Chapter 5

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Following William out of the restaurant i have mixed feelings, I feel scared for what my father is going to do but elated because it looks like Jayden has just trampled on any advances that William was going to make. Id been bored out of my mind listening to him constantly go on about how his dad was a big deal banker or something or other and how he was being trained to take over in just a few short years as his dad was retiring and going to reside on his private island with his mother. I could see why my father had picked this man as my potential husband to be honest it could have been worse he wasn't a bad looking man nor did he seem evil or cruel I actually believed I would be the mistress his wife being his company. But there just wasn't a spark no butterfly's no nothing.  I'd faked enthusiasm at the beginning of the dinner and then realised it didn't matter what facial expression I was showing he was too consumed in himself to notice. I recon I could have left to go to the bathroom and he would have kept on talking asif I was there. Then I'd heard that voice the voice that had plaughed my dreams since the charity event was right there and my heart beat had picked up butterfly's where having a full blown party in my stomach. Then fear had kicked in as I watched him approach my father was going to be furious when he heard of this no doubt William would tell him . That smile though his eyes had danced with humour and I clicked onto what he was doing he was playing with me and the guy deliberately trampling all over our date why I had no clue probably to annoy my father they obviously didn't get along that much was clear. William was in his car too much of a gentleman to just leave me here but I can tell Jaydens presence had spooked him the mafia had a reputation that spooked most. We drove back to my home in silence when we pulled up fear was clawing at me full force I needed to try and salvage this my happiness at the restaurant slipping away as an image of my mother limping and wincing flashed through my mind.  Turning to look at William I give him a bright smile " Thankyou for such a wonderful night im sorry for that guy earlier I honestly don't know why he came over i've only met him that once at the charity event and even then I didnt know him before he cut in our dance I was so disappointed we didn't get to have that dance"i flirt. He looks at me warily his brown eyes flicking between me and the rear view mirror wow this guy was paranoid I know the mafia has a reputation but they wouldn't ever follow me i was nothing to them. Eventually he smiles at me and opens the car door comes around and opens mine and we walk up the steps to the front door opening it and stepping inside I ask him in for a drink like my father had instructed me to do so. My father probably wanted to corner him and discuss whatever it was my father was going to use him for.  William stays on the other side on the door way and looks around nervously I can see he's about to decline then my father voice makes me jump " William so good to see you come in in out of the cold " he has a megawatt smile on his face motioning William in as he appears at the side of me at the door . William smiles and steps inside then we all make our way to the sitting room. I sit down and William chooses to sit on ther other couch the move dosent go unnoticed by my father who looks between us whilst he's pouring a drink then at me his eyes full of questions. I glance across at william smiling hoping to ease his nervousness. My father walks over and hands him a scotch then takes a seat opposite the silence in the room is awkward then my father looks at me directly " Jessica im sure your tierd after such a long day why don't you leave us and go rest we have boring business world stuff to gossip about " he laughs nodding I stand and look back at William " Thankyou again for such a wonderful dinner i hope we can do it again soon " he looks up at me and gives me another smile " Thankyou for the wonderful company Jessica" that is not  a yes lets set a date nothing I know I won't see him again unless father talks him around internally sighing I walkover to my father and place a kiss on his head " Goodnight father".  He pats my arm and smiles up at me all for show I know he's about to drill William on our date and of course the marriage. Walking out the room im nervous as to what William is about to tell my father once I get out of sight I bend over and slip my shoes off then head back towards the Sitting room  on tip toes keeping my back to the wall so I won't be seen I be quiet as I can and listen in. " Is everything alright William " my fathers voice sounds smooth but I know that could change in an instant. William clears his throat " George are you sure Jayden Ivanov's has no interest in your daughter ?" My whole body tenses waiting for my farthers reply. His reply is still polite but I hear an edge to his voice " We do not associate with the Ivanov family he had never met Jessica until the charity event why do you ask? " I bite my lip and look up at the ceiling " He was at the restaurant tonight is all he came over to say hello and lets just say was very flirtatious with your daughter " my hear beat picks up I glance in both directions to make sure no one see's im eavesdropping. " Was my daughter flirting back ?" This time he didn't hide his edge at all williams reply seals whether I will get another slap or a berating tonight closing my eyes I hold my breath " No no not at all she looked shocked by his approach to be honest she assured me she didn't know him.  I do not belive your daughter has interests in him but I do belive he has with her. Im sorry George if Jayden is sniffing around I do not wish to be involved i do not wish to be in a cross fire with the mafia nor does my father he is due to retire and that sought of business will be no good at this current time if in 6 months jayden is no where on the scene I will be happy to marry Jessica shes a very pleasant lady". I let out a slight breath and head towards the stairs and upto my room father will still be mad as hell but I know he won't direct that blame towards me or mum his anger will be for Jayden. I turn and lock the door then unzip my dress letting it fall to the floor I unclasp my bra and that follows and then I slip my panties down my legs and lay on the bed. My mind goes back to the restaurant flashing up images of Jayden he'd looked diffrent tonight he was still in a suit but tonight it was grey with a navy blue shirt underneath and no tie he'd looked absolutely mouth watering. The way his eyes had ate me up sends a thrill down my back and straight to my core his smile was so confident and smug I wondered what it would look like as he pounded into me. I'd never has s*x before couldn't even if I wanted to father wanted me pure to my husband that dosent mean I hadn't tried stuff on myself I wasn't prudish I just wasn't experienced.  Turning over I grab my tablet off the night stand and type in Jaydens name there's not many images but one that catches my eye is a paparazzi snap of him looking more casual in ripped jeans a black top sunglasses on and a leather jacket slung over his shoulder he looks like a GQ model but what got me going was the ink on his arms that disappears under his sleeves of his top it makes me wonder how far it went. Placing the ipad infront of me I fetch my hands up and grab my breasts needing them and pinching my n*****s as they harden my breathing becomes shallow my core tingling. I look back at his picture and imagine its his hands running over my body. Keeping one hand torturing my n*****s I slowly glide my other hand down my stomach and down to my wet folds a small moan escapes my lips as I gently rub my clitarus I keep my noise down not wanting anyone to hear. I rub faster and pinch harder going lower I slip one finger inside i take another look at his picture then close my eyes imagining him leaning over me and its his finger pumping in and out of me he adds a second finger and he strokes my gspot time and time again my stomach starts to tighten a pressure building so fast it blinds me as a reach climax a soft Jayden leaving my lips. Removing my fingers I flake back on the bed sprawling my arms back accidently knocking my tablet onto the floor. After a few minutes of bliss I get up of the bed  and shake my head to myself picking up my tablet I delete my search history  and place the tablet back on the bed and head towards my bathroom for a shower. Under the hot spray my mood becomes depressed I'd never beable to have a man like him instead ill have some stiff in a suit. My mind flashes to Jayden in his suit he deffinelty dosent look like a stuck up asshole when he wears one.  Placing my forhead on the tiles I berate myself I shouldn't be thinking about men such as him he was bad news and my life was to be some upper-class man's wife not the mafia bosses mistress men like him wouldn't stick to one woman why would they. Sighing I lift my head up and finishing cleaning my hair and body after drying off I climb into bed tomorrow I was allowed out on myself and I was going to the park where I would loose myself in my drawings where I could pretend I was someone else and forget about my life for an hour. I was only allowed to go twice a week and I could only be gone so long if I ever wanted to go someplace else I had to be escorted by fathers security. The park was only 10 minutes away and had park security i think that's the only reason I could go there on myself. That's if father hadn't blamed me for tonight being a disaster the fact he hasn't come banging on my door is hopeful. My eyes drift and I sleep peacefully that night no dreams of the mafia boss maybe because I got it out of my system before I went to sleep who knows but the next morning I wake early. Getting out of bed I hurry to put some clothes on before going to the window to check the weather nonway could I approach the window naked if a picture of me hit the press in all my glory who knows what father would do. Its bright sunshine and looks warm a smile creeps on my face as I pack up my drawing pad and pencils I put my purse and my earphones in the bag too and head out my room and downstairs into the dining room my mother is already seated but father is nowhere to be seen. She glances up at me as i approach a smile on her face when she see's my bag.  I take in her appearance father may not have come to me to punish me last night but mother could have took the brunt of his anger. Taking a seat at the side of her and placing my bag on the floor " morning mother are you well" her eyes look at me knowingly she knows what I'm asking. " I am dear father told me of your date last night then he had work to do in his office must have been busy because he never made it to bed last night" her eyes dart around the room and to the doorway entrance my shoulders relax she had said it in a way if someone was eavesdropping it sounded a nice normal conversation but I understood the under belly of it she wasn't used for his anger last night. Only two place settings are set up on the table so it looks like father won't be joining the table either this morning was just getting better. " Are you heading to the park this morning sweetheart " nodding my head i reach for some mixed fruit and some toast placing them on my plate. " You need to be back for 12 your father is returning home at 1pm and we are to attend him to the children's hospital where he will present the check for the money raised at the charity event.  Another words we needed to smile pretty for the pictures these ones I didnt mind though atleast something good comes out of it. " Yes momma". We eat our breakfast in silence when I'm done I get up and kiss her on the cheek before heading out the door. Placing my earphones in I walk out the house breathing the flesh air theres no paparazzi here either my smile grows bigger and I head towards the markets with a spring in my step. I reach the bakery and step inside its a little old quaint place run by a wonderful old  lady called Mary taking out my ear phones I head to the counter Marys head is buried im some cakes she was icing but as soon as she hears my approach her head snaps up " Jessica darling how are you lovley ". My smile widens " I'm good Mary thank you how's Jeff".  Jeff was her husband and usually here helping her run the bakery they bickered like cat and dog but the love that shone in there eyes when one looked at the other was sickly sweet. " Dont get me started with that old coot I had to send him on a fools errand to get him out while I was decorating these for a wedding he kept yabbing on about some nonsense and distracting me so I sent him for sanitary towels" she laughs evilly I can just imagine the shy Jeff picking up them at the local store. " i***t didn't click in im 68 what would I bloody need them for serves him right " iblaugh at her antics " Poor Jeff your wicked Mary ". She goes over to the bakery cabinet and places three double chocolate chip muffins into a bag for me she looks out side and then turn and makes me a strawberry and banana smoothie. I grin at her back she knows exactly what I order of it had been cold she would have made me an hot chocolate once she's done she turns back and places my order on the counter taking out my money I go to hand it her and as always she tries to waves me off and like always I roll my eyes at her and then place the money in the charity box for dogs in need thats on the counter. Mary loved dogs she had four poodles herself at home so when she refuses my money I know she won't refuse it to help the dogs.  " Thankyou Mary and give Jeff a break that man worships the ground you walk on ". She chuckles and picks her icing bag back up " My dear why do you think he does you've got to keep your man on his toes my dear " she winks and I head out and cross the street to the parks entrance my eyes search the park and just on the path to my left I spot my targets Marc and Craig the park security. I walk towards them when they see me coming they head in my direction too. " Morning guys " ibreach into my muffin bag and give them both one each " Jessica you spoil us " marc says " I'll have to be put on a diet soon enough " Craig smile patting his flat stomach they was both in there forties and had always been kind to me I had started fetching them muffins 3 years ago and it just became habit this park was in a posh area the had alot of upper class and celebritie family's living near by so there kids and themselves frequented the park its why we had security to make sure nothing bad happened  ." ahh you guys walk to much round this beautiful space those muffins will be burnt off within half an hour " they both laugh at me. " what you drawing today Jess " i look at Craig and shrug " ahh whatever catches your eye" . I smile sheepish id even drawn them in the past and then gave it to them they'd been flawed by my talent to me it was just a stress relief. " better get to it bye guys" they both wave me off tucking into there muffins I head over to my usual spot place my head phones back in and take a seat on the rock that over looks the pond  bot only the pond but you can see pretty much most of the park from here. I look around and try to find my muse for today kids where playing on the swings there mothers pushing them people walking there dogs Marcus and Craig was now talking with an elderly couple. I look around the benches that  circle the pond theres a couple sat holding hands on a bench her head is resting in his shoulder while he reads from a book the look on her face is love and a look of contentment. My pencil starts flying over my paper and I'm lost in my art
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