
577 Words
OCEAN POV I cooked spaghetti and served it to him. I turned to leave when he stopped me. “Aren't you going to join me?” he asked. “No thank you. I am full from eating earlier.” I replied before walking away. I went to the room and saw my babies already sleeping. They must be so tired from all the fun and all. I smiled and arranged them on the bed so they can sleep well. I sat down and began to think what I have to do next. I can't stay here even though my kids what to. I need to think of a way of leaving. “But we are safe here with our mate. I don't think he is ever going to hurt us or the kids. Can't you see how he takes care of us? Don't leave him. I have spoken to his wolf and you have no idea how they are happy to have us here. Please Ocean let's stay here.” Zuri begged. “I don't know why I really don't feel comfortable here. I don't just want something to happen and Nolan will reject us. It's better to leave now before the kids and I get use to this place.” I told her. “Can you listen to yourself? Why are you so dense and blind to see that they are all good people. They aren't like our other pack members. You need to open your heart to trust them.” she said then left me. I laid down with my children and allowed sleep to take me. “WHERE THE HELL IS SHE? YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T HIDE HER FROM US FOREVER. I NEED TO SEE HER NOW. GET OUT OF MY WAY.” The noise woke me up. I opened my eyes just to see the door was pushed in a rough way. I quickly jumped down and brought out my fangs and nails ready to fight any one who wants to harm my children or I. A girl walked in. She stopped immediately she saw me and she raised her hands up in surrender but I refused to calm down. Nolan walked in with one other guy which I saw him with when I came here. I know it's not Kayden. The other guy rushed to the girl who just entered and stood in front of her. He was trying to protect her from me. I see they are mates. “Ocean please calm down. She is my younger sister. I am sure she doesn't mean any harm.” I heard Nolan say. His voice alone calmed my wolf down and my fangs began to disappear so also my nails. “Hey I am so sorry to scare you. I was happy and mad at the same time to hear my big brother has found his mate and he didn't tell me about it. Hi I am Natalia.” the girl said smiling I looked at her. She sure has the striking resemblance of Allison. Even the way she speaks and smiles, I can tell she is like her mum. “Hi I am Ocean.” I replied. “Wow what a lovely name. Never heard anyone who is named Ocean. You are so beautiful just as I heard. I think we are going to be best of friends. Trust me.” she squealed happily. What the hell have I gotten myself into?
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