Chapter 6: The Club

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Henry-Hunter After Gabriel walked out he didn’t come back and I have no clue why. What did I say? I didn’t say anything bad I don’t think I thought that kiss was amazing, didn’t he it looked like he did. I laid on the bed in the room waiting for him but I eventually fell into a deep slumber. When I finally woke up I saw Gabriel stood near a window which wasn’t here last night. Weird. “ hey” I said awkwardly as I sat up quickly. “ morning sleepy” he replied all nonchalantly as of last night didn’t happen. “ what time is it” i asked yawning as there is no clocks in the room. “ just past 12” he said still not looking away from the window. “ oh it’s early feel like I have been asleep for hours” I said stretching out just as he turned around. “ yeah I’m surprised your awake” he said making me laugh. “ yeah not so much of a morning person well I wasn’t I till I started working for you and forced myself to wake up” I said smiling making him smile a little before going back to his regular cold ass face. “ you should get up and change we are leaving soon” he said making me furrow my brows. We? “ we? To where” I asked confused. “ yes we, we are going home” he said looking down at his watch. “ what no I can’t Gabriel my friends are here” I said a little panicked that they might be looking for me. Shit where is my phone! “ I already go them on an early flight they should be reaching home soon and your phone is on the desk” he said like he could read minds and I wouldn’t be surprised. “ what the hell why this was supposed to be a girls trip” I said pouting annoyed he crashed it. “ it’s over now change” he said. “ you should have at least told me” I grumbled noticing some fresh clothes on a chair near the bathroom. “ you was asleep” he said. “ you could have woken me up” I said getting up and grabbing the clothes. “ wouldn’t have made a difference now do as your f*****g told and change faster” he snapped making me jump as he turned and left the room. Someone’s got a broom up his ass. I did as I was told and had a quick shower before changing into the clothes he gave me, weirdly was my exact size. Once I was ready I left the room only to see a spotless place which was weird to say it was a m*********r house yesterday and not there’s not even a spec of dust. You must think I’m a psycho for being this calm but my mind is telling me you didn’t see it so it must be a lie and I’m going with it, this scene just helps that. On our flight back, yes flights even though we could have just driven Gabriel wanted to be Billy big balls and pull out his private jet. Anyways as I was saying it’s awkward and silent, I’m sat here twiddling my fingers. I feel like I should bring up last night but then he’s ignoring it for a reason and I’d rather not make him any more arsey. You know what imma ask him… “ soooo” I said giving him the stranger white people thin smile. “ what” he said looking up from his phone seeming already annoyed. “ ugh Jesus why are you being so mardy” i asked rolling my eyes. “ what do you want henry” he asked me giving me a glare making me glare back, well try and glare since I can barely do it. “ you know what go back to your little phone I don’t wanna talk to you if your gonna be rude” I said scoffing and looking away from his beautiful face. “ god your such a teenager” he said making me burst out laughing. “ well duh stating the obvious” I said still laughing. “ seriously Henry what do you want” he asked me in a more softer tone that makes me smile. “ I wanted to talk to you as I’m bored and there’s legit nobody else here thanks to you” I said giving him my puppy eyes as I didn’t want him to get arsey about my comment and I think it worked cause he gave me his panty dropping smirk. God he’s so hot. “ okay speak” he said putting his phone in his pocket and giving me his undivided attention. “ about last night” I said nervously. “ what about it” he asked like he didn’t remember anything. “ well the thing we did… you know the lip stuff” I said blushing deep red. “ you mean the kiss” he said smirking a little. “ well yes you walked away why” I asked the sadness from last night rushing back. “ I had business” he said calmly. “ to kill people” I said the m*********r popping into my head. “ Jesus Henry that is not all I do” he said rolling his eyes. “ sell drugs” I said loudly louder than intended to. “ any louder and the DEA will be waiting for us as soon as we land back on soil” he said making me giggle. “ DEwho” I asked. “ never mind but no it was other business” he said. “ like what Gabriel you kissed me and then tried to you know then just abruptly walked out on me” I said trying to stop the tears from coming down my face. “ what did you want me to do give you flowers and send you home” he said a little too harshly. “ wow you really have no respect do you” I said feeling like an utter fool. “ Henry you know exactly what I do for a living and you should also know me by now I’m not the soft romantic type I don’t even sleep with the same girl twice what makes you a 17 year old girl think your any different” he said making me gasp. “ I…I you know I’m a virgin” I said as a year slipped down my face but I quickly brush it away not wanting him to see it. “ you think I cared” he said coldly. “ I mean I thought you would at least fake it or something” I said shocked. “ I’m not a nice man Henry by any means I may like you as a driver but at the end of the day if someone was shooting at me you would be a shield” he said making my eyes go wide. “ Wh…what” I asked in total shock. “ just go to sleep” he said looking away from me and outside. “ no you just said you would use me as a human shield” I said getting angry. “ in my life there is no room for caring” he said getting up and leaving the area. ———————— Gabriel ———————- That girl is always demanding questions and I always want to give them to her fully. I can’t have people like her close to me so the best way to keep her away is be horrible to her and it’s working. I would never hurt her physically, I couldn’t but she doesn’t need to know that because I know she would use it to her advantage. I have come along all these years with no hiccups and now a 18 year old girl might destroy all that. Jesus I don’t even know what draws me to her but sometimes I just want to grab her and never let her go ever. Then the rational side of me remembers she’s only 18 and hasn’t even had life experiences. As soon as we land I send her home with some of my men and I go right back to work to get my mind if they girl. -—————— Henry-Hunter ——————- “ so you kissed him what I’d this, like the second time this has happened w***e” pepper said making me gasp. “ omg peps off topic he said I’m a human shield” I said rolling my eyes at her. “ well girl what did you really expect off a mafia boss” Alvery said laughing. “ I thought he liked me he’s always so nice to me and he kissed me first” I said. “ don’t be thick Henry he has no feelings he didn’t get to where he is being a wimp” pepper said which made me nod as she’s right I am being stupid. “ bu…but he wa…” before I could finish Al butted in. “ no you need to get over him and find a better man or better d**k or just d**k” al said making us all laugh. “ i don’t want that” I said which is a lie as I’d probably be willing to let Gabriel f**k me, that’s a lie. “ me and pep are getting dicked down and look at us care free so it’s your turn don’t be a mob b***h” al said making me gasp. “ don’t be mean” I said glaring at her. “ I don’t care now we are off out tonight and we are getting you a man” she said. “ period” pep said butting in. “ I already told your fava your staying at mine and mafia pansy gave you days off” she said grinning. “ fine whatever but I’m not sleeping with nobody ” I said giving up. “ fine just a snog” pep said giggling. “ nope” I said crossing my arms. “ yes” they both said in unison laughing. They always gang up on me like this and I can never say no, you wouldn’t think pepper is MY bestie would you. I don’t really wanna go out since my mind is full of Gabriel and if I sip a little bit of alcohol all I’d wanna do it go to him. I catch feelings fast I can’t help it and i have never really had a crush on someone in my life before other than Massimo. ————————- later that night The girls are legit dragging me about some club and I already wanna go home. Al got us on the vip guest list of some new club opening called Lucky, Lust, Liquor and burn. It’s one of the most beautiful places I’d ever been to and it’s a club/bar so that’s saying something. We order some drinks to our vip table and sit down to have a little chat after we just finished on the dance floor. “ so baby anyone catch your eye” Al said like some predator. “ no” I said being truthfull. “ don’t lie I have seen so many OAPs here we know you like the old” she said smirking. “ true but haven’t seen any I like” i said smiling. “ what about him” she said pouting at some old old man making me scoff. “ I like MEN not seniors Ally” I said laughing. “ we’ll come on there is a lot of fit men here today even I have seen my type” pepper said smiling as she downed her 5th drink of the night and we barely just got here. “ your gonna have to get me tipsy if you want be to go along with y’all” I said truthfully. “ not a problem drinks are on me” pepper said just as the bar keep placed out other order down and al was already whispering more to him. “ y’all are just w****s trying to throw me on men” o said taking a shot. “ you need to let loose and stop dawning over Gabriel” al said. “ I am not fawning over him” I said scoffing. “ yes you are name another man you have even spoken to since meeting Gabriel” pepper asked looking at me like b***h please. “ yes I ca… Gabriel” I said my eyes landing on him. “ see clearly not” she said. “ no Gabriel up there” I said pointing up at some vip booth where Gabriel is sat with loads of men and lots of pretty girls, one sat on his lap. A very leggy beautiful blonde. “ see he’s having fun can’t you” pepper said as we are all now looking at him. “ let’s just get drunk” al said handing me a shot and I downed it and they she handed me another, then another and more kept coming. After like 10 shots and 5 drinks I am most definitely drinker than I have ever been, and it feels so freeing. I always know this night isn’t gonna end well…
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