Inside The Dungeon

1639 Words
Fiona wakes up in the dungeon, after drifting to sleep in the morning as the early sun rise. She wasn't able to sleep the previous night as her cage room was so dark and she fears for cockroach, rats and scorpions not to bite her as she sees some dry bones skeleton behind her. She wonders what bones was that, but she sit still and stares up as she finally wakes up in the middle of the day. Her cage room is opposite of her mother's and she sees her mother is still awake and crying. "Mom," she says as she stands up and rush up to shake the cage room door, shaking the bars violently. "Stay still Fiona, don't alert the guards to come in here for us" her mother voice already sounds cold and cracking due to her multiple sobs the previous night. "Mom, when will we be released, We're innocent and I want to leave this place. Am pressed and I want to urinate too" Fiona says as she clutch her night gown in between her thighs to hold back her urine threatening to burst out from her urethra. "Walk back and urinate inside, they won't allow you out, and so you don't hurt your bladder holding your pee for to long is not good" her mother says. "Mom, There are skeleton behind me, I cannot go back there to urinate, the bones there... What're they?" Fiona questions and her mother shakes her head and slowly loosen her gown to wipe of the corners of her eyes as she didn't even raise her head up to stare at Fiona. "Stop acting like a child Fiona, You're already an adult, why acting like a baby?. Go back now and urinate!" her mother orders again and she swallows and walk back, crossing the bones. She quickly raise her garment up and pulls down her pant as she bends to urinate. Just then she hears multiple footsteps approaching and she curses out as that's the main time she prepares to urinate as she has hold the urine for too long and it refuse to come out, and when it finally rushes out, it comes out much, refusing to stop as she wants to stand up quickly. She's so embarrassed to see the guards standing with a noble dressed guy staring at her and she pulls down her nightgown a little to cover her thighs as she's still urinating. She cursed silently in her heart as the shameless guy refused to stare away from her even as he sees her urinating, he still focused on her while the two hefty guards turns and opens her mother's cage door first. Thru urinating she stands up and quickly wears back her pant as she slowly walk to the front and didn't want to raise her head and meet the shameless man gaze on her. If he wasn't told, can't he just stare away from her urinating, instead his sexy eyes burns or her skin and she feels prickles all over not able to stare up to his face. "My prince," The first guard calls to his attention and he steps aside and two more guards step in and open her cage door as they drag her out too. Prince Melvin walks out to give the guards the chance to do their job. His younger brother Prince Charles stands out in front of the dungeon entrance and waiting for them to climb out. He walks out and stands staring around as he await for the guard to bring out the mother and daughter from the dungeon as they also have other criminals kept in their prison awaiting their own judgement. "My Prince" The guards says after they finally step out with the woman and her beautiful daughter. His eyes raze on her again as she's dressed in only her transparent night gown and pant. Seems like she was about to sleep the previous night before she was dragged to the palace, he thought as he walks up and down a bit wanting to act like her knight in shining armor that has come to rescue her. "Let go off them to stand properly," he Instructs and she finally stares up to his face. Her beautiful eyes is like olive so calm as her golden colored eyes meet his gaze. She's very fair and white skin in complexion, he swallows not knowing what to say again as it seems they all got into a staring contest. Prince Mavin returns back to the palace and as usual Amos as taken the tricycle to a house where he secretly parks it away from the palace. "Where did you go to Mavin?" King Donald questions as he watch his son approaching in front of the mansion still dressed like a commoner. "To take a stroll father. What else is needed of me to become the rightful king?." "Mavin!" His father voice is as cold as ice but not enough to send dread down his spine. "I am being honest with you father. Only but a stroll" He smirks as the rest of the elders standing in front of the mansion bows their head lower a bit as his father speaks to him. "The training lesson will begin tomorrow let this mistake not repeat with you dressed like this!" his father warns and just as he's about stepping into the hall, already wondering why his father, the elders in council and lots of guards were standing outside in front of the royal mansion. Just then to his surprise as his heart skips a beat, he sees the same girl he has been searching for and wanting to meet, dragged up to the front by the guards holding her hands as they didn't chain them. His fist tighten and he turns back to stare at them standing in front of the mansion. Fiona stares to all the guards and the elders that wears like her Father's chieftaincy cloth and she swallows as she stares to the king and the young princess like her age standing in front of the royal mansion. She has never been to the palace before and has always wished her father takes her there to the palace to stare around someday, but her father use to tell her that commoners aren't just allowed into the palace, except on invitation or when the royal family is having a ball party. She has been praying silently in her heart for the ball party to arrive since when she was a child but no party was ever held, not even the king, or the prince nor the Princess's birthday. When she asked her father who was also a cabinet member, why no ball was ever held in the palace, her father had sighed and told her, "The Royal family ain't happy with the king's behavior as he loves women a lot. His wife was humiliated by him when he openly allowed a prostitute to romance him at an event and touch him in a bit not supposed area, and even suck him there publicly on his wife's birthday party. Ever since then he's wife never steps out as she ran away from her own birthday party, not cutting the cake or saying a wish, That was after Princess Rose was born." She stares to the royal families standing and like usual the queen is not spotted anywhere among them as it's easy to know the royal family among the elders and guards standing in front and on the opposite of her. The princess is dressed in a long blue gown that reaching her ankles and a high heel shoes as the beautiful silver shoe shines brightly in her eyes and she admires it and wants to go and touch it as she doesn't have any high heel shoes. Her friends had told her that most of the accessories, jewel, ornament and everything the royal families wears are all imported as they're very rich and the rulers of all the lands. She stare from the beautiful melanin popping princess shoes, and gown and up to her face as the princess is adorn in a matching silver earrings and neck brace. She stares away from the princess who gives her a cold glare as their eyes meet and stares to the one standing in a casual out. He doesn't look like a guard, nor a prince either as he's dressed in a plain black trouser and white long sleeve shirt, and some part of his top button in front of his sleeves were open exposing his harden chest. She stares from his shoe, plain black and up to his face. "Who's he?" she wonders inwardly feeling he's familiar, as he stares at her coldly too like he's angry with her and her mother and they're truly the real killers of her father. Just then the king speaks. "Every investigation done shows that the the woman and her daughter is innocent of the murder charge levelled against them. It's a pity that we lost our very own Chief Douglass Anderson to the cold hands of death and leaves his wife and daughter in a trying times. Chief Douglass is very dear and committed in building this kingdom with us. He work to tirelessly to ensure the growth of the village he's assign as their chief. It a pity he's gone far away from us. And all I will like the public to do now is to show the same love and support he showed to us while he was alive and support his dear wife and daughter too in this trying times. My apologies to you Mrs Anderson for the lose of your husband and I will try my best to comfort you the best way I can," King Donald says.
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