Taken To The Palace

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His mother has repeatedly refused to acknowledge any event his father hosted and he doesn't even understand why as ever since he has been growing up to understand a thing, his mother has refused to grace the honorable title as queen of Lemon Gold Kingdom. He sighs and walks back upstairs to his room, wanting to cool off there as he cannot stand his father anymore. If there's anyway to eliminate his father or imprison him, he will definitely do that as his father irks him. He grunt as he pushes his room door open, thinking of who his new step mother will be as he sees how most of the shameless married women that comes into the palace to have an affair with his father, parades themselves. He sigh again, expecting the unexpected to happen. The following morning Mrs Gloria wakes up early and arrange to leave to her mother's home. Fiona wakes up and sits on the bed and she rolls out and walks to her mother room to see her first. She knocks and steps in and her mother isn't there. "Mother!" She calls out and her mother respond from her bathroom. "Yes dear am taking my bath." Fiona sighs and decides to wait for her mother to be thru. Thru with her bathing, Mrs Gloria Anderson steps out from the bathroom and walks back into her room. She dries her body with her clean white towel and Fiona ask her. "Mother, are you still going to your mother's place?." "Yes my dear, Or what do you have me to do?." "I have to go and see your grandma, atleast we can hide there till all these settles." "Won't the king ask questions, if we run away it will seem like we are the ones who truly killed father, we cannot leave. We have to expose him!." "But how Fiona, how do you intend to do that?. The King is a wicked man, the more reason why no one dares to challenge his decision, I have to go, in-short we both have too." Fiona sighs and stare downward. "Am not leaving mother, Am not going anywhere!" She runs out of her mother's room and Mrs Gloria sighs and wears back her cloth. As Fiona steps into their old and tattered looking parlour, just then she hears a sharp knock on their door and she walks to open the door. Surprised she sees the same man that has killed her father standing by the door. She glares at him and want to pounce on him. "What do you want?!" She ask him in a cold voice not wanting to greet him either. "Where's your mother??" Silas ask as he stares to her. "She's not home" Fiona respond as she cross her arms around her chest, but the ruthless man doesn't believe her. "Stand aside!" He pushes her away from the door and her eyes burns as she watch him walk into their parlour. Her mother has warn her not to openly accuse the king that the king is a very wicked man. "Go away from our home" Fiona burst out crying. Silas ignores her and calls out. "Any one home!." Mrs Gloria quickly rushes out from her room and rush to her daughter's side, seeing Fiona crying. She bends and cuddle up with her daughter and she stares to Silas with burning eyes. "What do you want?" She ask him coldly. "Madam, His majesty sent his proposal to you, To pack all your things and move into the palace" Silas state. "Am not going anywhere, Am not leaving my husband house" Mrs Gloria respond with burning eyes. "Madam, This is his Majesty orders and you have no say in it. Pack your things now am outside waiting and you have just 10minutes to do all that," Silas orders and immediately steps out. "Mother!" Fiona burst out crying. "I told you he's the one mother, I told you" Fiona cries harder. "Hush, is okay." Mrs Gloria pets her daughter and she stands up and walks to her room. She doesn't want to carry her bag of clothes, but she doesn't want her or her daughter to be naked. She remembers the day the villagers dragged her and Fiona to the Palace, they were almost naked. She wipes off the tears threatening to drop from her eyes and she carries her bag and rush to her daughter's room to pack her bag too. As she steps out into the parlour, Silas storms in. "Are you thru?" he ask them. "Hmm" She sighs and stare to him with burning eyes. "Guards!" He calls the guards from outside and they walk into the old house and carries the bag, collecting the bag of clothes from Mrs Gloria's hands and Silas orders, "Move now!." Mrs Gloria walks to Fiona's side and she hold her to stand up as they both walk out from their house together. As they step out, she sees their neighbors and villagers already gathered out staring at her and her daughter like they're killers and unwanted people. A guard stand beside the car made available to take them to the palace, and he opens the car door for them to enter. Mrs Gloria walks with Fiona and she speaks into her daughter's hearing, "Be strong for me dear." "Mom" Fiona cries. "Get into the car now!" She hears Silas instruct. Mrs Gloria steps in first while Fiona follows suit. Sitting inside the car, Mrs Gloria watch the crowds all gathered and they made way for the car to drive out. She cleans the corner of her eyes as the car drives out of their compound and towards the main road, leading out of their village. Fiona sits up and stares around. She doesn't want to go to the palace, and she wonders what the king want from them again. The car drives the long distance out of their village and going towards the palace. Arriving at the palace, the guard driving the car, presses the car's horn and the stationed guards at the gate opens the main entrance gate into the palace. As the car drives in, Fiona sees the King and the rest of the royal family standing in front of the magnificent mansion, except for the Queen. She hasn't seen the Queen even as is her second time of getting into the palace. The car stops and the guards approach and open the car door for her and her mother to step down. Her mother has already taken her bath and dressed up as she looks neat, while she's still in her night gown, but unlike the previous one as this one is a simple short gown. "Welcome to the palace" The king says with a huge smile on his face. "Silas, show them to their chamber inside the mansion, but wait, I will like to introduce you both to my family, but you have to relax and know that I don't mean any harm towards you" King Donald says to them and Fiona and her mother doesn't respond. "Son, This is our guest, be kind to them. When your mother is out, we will discuss the main issues.' "Take them in." Fiona stares to the king and his son's with burning eyes. She want to pounce on him, but she cannot. She sees the three sons of the king stares to her as they stands out beside their father, while the princess stares away from her as their eyes meet. "Move!" She hears Silas commands them and she and her mother starts walking into the royal mansion. "Father!, You cannot do this!" She hears the princess scream. "Enough Rose, You don't have a say in this. Prepare to marry and leave this palace for your own good." "Father!" Princess Rose screams out, and as Fiona and her mother are about entering into the palace, Princess Rose runs to the entrance door and blocks them. "You both ain't allowed into this palace, Get lost! Princess Rose commands. "Rose!, What are you trying to do?" King Donald questions her with a strict face. "Father!." "Rose, stay out of this" She hears Prince Melvin says as he keeps a calm expression on his face. "You're in support of this Melvin?" Princess Rose questions him, as she continues to stand by the entrance door, blocking Fiona and her mother from going inside. "No l Rose . but.." "But what!" Princess Rose screams. "Guards bundle her away!" King Donald commands. "Father?" Princess Rose runs to her elder brother side not wanting for the guards to touch her. "Let her be!" Prince Mavin Instructs in a cold husky voice and the palace guards stand aside. Fiona stares to the man dressed casually, so he's a prince too. "Let's go in Fiona" Her mother mumbles out. "Move!" The guard Instruct them and they slowly walk into the mansion. Some of the elderly chiefs that got the report that the king actually summons, Late Chief Douglass family into the palace, rush to the palace to confront the king.
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