
1061 Words
OCEAN POV What type of trick is the moon goddess trying to play? Really ma'am this isn't close to funny. How will I have two mates? For crying out loud. No way, this is a silly trick and I am definitely not finding it funny. “Alpha are you sure of what you are saying that she is your mate?” one of the men who came with the person who claims to be my mate asked. “Yes she is my mate. I can feel it and am sure she feels it too.” the alpha said looking directly at me. He was right. I can feel all the signs that he is my mate. His scent and how my wolf is attracted to him but I don't want to believe it. Never will I believe it. Besides what's the need of believing it when I know how it's going to end. I will be rejected in the end. “Look here I know you think I am your mate but don't believe it. Can't you see with your two eyes that I have children with me? What does that tell you? That I already have a mate. So you can't claim to be my mate.” I said to him. He looked at me with a hard face. He wasn't showing any expression. I wanted to know how he feels about what I just said. I know he isn't happy with what I just said. I mean who will be happy when he hears that his mate has already slept with someone and she has given birth to children for another? No one will accept that. “Release them this instant and Kayden, please take them to my house and give them a room.” the alpha said before leaving. I watched him leave. My wolf let out a whimper. “You really hurt mate with your words.” Zuri, my wolf said sadly. “Zuri I know you accept him as your mate but I can't. I can't allow what happened the last time we both thought we have found our mate to happen again. Besides my pups need me more than anything. No male will accept them so I have to protect them myself.” I said to her. She said nothing and just went to sulk in a corner. The guard opened the cell and let out us. I held Jayden and Jade closely to me. When one of the men who came with alpha wanted to touch Jade, I let out a growl to warn him never to touch my pups. I don't know this people so I can't trust anyone just yet. We were escorted outside the cell. Finally I can breath some fresh air. Inside was really smelling. We were taken to a very beautiful self contained house. This must be the alpha's house. Inside was so beautiful and it looked so like my dream house. But I can't stay here. I can't even imagine myself being here. I just need to stay for a while and wait for the alpha to return so I can tell him that we needed a place to stay for a while. “Luna I will send for some one to bring some food for you. Do you need anything?” the person who came with us asked. “I am not Luna. Please just call me Ocean. And anything you bring is fine. Just don't bring something that has peanut in it. My daughter is allergic to it.” I said to him. He looked at me before nodding his head then he took his phone out from his pocket and walked out to make a call. The door opened and an elderly woman walked in. She looked at me and then her hazel eyes went down to my children. Unconsciously I pushed them behind me to hide them from her eyes. The man from earlier returned and he rushed to her when he saw her. “Luna what are you doing here? Nolan isn't home.” he said. Wait he just called her Luna, which means she is that alpha's mother. Oh great. “Where the hell is he and why is he avoiding my calls? I called him several times but he didn't pick that's why I came here. And who are this people? What are they doing in Nolan's house? I am sure they aren't from our pack so who are they?” she asked looking at us. “Actually Luna, this lady is Nolan's m...........” I quickly interrupted him since I knew what he was about to say. He can't just say that one because no one must know since in the end nothing is going to happen between that alpha who's name is Nolan and I. He has a unique name anyways. “Good day ma'am. I am Ocean and this are my children. We are just visitors from the next pack and we are here because we need the alpha of this pack permission to stay here for a while.” I said smiling. “Oh I see. What are the names of this cute angels?” she asked looking at Jade and Jayden with a soft look on her face. “I am Jade and his my twin brother Jayden.” Jade answered being the talkative amongst then two of them. I shouldn't be surprised that she answered first. “Jade and Jayden. You both look so cute. I am Allison but you can call me grandma if you want.” the Luna, Allison said smiling warmly. Jayden turned to look at me with his hazal eyes. “Mummy are we allowed to call her grandma?” he asked innocently. I looked at Allison again and I saw notice nothing weird or strange about her. Infact I can tell she is a good person. “Of course you can baby.” I answered. “Grandma you have the color of my eyes.” Jade said smiling. Allison smiled at her. She looked happy to be addressed as grandma. “You are right dear. I am just seeing it right now. You are so brilliant.” she said before looking at me. “Sorry Ocean but if you are here then what about your mate? Where is he?”
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