The Case

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King Donald stares to Chief Raymond "I don't know Raymond, but whatever maybe the cause we will get to find out about that. Let the guards do their jobs first and leave the rest to the security agencies to fish out the main culprit." "Okay your majesty" Chief Raymond sits back. "The council meeting is over, we will get to discuss about all other important trending matters and there after my son will resume my office position at the council headquarter" King Donald informs. "Okay your majesty" The elders in council respond as they stand up and start leaving the ground hall downstairs of the royal mansion. King Donald is so excited as ever since he saw Chief Douglass and his beautiful wife walking down the street after he went visiting the villages and other lands in his car. He want Chief Douglass wife but doesn't know to tell Chief Douglass about it. He smiles as he rubs his palms together sitting on the throne in the ground hall downstairs. Prince Mavin has already taken his bath and he's dressed in a plain black trouser and long sleeve white shirt, he step down to the ground hall to meet his father who's seated on the throne, and smiling to himself in the hall. "Good morning father" he greets as he walks closer and stand in front of him. "Good morning son" King Donald happily respond. "Are you going for your training lessons dressed like this?" King Donald questions with a frown settled on his face. "Any problem with my dressing father?" he ask nonchalantly. "Yes Son!. You're a prince and a traditional ruler. You're to dress in our traditional attire and not the white man's attire. You're not to wear this and step out from this palace, go into your room and dress nobly now!." He stares to his father in anger and just then his two younger brothers step downstairs too and walks into the hall to meet their father. "Good morning father!" They greets. "Welcome sons!" King Donald calm his raging nerves as he stares to Prince Melvin and Prince Charles. They dressed nobly putting on tradition gown unlike Prince Mavin that's always provoking him on purpose, he knows his first son behaves that way because he's closer to his mother but he cannot help it, as he loves women a lot. Fat, slim, hot, thick, black, white and different kinds, he wants them in his bed atleast everyday and anytime he wishes. He stares to Prince Mavin who didn't even move an inch even after he commands him to go in and change his cloth into his traditional prince attire. Oh!, he now remembers he has never seen Prince Mavin dressed traditional, as he's always putting on plain trousers, or singlet top and polo, dressing more casually like ordinary common men of their kingdom. His brows furrows and just then Prince Melvin speaks as he's also about to say something. "What happened yesterday father?. I mean the white woman and her daughter I saw dragged into the palace yesterday that caused all that chaos and commotion last night?." "Hmph" King Donald sighs and stares to Prince Mavin who stares back at him also waiting for his response to Prince Melvin's question. "She was accused of murder, Her husband was murdered in their home" King Donald respond as he sighs and relax back a bit on his throne. "Wow, that's beautiful woman, and her daughter. I have never seen anyone as beautiful as her daughter, even as she was crying at that time of the night, I can still see the beauty goddess in her" Prince Melvin says. "Melvin!" Prince Mavin anger rose. "Father is talking about their crime and you're talking about their beauty?." "So what?. What if they're innocent?. I don't care about their crime father. In short I couldn't sleep throughout the whole night to be honest with you. I want to see her and atleast to know if I saw clearly the previous night," Prince Melvin says as a corny smile spread on his face, he smirks at his elder brother. "You will do no such thing. if you go closer to them, then note that you're also a suspect and will be under the police and top security watch!" Prince Mavin warns. "Who's bringing the police into this matter, Father has the ultimate right to decide on their final judgement, the legislature and executive arms belongs to us as we govern the whole lands so leave the government out of this!." "Enough you two!" King Donald thunders while Prince Charles is quiet all thru. "So far the woman as proof innocent as she states she isn't around as of the time of her husband murder." "And her daughter?" Prince Mavin ask staring at his father. "I don't know about her yet. I will ask Silas to release them for proper investigation first' King Donald state and Prince Mavin nod. "Okay father. That isn't in my concern, When will Silas be ready for the walk to show me around the kingdom and start with my training lesson?" he ask as he hold his father's cold glaring gaze on him. "When you have gone inside and remove this rag you're putting on, then you let me know." "Okay." Prince Mavin walks away and went outside of the mansion, going out to the field and later he walks out of the palace, going down to the land he intend building a factory. He spot Amos and drives down to the village in his tricycle he kept out of the palace. He has labourer who works for him in his large hectare of farm lands and he keeps it away from his father as the land is bought in a far away village while they live in the develop area of the Lemon gold kingdom. He thinks about woman and her daughter that was arrested the previous nigh. It was already dark when they were dragged in and he didn't properly see her daughter's face clear, neither did he see the woman's face and he's surprise his brother could even see their faces in the dark. "How perverted!" he murmurs as he walks down to the farm land with his trusted guard Amos walking behind him as they keep a casual dress code not to alert the neighborhood or workers on the farm that he's the crown prince. "My Prince, they've kept all the farm produce today in the store" Amos informs him. "Hmm, I told you not to call my prince whenever we are outside of the palace. Call me Mavin and I am okay with that. What if someone hears you?." "Am sorry my prince, Sorry I mean Mavin." "Hmm.." He turns and walk down the street since the farm workers are very diligent in their works He remembers the pretty white girl he saw the previous day he was strolling down to stare around the village. He was tempted to follow her as she looks like a pretty white angel that seems to soften his cold heart as he saw her walking down with some group of girls returning back from the village stream. She stares to him, carrying her water pot too on her head, but she quickly stares away as their eyes meet. She was wearing a short wrapper tied round her waist and her chest too as her navel button was on full display. He tries to get his eyes of her as even as she has walked passed him, he still turns back to stare at her curvy back. He's 27yrs, dark skin in completion, handsome and has short hair scattered all over on his head as he's very hairy and masculine. Her friends smiled to him, but they didn't know that he's the crown prince, while she keeps a cold face and act like she didn't see the most handsome man in their kingdom. "Mavin, is time to return back to the Palace, before his majesty seeks for your presence, Knowing that today you're to beginning your training lessons" Amos informs him as he walk down the street of the village again hoping to see, if he will still see the white beauty that he saw previous time again. Women aren't in his agenda but he keeps remembering the white beauty and feeling his chiseled muscles hardening. "Fine, Prepare the tricycle we will go back to the palace soon" he respond to Amos. He owns a car, but he hardly uses his car, as that will draw attention as only the rich and top wealthy families owns cars in their kingdom, while the average has bike and tricycle and the poor owns bicycle or just trek with their legs or pay for public transport fares." He walks down to the stream again in hope to see the beauty and it's actually his first time getting to the village stream. He stares to the young ladies fetching water with their water pots and his heart almost skip a beat as he sees a fair lady fetching water to from the stream, but when she raise her head up to stare at him, he shakes his head and walks back as Amos has already prepared the tricycle and he has indeed wasted much time knowing that his father will question him about his movement, but he cared less. Leaving the palace and living a simple life of his own is all he want not the kind of lifestyle his father lives.
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