King's Decision

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King Donald sits on the throne room downstairs discussing with Silas his trusted guard when Prince Melvin walks into the hall. He's busy talking to Silas as he's so happy after visiting the beautiful white woman he so wants. "I don't want her to be my slut. I want to marry her and make her a queen too. Do you think she will accept my proposal?" he ask Silas and just then Prince Melvin stiffens as he heard what his father just asked his trusted guard now. He walks closer to meet his father who immediately changes the topic as he sees his second son approaching him. "Good evening father" he greets as he stands in front of him. "Make sure you see the chiefs about the tomorrows event. I want her name completely cleared off and the murderer captured." "Yes your majesty" Silas bows to the king and exit the hall while Prince Melvin shifts his gaze back to his father. "Is it still about the white beauty father's death?" he ask. "Yes son, about the new case. I want Silas to find the murderer, you know Chief Douglass is a very important man among us when he was alive, so we cannot just let the matter to die just like that." "True father, I feel pity for the woman and her daughter, with the level of humiliation their village folks throws at them." "That's right son. Not to worry, Am personally handling this case and the murderer shall be captured and brought to book." "Okay father, but I overhead you just now mentioned something related to marrying someone and making someone queen..?." "Not really son, You probably heard wrong. Is actually one of my concubines that wants me to marry her and make her the second queen of our land and am discussing with Silas about it and asking him of his decision." "Hmm, why take in a second wife. How about mother, don't you actually consider how she will feel about it?." "You're right son. I will talk to her about it, but I haven't accepted the proposal yet." "You better not father, Am going upstairs to my chamber, good night." Prince Melvin walks away in anger and his father sigh as he watches him leave Just then Prince Mavin steps into the throne room and walks forward to meet his father seated on the throne. "You sent for me father" He says as he stand in front of him. "Yes I did." "Tomorrow, you're to dress in our traditional attire and go out with Silas to guide you on your training lessons and no more excuses this time." Prince Mavin remains silent and his father thunders, "Did I made myself clear to you?!." "Yes father" he bows and walks away. He hasn't seen his mother since the previous day he lastly spoked to her about the late chief's death and he decides to find out how she's doing from her personal maid. He walks towards her chamber corridor and just then two of her maids steps out from her room and greets him. "Greetings my prince. Her majesty is sleeping " They informs him knowing why he's there. "Okay, I hope she has eaten something?." "Yes my prince." "Good" He turns and walks out from the corridor leading to her rooms and goes back upstairs to his room. Stepping into the hall where the stairs is, he sees his father all smiles pacing up and down in the hall and he wonder why his father is smiling all alone to himself. He stares away from his father as he continue to climbs up the stairs going up to his room. He thinks about his training lessons the following day and knows that most of his town folks and villagers in the far away interior villages he goes out to work doesn't even know that he's the crown prince of Lemon Gold Kingdom and naturally wealthy by his inheritance. He sighs and shakes his head again as he get closer to his chamber. He steps in and slightly closes his room door as he walks to sit on the couch in his room. He remembers his brother kept an unusual cold gaze towards him when he arrived and he decide to arrange the traditional attire of a noble crown prince he will be wearing to his training lesson the following day. He walks too his wardrobe to check his collection of wears he has and to find a more suitable attire, Just then he hears a knock and Amos immediately steps in. "My Prince, Prince Melvin is here to see you?" Amos informs him. "What does he want?" he ask, not turning back to stare at Amos. "I don't know my prince. Should I find out first?." "No, let him in." Amos bows to him and exit the door while Prince Melvin steps in and greets, "Good evening bro," his face still looking cold as he walks closer to meet him stepping out from his inner chamber. "What do you want Melvin?" he ask. "Isn't it obvious that you pretend about your feeling, and yet you go behind our back sending gifts to a woman." "What do you mean by that?" he ask again and his brother smirks. "You still pretend like you don't know what am talking about?." "Melvin!" his voice turns cold. "What!. Just stay away from her and go and look for another girl elsewhere!" Prince Melvin finally blurts out and he stares at him in shock. "Are you crazy Melvin. How can you just walk into my room and accuse me of something I know nothing about?." "You lie brother!. Rose actually confirmed to me that she saw you also staring at the white beauty and her mother yesterday." "Oh her!. Actually, I don't know.." He smiles confusedly as he rakes his long hair (How did his sister found out he was staring at her?.") he wonders. "I only came here to warn you brother stay away from her!." "Melvin, have you gone out of your mind. What proof do you have that I want her. I was only staring at them in pity, And besides, Why're you warning me about her?. When did you become her guardian angel?." Prince Melvin shrugs his shoulder and just turns to leave. "Just stay away from her!" He warns and steps out. "He can't be serious!. No he isn't " Prince Mavin mutters as he watch his brother exit his room. "I like her, but I haven't even acknowledge this to anyone and besides, why should he be warning my about who I want?. He can't be serious." He walks to take his bath and he finally step down to have dinner with the rest of his royal family except his mother. He mother doesn't step out as usual and his father never for once asked after her. He takes his sit and Prince Melvin, finally step downstairs as Prince Charles and Princess Rose are already seated. He stare to his younger brother and shakes his head, remembering his younger brother's warning. Prince Melvin walks and take his sit and the maids walk closer to dish out their meal into their respective plates. The dinning room is quiet and they all eat in silence after the maid steps back. Thru with their dinner, their father clears his throat and says, "Someday a new queen will join us here as your mother had refused to acknowledge her duty abd wifely role here in this palace." "Father!" They all exclaims ad they stares to him surprisingly. "You cannot do that father" Princess Rose says out as she breaks into a sob. "Your mother leaves me with no other option. For years I have being waiting for her to step out and grace her position as Queen, but she has repeatedly refuse to do her duty. I cannot continue bringing different women into this sacred palace, so I have finally decided to take in another wife." "Father!" Prince Mavin slams the dinning table hard and stands up to stares at his father coldly. "You won't do this father. Not in this palace " He says coldly to him and his father smirks. "None of you can stop me, just get ready to welcome your new step mother and her children when the time arrives." "A married woman?" Prince Melvin ask out and his father shrugs his shoulder. "Yes, A married woman is better as she will understand me more than a maiden who might be dramatic towards your mother." Prince Mavin is speechless. He immediately walks out from the dinning table, as he cannot believe what his father is saying. He knows to well is father isn't joking and he's actually a man of his words, and there's no possible way for him to stop him. He grunt in pain, knowing his mother will be more devastated when she finally finds out he wants to crown another woman as his queen.
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