Chapter 4

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My mood today was sour, s**t wasn't going the way I needed them to go. I had 2 men get shot down last night and no leads as to where the attack had come from my guys had scoured the area and nothing ,not even a sniff. They'd been on an errand to collect some AK 47s from our gun supplier the collection looked to have gone wrong my guys where laying in a pool of there own blood when I had sent a back up team to see of there where abouts after they wouldn't answer any calls. My first thought was my supplier had turned to an enemy on us after a 40 year partnership with my father, i couldn't see it unless it was because I was now in charge. that thought had vanished when my supplier had called me this morning stating. His men had turned up and the had murder already taken place ,they fled the scene to not leave any DNA of them and left contact until today incase it was a set up or the Feds got on the scene.  Luckily we turned up first cleared the scene and scrubbed it down, my mens funeral was set for today and there family notified they had been added to our care pay. any of our men that die because of us there family didnt have to be burdened by money worries we took care of our own. A knock at my door breaks my inner musings ."Come in" the door swings open i look up to see Joseph come in I point to the chair infront of my desk and he takes a seat. He was tasked to watch Jessica, my fascination that I thought would dim after a few days hadn't at all.  infact it had doubled Joseph had reported that after the event she seemed to leave the limo upset but then nothing for days, she hadn't left the house or her room for that matter food was fetched and taken away. her mother visited the room which was strange to say the least we had yet to gain surveillance to her room because she hadn't left it to get a man in to attach the cameras the rest of the house except Georges office was now surveillanced his office had security protocols locks on the doors , cameras already fitted our tech guy was working a way to hack them undetected he was only an outsourced tech though normally Joseph or his wife handled that probably why the job wasn’t done yet . Joseph takes a seat and I sweep my hand in front of me for him to begin " she finally left her room today and a camera has been fitted on the private line you requested,so only you can access and surveillance it. " I nod my head no way was I going to let my men see her in her private quarters , who knows what she could get upto and weirdly I had a possessiveness that reared its head regarding her. " when she left the house she went to the local markets bought some chocolate muffins and then to a park not too far from her home ,she went alone she stopped and spoke to the park workers gave them each a muffin and talked with them like she knew them. so I recon she attends the park regularly, she sat on a rock beside the ponds and seemed to have a drawing pad with her she stayed an hour looked to be sketching ate her muffin and then packed up her stuff and returned home".  Getting up from my chair i head to the window looking out at the bustling city below, people scurrying in there daily business my mind was flooding  with the many images I had looked up on the socials of jess . and they all looked mechanical stiff and playing a part she didn't look happy in any, I'd started to belive that the girl who quipped cocky at me at the party was actually boring. The girl who’ reacted to my touch in such a beautiful way had all been in my mind. Right now I could decide to let my infatuation go or I could tell Joseph to keep her in sight.   " Make me aware of the next time she goes to the park" I didnt turn to look at him but he new he was excused he got upto leave " Joseph" I call to him " Send me the details to access her camera" . He confirmed he would and left my office the door clicking shut behind him if he had questions as to why I was interested in her, he was smart enough not to voice them. it was her dad they all knew I was interested in , they may have thought I was using her as a ploy to get to her old man i'd be lying if the thought hadn't crossed my mind but it wasn't she was the one that drew me in.  Turning back to my desk I put my pass code into the computer and open up the surveillance software a ping to my phone signals a text , I pick it up and put the code in Joseph just sent me for her Camera I look at the settings to check her link is only open to my log in and it is. Then I click open the feed and there pops up Jess's room ,  I see her sat at her window seat with a book in her lap but she isn't reading it she's staring out the window with a lost look on her face. Sitting back in my chair I fetch my hand upto my chin rubbing the stubble that had grown.  I wonder what she's thinking right now to be so lost. I know this behaviour is definitely me being a stalker,  but with her I couldn't help it I needed to know more about her. Theres a knock at her door that snaps her out of her thoughts she spins around and stands up straightening her clothes, before calling out for whoever is at the door to enter. The door opens and her father walks in her body immediately tenses, he saunters through her room and stands beside what looks like her dresser. He looks around the room in disdain then his voice rings through the speakers " I have managed to secure a date from a gentleman, that took fancy to you at the charity event he was reluctant because that man had been near you but I talked him around and told him that it was nothing. His name is William and he is picking you up at 8pm.  So be ready in a nice evening dress as he is taking you to Farello's for dinner.” he turns to walk out the room before he leaves he turns back with a snarl on his face " jessica do not mess this up" with that he walks out and slams the door.  Jessica remains motionless for a second staring at the door then she runs to the bed and throws herself on it, a few seconds later sobs comes through the speakers. My anger spikes at hearing her crying she obviously wasn't happy of the news, her father was basically pimping her out and whats more a possessive jealousy overcomes me at the thought of another man being with her. I slam my laptop shut cutting off her crying not being able to stand it.  Picking up my phone I dial Elliotts number, when he picks up I don't even give him a chance to speak " Book at table at Farello's for tonight at 9pm i don't care if there fully booked chuck money at them book for me you and Joseph" with that I slam my phone down a sadistic smile creeping on my face. Tonight I will squash this deal hes made to pimp his daughter out,  damm if that didn't give me satisfaction for many reasons mainly to make jess happy , secondly just to f**k with him. Looking at the time I see its 1pm ,tonight couldn't come quick enough getting up I grab my gym bag. I need to let out this pent up energy I had before tonight, a few rounds in the boxing ring with one of the guys should do it.   Before I knew it we was on the way to the restaurant , i spent the rest of the day after the gym and working on who killed my men. I'd gone to the sight they had been gunned  down in and searched the space myself and the surrounding area, I'd managed to pick up cctv from the street leading to the abandoned factory we had used for the drop. hopefully they came in that way then we would have a lead if they came in through the back, we was back to square one because nothing else was out of place or left behind whoever did it was definitely trained. Elliott was driving and Joseph was in the passenger seat ,they had yet to question my motive for this last minute dinner. putting them out of there misery I glance up and look at elliot in the rear view mirror as I speak ,these two are my most trusted men and had been with me in Russia training ,in someways they was the closet things to brothers I had we had grown up together since being 8.  " George's daughter is attending a dinner with a set up potential husband this would no doubt strengthen Georges position, i over heard him basically pimping Jessica out to him where going to squash it she didn't look happy about the arrangement" . I see them both tense one thing we hated was women being abused or mistreated. Don't get me wrong some women deserved to die just like men did but we never involved or killed an innocent man woman or child, we maybe mafia but we weren't scum. Elliott meets my eyes in the mirror and he gives me a knowing look , I smirk back at him shaking my head telling him not to go there.  He saw my reaction at the charity event hes the only one that would call me on my s**t as well ,  he knows Jessica is of interest to me. We roll up the the expensive restaurant getting out Elliott hands the keys to the valet and we head up the path and into the restaurant .theres a reason I said 9pm and thats so they would have  already been seated possibly eating when I arrived. Walking upto the front clerk Elliott does all the talking while my eyes scan the restaurant, it dosent take me long to see her shes facing this way and she has a tight smile on her face . her hair is down today and it looks like she has on a black dress she looks absolutely stunning as always and just as bored.  A waiter comes over to collect us and takes us to our table,  we must have lucked out that or Elliott promised a nice wedge to get a table so close to them. we get sat just behind them and to the left a bit , she was facing in our direction I pick the seat that will put me facing her back and Elliott and Joseph takes the seats that gives her there back.  She's yet to see me so i study there interaction with tis William,  I carn't see the guy shes with but she looks to be bored and having to force herself to pay attention to the guy. She looks down at the table fiddling with the napkin in her hands.  Our waiter comes over to take our drinks order and I ask for a bottle of red wine making sure I speak a little louder, it works  like a charm her  head snaps in our direction her eyes widen and her mouth hanging open a little. nice to know she remembered the sound of my voice. I give her a charming smile and stand from my chair figuring there's no time like the present, her face morphs into one of horror when she sees my approach her eyes flit from her date to me and he must see her reaction because his head turns in my direction. just as I reach there table I laugh inwardly its the guy who I cut in with when they was dancing he must hate me by now . In a sickly sweet voice I turn all my attention to her " Jessica its so nice to see you again and may I say you look absolutely beautiful tonight" leaning forward i place a kiss on her cheek her whole body tenses at the contact her eyes darting back to her date.  Her manners kick in and I can tell shes trying to keep her voice normal , and defuse whatever thoughts her date was having. " Oh hello was it Jayden" trying to play off she dosent remember me like I was no significance to her.I give her a knowing looking and my smile widens. " It is darling but you knew that already" I wink at her and then turn to her date. " Sorry to interrupt your dinner i saw Jessica here and couldn't resist to come over to  say hello I mean who could right" I wink at him and then turn back to Jessica. her face looks beet red  and she's giving me a look that she must think is menacing to me it’s only cute" Anyway I’ll let you get back to it my men are waiting for our business meeting" .I look at her one last time and trail my eyes up and down her anyone in our proximity would know ive just checked her out. i may aswell just whipped my c**k out and peed on her marking my territory with how obvious I made my interest. Then I turn and head back to my table I purposefully keep my eyes averted from there table and have a conversation with my men about the murders, every so often I feel her gaze on me but I ignore it. After fifteen minutes or so I look at there table to see its definitely awkward his back is rigid and she's looking everywhere but at me and him in the restaurant. the waiter comes and places the bill on there table he places cash down and she desperately tries  to thank him and places her hand on his arm looking sweetly at him , but he jumps straight up and darts a look in my direction his eyes wide .  I keep my face stoney and stare him down. He dosent  hang around after that and heads to the door keeping a safe distance between them , she turns her head and looks in my direction and flips me the bird she knows  exactly what I've just done . she looks back to see her friend had disappeared out the door, as soon as she's out the door and she thinks I can’t see her.which I still can through the glass her scowl changes to a happy one and she walks off after her running scared date with a triumphant look on her face . Letting out a chuckle I turn back and face my men who both have smirks on there faces, I shrug my shoulders and tuck into my desert.I think that was definitely mission accomplished and I just got to definitely see a hidden side of Jessica from the stone faced character she plays.
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