Dragged By Angry Mobs

1556 Words
Prince Mavin walks back into the mansion after the two women that came to entertain his father left. He made his way upstairs and as he passes thru the private hall upstairs again, he hears his father instructions to Silas Nicholas again in the hall and he walks closer to the door attempting to step in or stand back listening to their conversation. "Ensure you leave no stone unturn. Kill him and I want it taken care off!." "Yes your majesty" Silas respond and he stiffens listening to that and quickly walk away knowing that Silas will soon step out. "Kill who?" He silently wonders as he sees Silas step out and made his way going downstairs and not calling the rest of the guards to join him in his quest as he made his way out of the palace. He wants to go in and confront his father about his secret mission to Silas but he decides to let the matter be, "Probably is one of those offenders or criminals again" He said as he walks back into his room on the second floor to rest. His room is a large two in one room Which has the receiving room, like a parlour of his own, consisting of couch and a television and the second room, where his giant king size bed is. He walks and sit on the couch happily that his mother finally agrees and step out from her chamber with him for the very first time as she's always indoor. The smile on his face didn't leave his face even as he walks to take his bath, not calling any of the maids or servant to prepare his bath as he doesn't feel like a prince either. Fiona is in her parent home, which is a three bedroom apartment. She's in her room preparing to sleep when she hears her mother screams,"No!" and she immediately rush out to find out what happened. "Mother!" she rush out to the parlour only to find her father Chief Douglass Anderson murdered in cold blood. "Mom what happened to father" She ask as she's to shock to see blood all over him and thinking it all a dream until her mother screaming sound alert the whole neighborhood and people starts stepping out of their houses at that hour of the night to go find out what happened. "My husband please wake up" Her mother Mrs Gloria Anderson shakes her father to wake up. "What happened to him?" The village men starts rushing into their compound and ask. "I don't know, I returned and found him laid in cold blood" Her mother replies. "Liar, you killed him" The village men accused her mother. "How did I kill him, where's what I used in killing him, Save my husband please" Her mother begs. "Liar drag her out now, Let's take her to the palace. She killed her husband and pretends not to know what happened. How can someone from this town kill Chief Douglass, where's that happening?" The village men didn't even give her mother the chance the talk as they immediately drag her mother out, Dragging her to the royal palace that's is closer to the city, the lands diving the village from the city. "Let my mother go, She's innocent" Fiona begs as she runs after the men. She has already lost her father, she cannot lose her mother too. "Let my mother go" She runs after the men and grab one of them. "Carry her too, they're both killers" One of the village men instruct and they drag her out, taking her to the palace alongside her mother. It's already getting dark and the night are slowly drawing. "Kill them!, kill them!" The angry village youth chants as they drag them towards the palace. "Eh stop there!. Where are you all going too?" The guards at the gate questions them. "They're killers, They killed Chief Douglass Anderson and claims they don't know who murdered him," The angry village men and youth informs the guards at the palace gate. "Wait here. You all are not allowed into the palace. Where's the deceased?," The guard at the gate questions them. "In his home, he's dead!" The angry villagers replied. "Fine, You all should go back home, We will send some guards to investigate the matter and call on the security team. So hand them over to us" One of the guard Instruct. "No!, They shall be killed, They killed Chief Douglass and they needs to be punished" The village elders says. "How sure are you that they're the ones who killed Chief Douglass, Where you there with them to confirm that she's the one who stab her husband?. And why didn't any of you do anything to the dead man corpse, instead you plan to kill his wife and daughter too!" The guard thunders and the whole angered youths keeps mute "Go back to your homes now, and anyone who's against my orders and still chanting will be arrested this minute. Leave!" The guard at the main gate orders and the angry youth calms and leave as five other new guards steps out to investigate the matter. They drag Mrs Gloria into the palace and dragging her to the prison in the palace with her daughter. King Andrey steps out to find out what the commotion is all about as it seems the whole community gather outside of the palace. "What going on Silas?" He question as Silas walks back to meet him. Silas is a 35yrs old guard that is trust worthy to his majesty. "My king, The woman and her drag are both accuse of murder" Silas says and he nod. Prince Mavin, Prince Melvin, Prince Charles and Princess Rose all stand out with their loyal servants staring at the woman and her crying daughter. "Hmm, how sure are they about their accusations. Take them to the dungeon, tomorrow we will find out about the real truth and inform the police about the case" King Donald informs Silas. "Okay your majesty" Silas bows and commands Fiona and her mother to move and the two guards standing behind them drags them to the dungeon before locking them in separate rooms. "Mother!" Fiona calls out to her mother. "Don't worry my daughter, everything will be fine. I cannot believe all this just happened within the blink of an eye. Who did your father offend, who killed him?" Mrs Gloria question out as she leans on the bar and starts crying. "Mom I cannot sleep in here, Is dark and scary" Fiona cries out as she stares around the dungeon, seeing a rat jumps out and run, she jumps up and scream "Mommy!." "Stay still my child, nothing will happen to you. I pray they find out the truth, had i known I wouldn't have inform the neighborhood by screaming out, but what am I to do. How can your father be gone?" Mrs Gloria ask out as she burst out crying. "This cannot be happening to us, not today, not this time!" She cries and cries till morning and even Fiona didn't sleep throughout the whole night as she feels her eyes swollen and red from the sob that she has been crying. The following morning, king Donald send for Silas to find out about the progress of the murder case that was previously reported to the palace. "Good morning your majesty" Silas greets standing in front of him inside the main grand hall downstairs. Most of the cabinet chief members where all around and seated round in the grand hall waiting for the king, before he finally step out and walks to sit on his throne. They greets him first before sitting as Silas stands in front of him. "How is the investigation ongoing?" King Donald ask Silas who respond, "Your majesty the murderer hasn't been captured yet as no one claims to have seen any suspicious person visit." "Hmm, and the mother and daughter?." "All proves innocent your majesty" Silas respond and the elders in council shakes their head in disbelief as they cannot believe that the same man who they previously spoke too the day before the incident is already gone. "We cannot continue to detain the mother and daughter as they are still innocent of the charge levelled against them. They're to be released at once as Chief Douglass is a very good person to us, and it will be very bad and probably not allow his soul to rest properly knowing that his wife and only daughter is in the dungeon, when they're innocent. The murderer shall be caught, but first ensure to inform the community and village folks not to one dare to insult the mother and daughter or calls them murderer until the main murder is found." "Okay your majesty " Silas bows and left to instruct the head of the security team the king's report. The head of the council meeting, Chief Raymond Wilfred stands up. "You're majesty, I still find it hard to believe that our very own Douglass is gone. Who could have stab him and why?. He's a very peaceful man and even as he has no son, he's still committed to loving his wife, what could have results to his assassination?" Chief Raymond ask.
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