Surprise Visit

1599 Words
"Actually ma, There's no problem at all. I came here to find out how you and your daughter is faring?" Prince Melvin says. "Oh we're fine, thank you" Mrs Gloria reply. "I can see that already, I also intend bringing you present but I forgot it in the palace," Prince Melvin says. "Oh, there's no need for that, thank you very much" Mrs Gloria thanks him.still staring at him and waiting for him to leave, but he smiles and rake his hand on his hair, contemplating on what to say next. "Okay ma'am. How about your daughter?" he finally ask and Mrs Gloria stiffens. "You mean Fiona?" she ask.him, staring at him suspiciously. "Yes Fiona, I actually don't even know her name?" Prince Melvin says. "Isn't she outside when you arrive?." "No.. Actually I meet no one outside except for the neighbors around in the compound, but definitely not her." "Oh, I don't know, she was with me before she rushed out. She will soon be back" Mrs Gloria says to him faintly. "Okay ma. Am sorry for all that has happened earlier, if I had known on time, I won't have allowed the guards throw you and your beautiful daughter into the dungeon." "Is okay my son, Thank you" Mrs Gloria says to him, and Prince Melvin waste no.time in correcting her. "We will soon be inlaws mother, I really have other proposal to make but not now." he smiles. Mrs Gloria jaws drops and she hopes Fiona doesn't hear these either. Seeing the woman stare at him in shock he says, "Okay ma, I will have to take my leave now, please be good and tell her I came to visit." As Prince Melvin is about stepping out from their parlour, just then Fiona reruns and push the parlour door open as she steps in. She sees the prince, whom actually released her and her mother from the dungeon and her fist clenched as she stares at him in anger and shift her gaze to stare at her mother questioning. "Hi" Prince Melvin finally says to her and she stares away from him and walk, passing thru the gifts kept in their parlour. Prince Melvin stare back to her mother, who faces downward and back to the young lady who walks out on him. So far in his life no young lady has ever walked out on him as they're either blushing or admiring him handsomely but this pretty white damsel, just acted like he's some piece of sheet that she doesn't want to see. Forgetting that he also released her the previous day from the dungeon. "Fiona can't you greet?" Mrs Gloria finally question her daughter with a frown and Fiona shakes her head and walk back into the corridor, no wanting to greet the prince and she goes to her room. "Fiona!" her mother calls after her, but she didn't stop to respond nor turn backward to stare at them. "Is okay mother, I can understand how she feels. Is not easy to loose a precious one and act like all is well and all isn't. Please be good for her" Prince Melvin says and he finally walks out from their tattered parlour. Fiona rush back into her room and slams her room door hard as she rush to her bed and cries. She cannot believe that the prince was actually the one who almost knock her down at the road, when.she decides to talk a walk down to her only friend house. They're like her sisters but ain't behaving friendly to her again, as the news about her father's death as spread and they know she was arrested with her mother, so they disassociated themselves from her making her look stupid in front of them. She walks back home, only to step into her compound and find the same guard that had scolded her standing in front of her late father's house. She has actually thought it was the king again that's actually inside her late father's house , but as she hurriedly steps in, she sees the prince, and her anger rose especially as he smiles to her. She hates them all and wants to kill them one by one, same way they killed her innocent father because of her mother. She grits her teethes and climbs on top her bed. She folds her legs together, crossing it over to her chest as she sits on the bed. She finds it hard to believe that her loving and caring father is gone and no matter how she think, she can never bring him back to life. Just then her room door open and her mother walks in. She stares away from her mother not wanting to stare at her. She cannot believe her mother knows the truth and decides to keep quiet about it. The king is no ordinary ruler and they cannot just fight him. What proof do they have even if they go to government authority to report him?. The King will just send his guards to kill them and silence them for life same way he silenced her father. No!, there as to be a way!, She silently thinks as her mother walks closer to meet her sitting on the bed. "Fiona.." "Stay away from mother!" she bark out. Her best friend has also turn her back on her, and her street people stares at her with rejection in their eyes. "Am sorry,.." Her mother apologise and sits beside her on the bed. "Sorry for what mother?," She ask, staring back to her mother's face.. "Everything.." Mrs Gloria says as she sob. "Everything.." her mother repeats. "Mom, what did the prince actually came here to do?. And you even allowed him into our parlour?." "No I didn't. I actually came out and saw him standing inside our parlour." "What!" Fiona stares at her mother in shock. "What do they want from us again?" She innocently ask her mother and her mother cannot also bring herself to tell her the truth. "I don't know. Am thinking we should leave here and return back to my mother's house" Mrs Gloria says. "Grand ma. But she lives closer to the palace, what if they see us there?" Fiona jaws drop as she question her mother. Instead of moving farther away from the palace, her mother actually wants to take them closer to the palace. "I don't know Fiona, Atleast it will reduce the street gossip and also when the king or his sons comes here to look for us, they won't find us.." "Really, and what will happen when they finally finds us there?" Fiona stares to her mother. "I don't know..I believe they won't if we stay indoor, by that time the matter will have reduced and probably the king and his son's won't be interested in us again." "His son's.. interested in us, how mother?" Fiona ask, staring at her mother confusedly. "You might not understand Fiona, I will travel down to the city to see my mother first. I know she will be angry with me, for agreeing to following your father down to this village." "But mother, ever since I begged you and father to take me to the city, you both refused. Even to the palace you refused.. Now you want to take me there, Am not interested . Probably when I finish mourning father. I cannot just abandon all the memories and all father kindness here because of how the same people he previously helped now treats me, or because of the evil king.. I am not going anywhere!" Fiona deadpans and she step down from her bed and cross her arms around her chest in anger and walk closer to exit her room, wanting to leave her mother inside. "Fiona, you don't walk out on me. I did all that because of your father. It wasn't easy for him, seeing the woman he loves so much getting married to the king.. To make it worst the king choose him as one of his cabinet member after your father rejected their marriage.." "What?!" Fiona stares back to her mother again in surprise again. "You mean the king actually married the woman father loved and now he wants you too?!" Fiona questions out in anger and her mother quickly stares away from her. "Argrrh!!' Fiona screams out and runs out from her room. She ran to the backyard to cry. *** The nights is already approaching when Prince Melvin gets back to the royal palace. Henry drives into the palace garage and park and Prince Melvin step down after the stationed guards there open his car door for him. He sees his brother, Prince Mavin talking to his own personal assistant, Amos and he wonders if he was actually the one who sent those beautiful foodstuffs gift he saw at the white beauty's home. He later realize she was actually the one Henry almost knocked down driving speedy to their home and he thundered at Henry as he immediately question him and Henry confirmed to him that she's indeed the one. She's driving him crazy and he so wants her badly to be his girlfriend. Prince Mavin turn and sees his brother staring intently at him in anger as he's busy talking to Amos in the palace. He wonder what Prince Melvin found out that made him stare at him with so much anger written all over his face. He smile to Prince Melvin and Prince Melvin glares at him and walks away, going into the mansion.
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