Chapter 5: The kiss

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Gabriel Shes 18 a literal child Gabriel hold your f*****g self. You can wait, you can wait till she’s at least 19 even 20. My mind is in a box right now there’s two things going through it right now 1 go out there and take her or 2 kill her I don’t know which one will help me. What the f**k do I do, my best option is to leave her but I mean look at her, but she’s too young Gabriel. Henry Okay..what..the..hell..just..happened That was a moment right? It was a moment? I’m not having a girl crush right now but he definitely was just going to kiss me, I know it. If it was I would have pulled away I mean yea he’s like super hot but he’s my boss and like 10x older than me so.. I don’t want to ruin the relationship we have if we had kissed I know it would have ruined it and I don’t want that at all, I like our weird relationship. I should go speak to him, I mean I have to right l, no I am going to go speak to him. It took me a couple of minutes to actually build up the courage to go speak to him and when I decided to do it, I just waltzed right into his office like I owned it making him look up at me like who the f**k are you. “ yes Hunter” he said as he looked at me waiting for me to say something, anything. “ Henry and what just happened then” I ask him still in a bind about it all. “ I prefer Hunter and what” he replied nonchalantly as he looked back at his work. “ I’m the escalator Gabriel what happened then” I said wanting something. “ elevator” he replied making me roll my eyes. “ same thing” I said making him smirk looking up at me. “ 2 very completely different things baby” he said. “ no don’t call me that Gabriel we can’t no whatever that was it was a mistake” I rushed out. Why would he call me that. “ what’s a mistake” he asked making me annoyed as he’s acting very weird. “ the thing that moment Gabriel” I snapped a little harshly. “ I have no clue what your talking about Henry” he replied making me confused, I know damn well I didn’t make that whole thing up. “ yes you do Gabriel you nearly kissed me” I said placing my hands on my hip. “ me kiss you” he said sounding almost like he’s laughing. “ yeah like your lips on mine well nearly” I said sarcastically. “ yes okay but I didn’t try to kiss you Henry if I wanted to kiss you I would have” he said his face neutral now. “ y…yea you did I saw it” I said furrowing my brows cause I don’t like this. “ Henry I am sorry if you misunderstood the situation but you are underage” he said making me almost laugh. “ b..bu” before I could finish he interrupted me. “ I don’t know what you think you know but I think you need to take the day off Henry” he said and looked back at his work. Was I dreaming the whole thing? I just walked out of his office all red and full of embarrassment. I left and went right home trying to forget. Why does he say I’m underage I’m legit 18 and why does he have to lie. Gabriel Don’t ask me why I lied to Henry, I made her my driver to get to her father and now I have a growing obsession with her. How I know it’s an obsession well everything I think about automatically turns into something to do with her and when I say everything I mean every damn little thing. The other day while I was in a meeting I zoned out for a good 30 minutes thinking about her driving yes driving nothing s****l just her driving and it’s driving me mad. I spent the rest of the day doing no work just thinking about Henry and why she’s getting under my skin. What’s so good about her l, I mean she’s sexy but what else and why is she making me obsessed. While my head was in the clouds there was a knock at my door and my old time friend Jerry walked in. “ hey little man” he said as he came in all smiles and takes a seat in front of me. “ Jerry” I replied not up for his bull today. “ what’s up you old man” he asked smirking as always that weird side smile smirk never leaves his face. “ nothing new here” I replied. “ same old same old here thanks for asking I heard there’s a new obsession” he said looking right at me smiling the s**t. “ from” I asked eyeing him knowing it’s a plot to get me to tell him if there is actually one. “ you know me and lopez talk I have you have someone keep an eye on you” he said making me laugh. “ Jerry just because your my fathers best friend doesn’t mean you need to know everything about me” I said rolling my eyes at him. “ also your old friend now name who is she” he asked getting comfortable in his seat. “ really” I said. “ after the last one I think I should know” he said smiling as he grabbed a cigar off my desk. “ this one isn’t like last time” I replied. “ sure it isn’t you getting obsessed with little girls isn’t a new thing” he said as if I was some perverted man. “ she’s legal she’s 18” I said smiling. “ Key word legal” he said. “ have you come here to Harass me or..” “ okay okay all I know is she’s young and has a mouth on her according to Lopez” he said. “ what mouth” I replied eyeing him he best be talking about her attitude. “ as in talkative I don’t like the young” he said laughing. “ she does her names Henry-Hunter” I replied keeping my face neutral so he doesn’t tease me. “ cute” he said I think to her name. “ she’s a fierce little thing but she’s good to talk to and we have a good relationship” I said smiling to myself thinking about her. “ and I’m bed” he asked smirking making me scoff. “ no it’s nothing like that” I said to the dirty dog. “ you and a woman that’s all it’s ever like” he said. “ she’s sexy like absolutely f*****g sexy but I need her for her dad” I said. “ who’s the father” he asked. “ Hector Jimenez” i replied. “ noooo” he said seeming surprised. “ yeah” I said. “ I met his daughter about 2-3 years ago she was young but she was hot” he said smirking making me cringe. “ watch your mouth” I said annoyed. “ territorial as per” he said laughing. “ she’s just my driver but she’s driving me mad” I say as I get up to grab a drink offering him one. “ mad how” he asked as I poured us both a whiskey and handed it to him. “ like mad mad like when I talk to her I want to open up to her” I replied sounding like a b***h. “ you sound like a ball less p***y you need some training away” he said. “ no I’m good” I said downing my drink. “ yeah no you need this you run the f*****g mafia and you crying about some p***y isn’t going to work” he said, sometimes I wonder how I haven’t shot him in the head. “ I can’t just leave Jerry” I said. “ Jesus Lopez will watch your s**t it’s only for a few days” he says making me roll my eyes. “ I’m going to have to let her know” I say. “ whatever” he replied getting up. Henry-Hunter Currently me and pepper are in my car living our best life. We are dancing and singing in my car to it’s my birthday. “ we need to go out of town to some clubs” pepper says as she turns the song down. “ where” I ask. “ I know a place” she says smirking making me shake my head. “ no pepper” I say. “ yeah we should go” she says excitedly. “ I can’t I have to work” I say. “ ask him for a day off or something” she says making me roll my eyes. “ I can’t do that not now it’s already weird” I say nervously. “ okay well I’ll ask him for you” she says just as a message comes through to my phone. Gabriel: leaving town for a few days take the time to do whatever boss x “ he put x” I say to pepper showing her the message. “ he put boss x” she says. “ yeah I know weird he never puts that” I reply. “ shall I reply” she says as she takes my phone. “ nothing I don’t really reply to his messages” i said shrugging. “ to bad already send” she says making me snap my head to look at her. “ No pepper what did you say to him” I say grabbing the phone off her and reading the message she sent. Henry: thank you for letting me know I will miss you xx “ omg no pepper miss you 1 Xs” I say shocked. “ anyways now we can go reddetch” she says nonchalantly. “ no” I snap. “ yes we are going we will go for 4 days max and party our asses off after that I will leave you alone” she says making me sigh. “ a week you will leave me alone” I ask. “ okay” she says grinning. “ reddetch here we come” I say actually excited about this. Reddetch is a small town in the middle of nowhere but it’s weirdly full of hot men and when I say hot men i mean hot manly men. I have never been but pepper loves it there and she says the clubs are amazing. I packed a lot of going out outfits and made sure they are very revealing cause I knew if they where anything less pepper will physically rip it off me. Pepper invited another one of our friends Alvery Cleo Meakson and she is a party animal. “ here we are reddy” Cleo says excitedly. “ WOOO PARTTTYYY” pepper shouts who’s possible already drunk. “ we just pulled in to red” I say to them rolling my eyes. “ don’t be a party pooper jimmy let’s get drunk, get high and f**k a load of men” Cleo says making me laugh. “ virgin here” I say. “ let’s get that lost somewhere” Cleo says making me laugh. “ nuhu” I say thinking about all the STDs. “ yeah yeah look our home for a week” Cleo says. It’s a beautiful small house in the middle of the town and it’s very cute. Gabriel Jerry dragged me all the way down to our training city reddetch it’s just a whole town dedicated to my mafia men and I hate it since it’s all newbies mostly. To normal people it’s just a weird place full of men but I’m reality it’s a fun city for murder. Anyone who Visits here tends to be the people that get killed it’s so easy to cover there deaths up and each place here is dedicated to different ways of killing to help my men become more ruthless. It’s weird innocent people tend to always be the best people to kill and they are the best to hunt too, we have a hunting ground here like 2. “ we are in luck buckley said there’s been an influx of new arrivals this weekend mostly girls” Jerry said a huge smile on his face. “ well I do need a good f**k” I said as I needed to get her out of my head. “ atta boy” Jerry said slapping my back. “ it’s already pretty late so let’s go shower and change then head right out” I said kinda excited that I’m here now. I’m a mean guy and I f*****g love a good kill but Jerry he’s a psychopath. He killed his parents well father when he was just 7 and now he just kills anyone and everyone no matter who they are. Let’s not even talk about the ways he kills vile. He has no limits my biggest limit is r**e or any s****l violence towards women but Jerry nope he doesn’t care it’s his favourite and this weekend he’s going to go crazy o see it in his eyes. Henry-Hunter We have been here for a whole day and 12 hours yes just that long, and I have taken everything on earth. I barely remember yesterday and I’m pretty sure pepper had s*x in front of me but I don’t even know. “ Henry I swear all this time you best be putting the most sluttiest outfit on” Cleo said making me laugh as I am. “ i am” I shout to her hearing them both gasp. That’s all I packed slutty outfits but today I paired one of my shortest black skirts with one of my boobie white tops and some sneakers very sexy. “ oh wow I didn’t realise you mean ass and boobs out you look ready to get f****d in a back ally takeaway” pepper said making us all die of laughter. “ thank you I think” I said twirling flashing my pretty pink diamond thongs. “ we are going to some club called redeye some guy last night gave us 3 passes with there names on to get in” Cleo said waving the passes at us. “ could be fun shots first” I said grabbing the sambuca and tequila. When we pulled up to the club we wasn’t expecting a single door with red flashing lights and 2 bouncers on door with guns it was super upperclass. “ passes girls” one of them said making Cleo hand out passes with a grin. “ we have gold passes” she says which weirdly made the bouncers look at eachother and smirk. “ enjoy yourself girls” they said letting us jump the que and go right in, we got escorted to the vip room which was initially on the roof on a balcony. “ this is amazing how have we never been here before how haven’t I” pepper said looking around. “ I know our new favourite spot” I said looking at all the beautiful hunky men. “ let’s grab some more drinks and get to dancing” Cleo said grabbing us to the bar. Gabriel “ you really wearing a suit” Jerry asked eyeing my outfit. “ I’m the boss” I said as I am so I need to be like this. “ there will probably be blood all over it by the end of tonight” he said smirking. “ always is” I said smirking right back. We waited in the back until everyone who was supposed to be in this vip section is here and then we walked out as soon as I got from behind the doors my eyes landed on one small girl in a very short skirt. What the f**k is she doing here. Is she following me? I couldn’t take my eyes off her she looks breathtaking but why is she here Because the only reason she’s be here is if someone had picked her to be there prey, this club is a prey kill where you hand your second ticket to a stranger you want to kill meaning someone has chosen her. Whoever gets invited here always ends up dead no matter what. “ you okay dude you look pale” Jerry asked me. “ am I f***s what is she doing here” I snapped my eyes still on a drunk Henry. “ who’s here” Jerry asked looking around. “ Henry she’s here” I say as his eyes must have landed on her cause he froze. “ what you invited her” he asked making me glare at him before looking back at her not wanting to take my eyes off her. “ No hell no I don’t know who did but I need to get her out of here” I say rushed k don’t want her innocent eyes seeing all this. “ yeah obviously go get her” he says being weirdly understanding. I quickly made my way through the ground of people and grabbed ahold of her waist while she is dancing making her turn around shouting. “ hey what th..gabby” she stops midway when she sees me. “ come” I say dragging her off the floor and into the back room quickly putting all the blinders up. “ what are you doing here” she asks me confused. “ the question is what are you doing here, do you know what this place is” I say angrily at her stupidity. “ erm a club” she says like I’m the stupid one Here. “ no this is my mafia city and this is my s*******r club night” I say to her making her eyes go wide. “ it’s what” she asks. “ everyone who’s invited here does” I say making her whimper out. “ pepper pepper she’s here gab I need to help her” she panics as she tries to run out but I grab her holding her back. “ I already have someone on your friends” I say as I saw who was with her. “ th..thank you” she says sounding shaken up then stood there silently for a second.. “ so you run a s*******r house that’s sick Gabriel” she said after a beat. “ you know I kill people for a living and this is the best way to make them evil” i said smirking. “ that’s nasty” she says quietly. “ who invited you here” I asked her looking her over seeing if she is hurt anywhere or there was something placed on her. “ I don’t know my friend Cleo got the passes she just gave them to us” she reply’s still seeming a little shook. “ well tomorrow we need to do a full sweep and find out” I say since I can’t have someone out there thinking they can hurt my gir.. my driver. “ tomorrow why not now” she asks confused. “ yes tomorrow you can’t go out there now people are getting killed” I say watching her face cringe and tears well up into her eyes. “ Wh..what where I can’t hear any..I can’t see” she said her head moving around all the windows which are blurred out. “ it’s a secure room you can’t see or hear anything” I say. “ your a psycho you know that” she says looking back at me. “ you should be grateful this psycho saves your little life” I say smirking. “ I’d say thank you but it’s your fault I’m in this situation anyways” she says rolling her eyes. “ sure your lucky I like you as my driver enough to save you” I say watching her smile, she honestly has a beautiful smile. “ I think you like me a little bit more” she says smirking. “ don’t get yourself twisted” I say smiling. “ you have been stood here holding my waist and your eyes keep drifting to my lips out of all things” she says smugly. “ I have a sexy girl stood in front of me dressed in nothing and I’m horny” I say telling her the truth cause there’s no point in lying. “ erm thank I think” she says looking confused but slightly happy. “ I like that you have gotten braver because if I said this to you back then you would have died but now you reply happily” i say smiling. “ back then I would have thought you’d kill me on spot but now I know you like me too much” she says as my hand tightens on her waist. “ I can still do that” I say pulling her closer to me. “ I don’t believe that I believe you’d never hurt me” she says smiling up at me brightly. “ is that so” I say. “ yes” she says as she leans up closer to me so our faces are a little closer. “ I’d go as far as to say you’d kill for me” she says. “ you have a wild imagination Hunter” I say grinning. “ it’s h..” I didn’t let her finish her sentence o couldn’t hold myself back, I smashed my lips to hers finally. I have waited for this for so long and it feels amazing too good to be real. She tasted and felt amazing the obsession just went from pending to fully loaded. I kissed my way down her neck not wanting to miss a single spot i want to taste her whole body and I won’t stop until I do, as I made my way down towards her chest but she stopped me making me pull away from her. “ what” I ask looking at her. “ I well I we should stop” she said going all red. “ why I was just getting to the hood part” I say smirking. “ I nobody has done that to me” she says looking embarrassed. “ great so I can be the first and last” I say smirking. “ i don’t feel like now is the right time” she says shyly. “ why we have already started let me just taste you” i practically beg. “ I you down there and I think we should wait” she said looking down at my boner. “ this may be the only time we get to do this and I badly want to taste you” I say wanting her to cave in. “ what why” she asks furrowing her brows confused. “ cause I’m in the moment I’m giving in and I will be gentle and soft” I say heaving ahold of her face lightly. “ I..I want to take it slow I’m sorry” she says. “ take what slow” i ask confused. “ us” she says making me quickly pull away from her and burr out laughing walking out of the room leaving her there. “US” what is that, there is no is never will be I mean I could never be with her and with my job she could never be with me. Yes I want to f**k her and clearly I need to do this faster get her out of my system faster. I need to get her out before she f***s me up more than I already am.
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