The Ruthless King

1671 Words
Chapter 1 ___ King Donald Andrey, the ruling king of the Lemon Gold Kingdom, is the richest king of all the lands and has many concubines and only one wife. He's wealthy, and despite that, he lives a promiscuous lifestyle and refuses to make any of his concubines queen. His wife, Queen Victoria Andrey, is a very beautiful black woman. He married her mainly because of her sexy curves, as she was a damn beauty goddess in her younger days, but due to his high libido, he ended up cheating on her as she could not satisfy him. She has four children for him: three sons and a daughter. Prince Mavin, Prince Melvin, Prince Charles, and Princess Rose. Prince Mavin is the oldest and 3 years older than Prince Melvin, who's 2 years older than Prince Charles, who's also 2 years older than their only sister, Princess Rose, who's a 20-year-old princess, as they've all grown up. Prince Mavin detests his father so much and hates his father's kind of lifestyle, as despite all his father's riches, he cannot stay loyal to his mother, and she's always indoors and hurting, despite being a very calm and conversant woman. She hardly expresses herself, as she feels insulted to even bear the title of queen, as his father, King Donald Andrey, had told him. "Son, There are a lot of beautiful women in this world, and having only your mother cannot satisfy me. You cannot understand this excerpt. You grow up one day and become a man like me." Prince Mavin had kept his cool as he listened to his father. He wants to yell at him and tell him that he can never become like him, but his father is not only wealthy but also wicked and can order for the guards to kill him, not minding that he's his son, just to ease his worry. He fears his father's ruling nature, as his father is ruthless and isn't merciful when it comes to those who offend him in their kingdom. He sighs and walks back upstairs to his father's private hall to see him first, and he hears his father requesting it from his trusted guard, Silas Nicholas. "Did you send him the gifts I gave to you?." "Yes, your majesty, but he refused to accept, saying the gifts are too much and he doesn't understand why you're always sending them gifts," Silas responded. "Hmm, is Chief Douglass now questioning my gifts instead of showing his appreciation? Is okay. You can return to your duty post," his father dismisses Silas. "Okay, your majesty," Silas said, bowing and leaving, and Prince Mavin doesn't understand what their conversation was all about. He hides and waited for Silas to leave. He later steps into the private hall to see his father. "Greetings, father. You sent for me," he says as he stands in front of his father, who's sitting on the throne. "Yes, I did. What're you and your brother's up to too? I sent you last week to go for the training lessons with Silas, the head guard, but he reported to me that you refused." King Donald asks as he stares at his son. "Father.. Don't you think it's too early for that? I am not ascending the throne yet, and you want me to go for the training lesson on how to become king?." "Son!. What has gotten into you?. It's important that you learn the principles of becoming a king, even now that I am alive and have no excuse from you. Tomorrow you will be resuming the council meeting with Silas accompanying you and guiding you on what to do. If you fail to do that, then your younger brother, Prince Melvin Andrey, will take over your position as the next king!." "Hmm," Prince Mavin brows furrow as he remains silent. "Have I made myself clear to you? Now leave; I have some important work to attend to too!." He stared at his father and turned to exit the private hall. "What other important work does he have to do, apart from hosting his concubines and harlots in this royal palace?. Not respecting the sacred staff of honor" Prince Mavin murmurs as he walks downstairs to meet his mother, and as usual, two sexy ladies were escorted by the guards into the mansion as they walked past him, going upstairs to the second floor to meet his father. He shakes his head and annoyingly goes back downstairs to meet his mother, who's in her chamber, as she doesn't like to step out of her room for any occasion either. She married her husband mainly out of love and his wealth and because he's the only son, but she never expected him to be a cheat. "Mother, Ain't you stepping out today to receive the sunlight?" Prince Mavin asks as he walks into his mother's chamber, slowly closing the door behind him. Her two maids bow to him and excuse him as he walks up to meet her, sitting on the bed. She's dressed in her usual traditional clothes. A wrapper was tied around her waist, and a blouse was worn on her chest. "Son, that isn't necessary. I'm fine here," Queen Victoria Andrey replies as she sits on her bed and stares away from him. "Have you gone to see your father? He spoke about you not wanting to resume the training lesson as the next king, and he blamed me for it." "I know, mother, I am not interested in the ruling." "Why son?. Is it about how your father behaves and his kind of lifestyle?." "Yes, mother, or what else?. What's so special about me being king when an ordinary man on the street is far better than him in terms of dignity? I don't care about the throne or whatever he threatens to do. He can give the kingship position to Melvin; beside, Melvin is just like him when it comes to women." "No, son, don't say that. The throne is your birth right, even though I feel insulted by the women your father flocks with and brings into this palace. I lose my respect for them, but I cannot sit down and watch you lose your respect too. You have to go to the training; do this for me, okay?" Queen Victoria asks as she stands up from her bed and walks up to meet him. He turns and stares away from her. "No mother!. Waking up every day and seeing you unhappy doesn't make me happy either. I want to leave this palace and go far away from here and away from my father entirely." "You cannot do that, son. You know your father has wide connections to other lands and villages. He will find you and probably make life uneasy for you. I don't want that," Queen Victoria begs. "Mom, if you want me to go to the training lesson tomorrow, then you have to agree to go on a walk with me today outside of your chamber and parade yourself as Queen for once. If you fail to do that, then I am also not interested in parading myself as the next King, and Melvin can take over." Prince Mavin turns to leave, but his mother immediately stops him. "No, son, wait!." She walks up to meet him by the door as he's about to exit her room. "Don't give me conditions, son. Know that my case is totally different from yours. You're the Crown Prince of the Lemongold Kingdom and your father's first son too." "Of course I know, mother, and you're also the crown queen too. I cannot be proud of a man of whom my mother isn't proud. When you're ready to go on a walk with me, you let me know, and if you fail to do that, then I will go to Melvin myself and tell him to resume the training lesson tomorrow." "No son!. Okay wait. I will follow you out now, and just up to the palace gate, I am not stepping out of this palace." "Okay," Prince Mavin sighs and stares at his mother as he shakes his head. "Can we go now?" he asks her, and she nods and follows rightly behind him as they both step out of her chamber. Prince Charles and Princess Rose are both in the garden when they spot their mother stepping out of the mansion with their eldest brother, Prince Mavin Andrey. Princess Rose quickly rushed out of the garden, as it was actually her first time since growing up to see her mother step out of the mansion and walk down to the field with Prince Mavin. "Mother!" she calls after them and runs up to meet them. Some of her father's concubines who are living in the women's quarters building turn and stare at her as they hear Princess Rose scream. "Mom!" Princess Rose hugs her from behind excitedly. "You're a princess, Rose; learn to behave as one," Queen Victoria Andrey cautions her. "Mom, I am so happy to see you after how many years of staying in the house? Wow!" Princess Rose says, but Queen Victoria keeps silent. She cannot explain to them why she stays indoors, but they've already concluded it's because of their father's promiscuous lifestyle and harem in the palace. She continues her walk to the field and stays there with her children, as it's been a long since she last stepped foot out to feel the beautiful garden and field, as she's always indoors and viewing it from her room window. They sit on the bench in the open field, and just then the two women who have gone upstairs to satisfy her husband step out and laugh, gossiping, as they walk out of the mansion and towards the palace gate. Her husband shamelessly hosted people's wives too, all for his selfishness, and she cannot divorce him because of her children, but instead she refused to sleep with him again.
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