Chapter 7

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Oh my what the hell is he doing here. my heart rate is already a wild mess and he hasn't even moved. My eyes are glued to him i carn't seem to look away. He looks like every dirty fantasy a girl could ever have we all have them fantasys we keep hidden about baby boys that could ruin our lives forever make every other man fail in comparison. Well mine was burning a whole through my skin just by looking at me. Hes wearing that leather jacket from the picture last night too I can feel my whole face heat up and go red at the thought of how in got myself off to this man last night. I never expected to bump into him again especially not the very next day in a park of all places. Since when would a man like him visit a park. My body goes frozen as I watch his slowly stand up his eyes never leaving me. He turns and says something to the couple at the side of him and then they both look in my direction and smile then go back to there book. He sets of walking around the pond eyes are turning in his direction and I'm not surprised he looks like he could be walking a run way right now. But he dosen't notice his eyes never stray from me and I carn't bring myself to look away from him either. As he gets closer my breathing goes erratic this is diffrent from any setting we've been in before here where alone. No prying eyes except for those visiting the park and they'll pay us no mind. They don't know my father me or him well some might. But they won't think it strange just two people having a chat in a park im not being watched to make sure I say or do the right thing. Here I'm just me and that scares me I carn't gain confidence from the facade I present to everyone else. Even if I did I have a feeling he would see straight through it. " Hello Jessica" his smokey voice fetches me out of whatever trance I'd been in hes looking at me with a smirk. The bastard knows the effect he has on me s**t the effect he has on most people I guess. His green eyes holds amusement. " Hello Jayden what are you doing here". He puts his hands in his pockets and shrugs the smirk turning into a smile that nearly knocks me off my feet. " Just out for a stroll then I saw this beautiful girl and I just had to stop and say hello" . My cheeks heat us and I know must look all shades of red right now looking down to hide my face I let my hair fall from behind my ear to make a curtain and hide my face from him. Come on Jessica get it together hes only a man a god of a man but damm it still just a man. I nearly jump put of my skin as I feel somone sit at side of me like really close legs touching snapping my head up i look and see him looking at my drawing. His head tilted to the side his green eyes taking in every single detail. I suddenly feel very self conscious my hands are twitching to snap the book closed and out of his sight but when he glances back up at me his eyes are studying my face intently. Whis voice so quiet im not sure he intended me to hear him " who is the real you Jessica?". I'm stunned really stunned it's a question I ask myself daily he dosent have to explain his question I know exactly what he's asking. Whos the real me and it scares me to admit it but I answer him truthfully. " I " coughing to clear the lump in my throat " I well I don't know ". I can't look at him because if I saw pity I'd break i don't want his pity im not actually sure what i want but not that so I look out across the park willing my eyes not to tear up. Calloused fingers grip my chin and fetch my face to face his but I still keep my eyes downcast. " Please look at me Jessy ". Sucking in a deep breath I slowly fetch my eyes up and when I dont see pity I let it out shakily what I do see is anger mixed with sadness. "I think I see the real you well some of her after all I've only seen you a handful of times and let me be so forward and say your father will squash that you will become a robot and that would be a damm f*****g shame". A tear slips free a picture of my mother flashes in my mind a warm thumb rubbing my cheek shakes the image away and I realise he's wiping the tear away. I look into his eyes and he looks in mine and for a minute I'm lost drowning in them and I feel like hes looking deep within me. Breaking the moment I look away and laugh without humour five minutes alone with him and I'm a wreck. I snap my drawing book closed and put it away for some reason anger bubbles up im mad at him for making me vulnerable for being able to affect me so. For doing it in the place I come to forget all my problems at home about how said I am in the life I lead. " I'm sorry if I upset you". " You haven't i just have to go im expected back home soon". Standing up I pick up my bag and climb down off the rock an start walking behind the bushes that lead back onto the path. Before I can walk back out into the open his hand grabs my arm and he swings me around his face angry " Do not lie to me I said I was sorry I didn't wish to make you upset im just trying to understand you". Squaring upto him get right in his face and looking him dead in the eye " Why ? Why are you trying to understand me. Why are you even here ? Why do you keep showing up where I am damm you ". His other hand grabs my other arm holding me in place he dlsent say anything just searches my face his mother tight his nose flaring his chest rising and falling. Somewhere in the back of my mind i realise even though he looks angry im not scared of him which shocks me since all I've ever known is when a mans angry they lash out well in my fathers case anyway but he's the only male I've been close to in my life. But I know somewhere deep down I know jayden would never hurt me physically but I know he could have the ability to drown me in pain mentally. A shocked squeak leaves my mouth as he slams his lips down on mine he isn't soft or gentle in the slightest. His lips demand me to submit as they move against mine his hand come upto my face keeping me in place a small whisper leave my mouth. He takes advantage and dives his tounge in tangling it with my own. My hand drops my bag and then something takes over me my hand go up into his hair and grip on then I'm giving as good as him. Moans gasps and grunts are all I can hear and I'm not sure who is making what sounds I'm so lost in his taste his smell just him. Lifting a leg up I wrap it around his waist he growls and moves both hands to my arse and lifts me up instantly I wrap my legs around his waist. His hands squeeze my cheeks and I carn't help rubbing myself onto him moaning at the friction through our clothes . He rips his lips away panting " f**k baby we carnt do this here if you keep doing that I'll be f*****g you infront off all these park goers". His words are like and ice bucket my eyes snap around to see if anyone saw us if this got back to my father who knows what he will do. Fear replaces all other feeling and I scramble off him and grab my bag. " oh my im so sorry i err I have to go". He looks at me confused  " Jessica whats wrong ?". My eyes darting around finally land back on him and like word vomit that I carnt stop " that was my first kiss". His eyes bug out of his skull embarrassment floods me at my confession. He seems to compose himself and walks closer to me but I stumble back which halts him in his tracks. Its not out of fear but I'm scared if he gets closer ill be back grinding on him. " Jessica have you never been with a man?" His voice is smooth coaxing. A laugh escapes followed by another confession " are you kidding my father wouldn't allow it until he found me a proper suitor. f**k why do I keep saying these things to you". He laughs at me and Annoyance swamps me " Do you find me funny". I glare at him he holds his hands up in surrender trying his hardest to straighten his face " no no but never in a million years did I think I'd hear you swear I have to admit it was kind of hot". A smile creeps on my face replacing my scowl damm him I've never gone through so many emotions in such a short time I was starting to feel like I had whiplash. Looking down at my watch insee I'm pushing my time " well f**k you and have a nice day I have to leave Jayden " He looks at me with a smile " I believe I've just witnessed another glimpse of the real Jessica ". A feeling that I wasn't quite sure of made butterfly's swarm my stomach before I can embarrass myself further i turn to leave he shouts causing me to pause " when will you be back here? ". Without turning to look at him I contemplate whether I should tell him chewing my lip I close my eyes and shout back " Monday " then take off walking without a backwards glance. My lips are still tingling and in ten minutes I felt like id gone through an emotional wringer but I was smiling from ear to ear what is it about Jayden that has me so well so me. All the way home I keep replaying that kiss and for a first kiss it was definitely one to remember.  Before I know it I'm back home and I have to take a minute to compose myself and slip the mask back into place. As soon as I walk in the door my father is stood waiting for me halting in my tracks fear washes over me. Fear that he somehow knew exactly what had just happend in the park. Holding my breath I wait for him to speak which seems to take forever he just stands there looking at me. When he does its worse that if he knew " You will go to Williams work and seduce him you need to convince him that you are only for him and that you would be worth any aggravation from any outsiders. Do you understand what I'm saying Jessica". Sickness like I'd never felt before assaults my stomach my father was actually telling me to go f**k a guy in his office especially when my father knows im pure shouldn't first times be special. Looking down and away from his face i nod my head if he saw my expression he would see anger and that wouldn't go down well. " very good he is out of town on business he will be back next Friday take that time to prepare yourself ". With that he turns and leaves and I run up to my room slamming and locking the door behind me tears leak from my eyes as I throw myself onto the bed how low does my farther think of me to use me this way. 
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