Chapter 6

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"Boss are you going to the den now ?". Looking up at Elliott I shake my head no then carry on looking out the window " Take me to my penthouse then you boys are free for the night". The Den was a private club for members of the mafia only or close trusted friends, wives or girls of my men once properly vetted was allowed in . or the  hunnys as we called them the girls that liked to hang with us the ones that would be bouncing on your lap with one look from you as the go ahead. The hunnys had to get regular checks by our in house doctors, if they refused they was out. as they got passed around alot much to there delight they loved the danger of f*****g Mafia men . In the back was private rooms or there was a group room if members wished to use them. Usually I'd go get lost in the group room for a few hours or i'd sit and drink amongst my men, but tonight my mind was fully occupied on her. I needed to get to my computer and see her this f*****g obsession with her was getting annoying I felt like she was taking over my life like she was a drug and I needed my fix of her.  Pulling up to my building I get out the car and walk inside waving a hand in the air as the car pulls out the drive way and the horn beeps at me. I'd recently bought the building my home was the penthouse, then the rest of the building was for my men if they wish to move in some had there own homes but most jumped at the chance. I like to keep them close safety in numbers when you have as many enemy's as us. The building had all the best security it was also in a gated complex with guards at the front we was currently building extra homes on the land due to the popularity of members wanting to move in the apartments got snapped up within a day. My mind had been so preoccupied I'd not even seen who was on shift tonight. Walking through the foyer I see some of my men and women stood around talking, they all look at me as I pass tipping there heads in greeting I nod at them all and keep going to the elevators there was only one place I wanted to be right now. Pressing for the top floor as soon as I enter the lift I place my hands in my suit pants and look up at the numbers going up on the screen, gritting my teeth with annoyance because it seems to be taking forever. Finally the door dings open and I enter the penthouse without turning on any lights. I head straight to the office and boot up the computer typing in the code to the security feed in Jessica's home. Looking at my wrist at my watch I see its 11.30pm Jessica had left the restaurant around 10pm. I flick the feed back to 10.20pm and select the camera for the front door pressing play I stand up and head over to the bar that was built in the corner of the room. Keeping my ear to the laptop as I make myself a vodka on the rocks and add a slice of lime to it. Unfastening my suit jacket I strip it off and place it over the bar collecting my drink,  heading back to the laptop just in time to see the door open and Jessica walking  in shes inviting him in. It makes my skin itch the thought of him touching her legs hope his gear has stayed in place, lifting up my glass I swallow the whole contents in one feeling it burn all the way down. Quickly jumping up I head and grab the whole bottle if this leads to them going upstairs I was going to need it. By the time I get back infront of the screen and another drink poured they're in the room and that d**k George is with them. A snarl graces my lips as i watch him pour two drinks and he saunters over to them. Jessica looks uncomfortable but not as uncomfortable as whoever his name was he's sat at the opposite end of the couch to her. The room remains silent then George excuses his daughter to leave. " Thankyou again for such a wonderful dinner i hope we can do it again soon". Over my dead f*****g body it will , the thought pops into my head as soon as the words are out of her mouth where the f**k did that possessiveness come from. I watch as she strolls over and kisses her father on the cheek theres no emotion behind it and they both actually look quite stiff with the act. My eyes track her movements out of the room. Fetching up the next camera so my screen is now spilt between her father and where she's heading I watch as she slips her shoes off and loops back keeping her back to the walls. it looks to be shes listening in to there conversation. So lost in wondering what she was doing i miss half of what they say until my name catches my attention. Looking back at that screen I turn the volume up and catch the end of whatever his name in says. " I do not belive your daughter has interests in him but I do belive he has with her. Im sorry George if Jayden is sniffing around I do not wish to be involved i do not wish to be in a cross fire with the mafia nor does my father he is due to retire and that sought of business will be no good at this current time .if in 6 months jayden is no where on the scene I will be happy to marry Jessica shes a very pleasant lady". My eyes quickly look to George his whole frame is wrought with tension, a satisfied smile appears on my face i look back to the screen Jessica was on and she's rushing off up the stairs. Quickly switching cameras to the one in her bedroom I get there just in time to see her lock the door. She then turns around and unzips her dress letting it fall to the floor. My d**k instantly hardens at the sight of all that creamy skin. She reaches behind her and unclasps her bra letting it drop f**k. I know I should turn it off and let her have her privacy if I was a decent man I would. But I never claimed to be a decent man instead I exit off the other camera just as George is showing the guy out and I make Jessica's bedroom feed bigger on my screen, turning the volume up some more. Her panties are gone and shes laid on the bed in all her glory reaching for a tablet. My eyes roam her body as she's playing on her tablet. She's f*****g perfect. Her hand slowly travels her body and then starts playing with her breasts her breathing coming over the mic choppy and breathless. Shes still looking at the tablet now propped up to make use of both hands. I wonder if its a porn site but I can't hear no sounds so if it is she has it on quiet. Her hand start playing with her wet folds and her moans get louder. My d**k is so hard its painful and pressing against my trouser zipper. Unzipping my trousers I pull my hard d**k out and moan In relief at the freedom. My eyes go back to her and she's pumping her fingers inside of her. I carn't take it anymore I grab my d**k and start matching my strokes to her actions. Her head is thrown back in bliss her face is lit up with pure ecstasy. Her body jerks and her moans start coming out quicker I quicken my hand knowing she's near to finishing. Then she falls into the abiss her voice floats over the speakers and what I hear makes me crash with her ropes of c*m shooting all over me. " Jayden " f**k did I hear that right surley I didn't. She flings her arms out causing her tablet to crash to the floor with a thud. The screens still lit up so with my clean hand I quickly zoom in then collapse back into the chair at what I see there. A slow devious grin creeping on my face. She was m**********g to a picture of me the one that was took a month ago by the paparazzi after i'd been on a meeting with the realtor to by this buying. I'd dressed casual in order to seem more approachable and flirted with her. There was more than one potential buyer a few oversees. People that wouldn't be intimated by me to withdraw there offer. So I turned up and put on the charm and ended up f*****g her at the side of the pool that is on the ground floor. The building use to be used as a spa/Hotel safe to say i got the building. Jessica getting up fetches me out of the memory one look at her and the retailers memory looks shoddy in comparison to her. The fact she just f****d her self thinking of me has done nothing to ease my weird obsession infact it just heightened it tenfold. Jessica goes off to the bathroom and I look down at the mess I've just made closing the laptop I leave my office and head to the shower. Under the spray my mind is in overload the guy was out of the picture for now but who knows how long before her dad found someone else. The power greedy d**k didn't give a f**k about her aslong as he made a new contact. Right there under the hot water blasting away and pounding at my body I make a conscious decision. I was going to f**k Jessica and get her out of my system that was a certainty. Secondly I would squash any potential suitors her dad lined up. Somehere in my obsession i was becoming to think as Jessica as mine something I needed to possess. The thing is I didnt do relationships never have never will. I enjoyed the scene too much the freedom to f**k whoever its why the group room was a favourite of mine why I created it. I couldn't count how many girls I'd been with over the years most of the faces a blurr now. Some still stand out more than others. Jessica dosent seem that type for one she was innocent she was like a f*****g angel and for once in my life I cared that I'd hurt her somehow if I f****d her if I got involved in her life at all. We was to ends to the spectrum two worlds apart and I didnt want to corrupt her that way but f**k I needed to. And if I learnt anything of myself it was that if I wanted it I could resist but eventually I'd do it I just hoped when my will power cracked she wouldn't be naive and fall because I didn't do second times unless in the group room with the hunnys they knew there place though love and romance. I'd give her what I would imagine of her sheltered life the most dirtiest and rawest night but then id be gone. The hunt for Jessica for me had begun and she was my unaware little deer. The next day while I was in a business meeting with a potential new mule that would open us up a drug pipe line to all the south prisons. He had people on the inside and the stocks where low the only thing they could get there hands on was some pretty questionable H. I was offering lets just say a variation giving the inmates a choice. If this deal took place it would be massive for us close to a 10 million a year take home. The man infront of me was trying to take the piss though probably the fact im young or new who knows but he was about to find out non of those things mattered I was still my fathers son and this was still the same organisation. Sitting forward and raising my hand I cut him off mid sentence. " Let me stop you there before you insult me with whatever bullshit offer I was about to hear. First of all I know your f****d without me" he sits forward his cheeks flushing red with anger. Mr Romas was known for his short fuse his hair looked greasy with how much product he'd used his eyes seemed too far apart for my liking. Worst of all he thought he was untouchable that was about to change. " I've been in contact with Mr Harrison and already set up the line for myself. You see this was me being generous and keeping you within the business hoping we could remain friend's you have contacts that I do not thus being my reason for not just going solo and taking your line. Do not seem so smug the contacts you have I'd soon require on my own. Seen as this is my product and your line that remember could be mine with one phone call I say the percent will be 80/20 in my favour". Sitting back i study his face it looks like he's about to blow any second. He knows he's cornered Mr Harrison was a prison warden that was now affiliated with us he could easily get the supply in turning a blind eye then the inmates would take care of that themselves with specific trusted leaders to get it passed between prisons. This guy here thought I didn't know his source of his secret to how he runs it my knowledge just threw his power out the window. " Do we have a deal Mr Romas?". He abruptly stands from his chair his face is murderous with a nod he goes to storm out of the room." Oh and Mr Romas " I call out to him his retreat stops and he stiffly turns to look at me. " Before anything happens to our mutual friend I advise you to remember how easy it was for me to acquire that information and the fact I know where your daughters are currently studying in a private school. I'm guessing the fact they have diffrent names to you and you are not on there birth certificates is because you know how risky this business is and the danger it can bring to ones loved ones ". His eyes bug out of his head i belive I hear his heart stop breathing. Then he all but runs out of the office causing me to chuckle. We would never hurt his daughters but he didn't have to know that. My phone screen lights up flashing Elliott's name. Reaching forward u pick it up and swipe to answer it. " Yes Elliot" my tones casual but today is Elliot's watch of Jessica and he would only ring if there was news. "So how was the meeting " Elliot sing songs down the phone growling because I know what he's upto hes winding me up knowing all i'd want to talk about is her." Ok ok" I hear the laughter in his voice "Boss she seems to be heading for the park again you told us to inform you when she next went". With a goodbye i hang up I grab my stuff of my desk and walk over to the coat rack. Inswao out my suit jack for my leather jacket and remove my tie opening a few buttons to show off my chest my tattoo just peaking out. Quickly i jog down to the parking garage and eye my cars up f**k it if where going for bad boy. I jump into my Audi Spyder and shoot out of the garage racing towards the park she goes to. It dosent take long to get there and when I get out of my car and stroll in no one bats an eye lid. Probably because of the area the parks in fetching that car probably made me just fit right in. Elliott texted me to say she was seated near a pond glancing around i see a few women looking at me then glancing away when I look in there direction. Then I spot the pond and slowly walk towards it I check out all the benches but she isn't sat on one of those then i spot her sat on a rock cross-legged her hand flying over the paper. Her hairs down and its blowing in the slight breeze the only way I could describe her was like an angel she just had this aura around her that shone brighter than the sun. Was I really going to be the dickhead that tarnished that. Her head flicks up and shes looking at a couple sat on a bench studying them she must be drawing them because then her head goes down and shes drawing again. f*****g perfect all the other benches are took up and there smashed that close together the whole other side of then bench is free. Walking over i take my sunglasses out and take a seat on the bench the couple look at me " sorry I'll just be sat a second  I'm just waiting for my girlfriend " glancing at the book the guy is reading i smile " I love that book please carry on". They both smile at me and go back to what there doing the guy jabbering on about whatever the book is about I wasn't listening. Then I turn my head back to her and wait it dosent take long when her head comes up she looks directly at the couple then she realises there not alone. Her eyes cast to me slowly I remove my sunglasses so she can see I'm looking at her too. Her mouth pops open a little as recognition hits then here eyes slowly take all of me in. A blush creeping up her face and her eyes widen. f*****g perfect exactly what I was going for I'd just recreated her naughty little fantasy last night.
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