , she stayed crying where are you mother? One hour later Gör came and knocked to her room she open,my lady our Lord is waiting for you down stairs , she cames out of her room and followed Gör, they entered in a room ,my Lord she's there and Gör left . My dear he said and walked towards her,he took her hand ,I'm going to look for Queen Stephanie, i want you to come with me,would you?, she said to him ,before i answer your question answer mine , i listen my dear , asked me your question, why do you keep this child's appearance? , he smiled why? because my dear i know you feel confortable with me as a child, that's right she said ,i will come with you , after you finished your war i would like to meet my mother, of course you will meet your mother he said .she add i prefer to call you Asha like everyone else does , they heard someone knocked at the door, come in she said , it's was Plog my lord we learned something about Queen Stephanie ,your brother Lord Sheam keep her prisoner to the underworld district seven. They went down to the underworld district seven, they walk on the street and stopped in front of a house with a red door, the door just open itself,they heard a voice welcome Lord Asha , they entered in the house and found themselves in a cave ,they walked in the cave ,it was dark inside ,i can't see she said then fire torches appeared on each side of the cave , thank you Asha she said , they finally arrived to the lake,now what ?she said , a skeleton man appeared in front of them wearing a black dress ,his head was cover and Sarah couldn't see his face . the skeleton man said what could I do for you my Lord? ,i would like to go to the other side of this underworld district, as you wish , a boat appeared on the lake,they went in the boat,with his hand the skeleton man moved the boat , it was so dark that Sarah couldn't see the person sat next to her , Asha asked Plog to give some light , Plog turn one of his fingers to a flame, Sarah look around her and saw many boat empty on the lake,why they're all empty ?she said , they are empty because each soul who was the owner of those boat was eating by the keeper of the lake . The boat finally stopped, and suddenly it was sunny ,hot and there was a beach, the skeleton man appeared and said welcome my Lord, Sarah went out of the boat and looked at the face of the skeleton man and saw two flame, in the skeleton man eyes,the boat and the lake disappeared in front of them, behind them ,they was sands ,they walked on this place and for two hours they saw nothing only sands nothing was alive, from far away they could see a big house , they finally get there after tree hours, then they saw many men outside working in the field , why they saw tired Sarah asked Asha they aren't tired they are hungry, my brother feeds on their hunger he answered . Ashaaaaaa,welcome to my place , Sheam was screaming standing on his balcony, they looked up and they saw him ,i was waiting for you he said , i can see ,he looks at Sarah and said remember to kill everyone ,have no mercy , from his balcony Sheam screamed kill them ,all the men on the field come to attack them,Sarah took out her knife and her fan, Plog took a sword from his Left hand , his sword was a flame , Gör put his hand inside his throat and take out a sword , they fought against those creatures, Plog burnt every creature with his sword, Gör also turn all of them to ash , Asha looks at them and smiled have fun guys , and he just passed through creatures on a half second he was in front of the door , all the creatures on his way fall and dead behind him . Sarah trow her fan ,that killed every creatures in it's path and came back on her hand , more creatures came out of the sands, Sarah turned on herself , move to them and killed all the creatures on her path with her fan and her knife. Asha finally got in the house ,he found sheam in the middle of his hall waiting for him , so you want to be our boss , you make me sick you are the youngest one, you should just shut up and follow the older he said . Asha answer his brother and said I follow the only one that i know deserved to be my boss and this one his father , you decided to follow Agom because your afraid of him , I'm not , he can be the older but for me he's not a good leader to be father right hand . Sheam has a pig head and the rest of his body was all human , he get angry and attack his brother , they fought with sword , every time Sheam try to hurt Asha , he protect himself with his sword, Sheam was taller that Asha ,who kept a child's appearance , he try to hit Asha with his left feet but before he removed his leg ,he felt pain on his stomach ,he looks down and saw Asha eye , he smiled at him and moved back , Asha looks at his brother and said you really think that you are a business man, and he laughed, stop laughing said Sheam, he open his mouth,many locust cames out from his mouth and became a locust man , he attack Asha who fought against him , after some minute of fighting Asha touch his sword that turn to flame, and hit the cricket man, he burn in front of Sheam , they was face to face looking at each other, tell me where is Queen Stephanie ? said Asha, you really think i will keep her her said Sheam , you lie brother ,i felt her presence on your Land when arrived here , that's mean you moved her , when you learned , i was in your territory. Before he noticed, Asha appeared in front of him,he heard,I'm here look down ,when he looks ,his eyes meet Asha eyes , listen you are nothing , your a pig ,you will always and forever stay a pig a good animal, and I'm your Boss, Sheam said you are my boss, Asha hypnotized his brother and left him in the middle of his hall, he went out and saw ,all the creatures dead, then they went back to the beach , the garden of lake appeared with a boat on water,Asha asked him did you see Queen Stephanie ,he answered yes my Lord I heard them said there are going to Lord Bex underworld district, they took the boat and went back. when they was walking Sarah said i think we live the same experience I'm looking for my mum and you you are looking for Queen Stephanie, he smiled and said Sarah the difference between your experience and mine is your mum she's save where she is , but Queen Stephanie she's in danger. From his throne the devil could see everything that happens, you played well my son, to make you brother prisoner of his own mine , your power getting stronger , i can see you give him an image of a pig , well done and he laughed.
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