Chapter 9

1367 Words
Melissa Eden. The hall was set up in the most magnificent way. This hardly looked like a party to me, it was more of an event ceremony. I hadn’t been to so many parties in my life but from what I saw on the internet, parties weren’t always this glamorous. If you weren’t careful, you’d think it was someone’s wedding. The hall was filled with so much people, werewolves rather cause I knew that there were no humans present. All the werewolves here, according to Grace, were from the biggest clans in the country and beyond. You could tell from their dresses that they weren’t your regular people. The ladies were all dressed up in the finest of dresses and the guys, same. The music was more of an orchestral, something that only rich people listen to. Maybe others listen to it but I wouldn’t know cause normal humans didn’t, only the wealthy ones. Living amongst humans for six years taught me a lot about them. Nicholas drags me around, greeting one person or another but keeps them in suspense about who I really am. I guess they wanted to do a grand announcement or something. As we moved around, the male wolves kept checking me out, their eyes staying longer on my exposed cleavage. Didn’t they have mates? I thought once you get a mate, you stop craving other women. Turns out I was wrong. Anyways, that wasn’t my problem. I was more worried about my stomach. The mouthwatering food here was beginning to make me hungry, especially since I hadn’t eaten much before leaving. I had to get on with my plan but that seemed almost impossible as Nicholas’s grip on my waist was really strong and he didn’t seem like he wanted to let go. How was I going to talk to people if he was glued to me all night? I needed to think of a plan. From the corner of my eye, I see the older Slade, seated in all his glory. You could tell he was an Alpha by just his appearance. There was this strange aura around him. He was currently exchanging pleasantries with the few persons that sat close to him. Grace? She wasn’t here. A few members from the pack were already here. I could recognize a few of them and most especially, Eugene who kept throwing daggers at me from her eyes. “ It’s time for the announcement, come.” Nicholas says into my ear before pulling me towards the front as his father stands up with a glass of wine between his fingers. *Clink* *Clink* “ Attention.” He says and the room immediately becomes silent as everyone shifts their attention to him. They were all curious as they were invited here without knowing what it was for but honored the invitation regardless because it came from Benjamin Slade, Alpha of the Black Moon Pack and no one wanted to become his enemy. He wasn’t exactly lenient with enemies, so I heard. “ Thank you all for honoring my invitation. I know the notice was really short but I can assure you that the reason for being here is worth it.” He says making the crowd laugh. Was that supposed to be a joke? Why didn’t I get it? “ I’m sure we all know my son, Nicholas.” He says and the crowd nods in reply. “ It is no longer a secret that he had failed to find a mate, for ten whole years. It is even a subject of discussion in some packs.” Some of the people in the crowd shift uncomfortably. “ The good news is that after ten years, my son, the future Alpha of the black moon pack, has found a mate.” Gasps can be heard throughout the room at the shocking news. “ Melissa dear, come here.” He says, inviting me to the podium making their eyes go wide. “ This is Melissa Eden, my son’s mate and the future Luna of the largest pack in America.” He says presenting me to the world of werewolves. The crowd goes silent for a second but the silence is followed by a round of applause. After the announcement, troops of people make their way to Nicholas and his father, congratulating them on their new achievement, only stopping to look at me like I was an art piece in a museum. Side comments like, ‘ You got a pretty one Mr. Slade.’ ‘ She would make a wonderful mate.’ ‘ Imagine how beautiful your children will be Mr. Slade.’ were being made all through but no one said ‘ Hello ’ to me, or even a handshake or hug of acknowledgment. A big man whispers something to Nicholas, who nods in response. “ I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere Melissa.” Nicholas says, warning me sternly and I nod in obedience. I let out a breathe I didn’t know I was holding the moment he disappears from my view. I thought he wasn’t going to leave. Now, to put my plan into action. Firstly, I needed to look for something to eat as my stomach kept reminding me from time to time that I had neglected her. “ Mrs. Slade, can I be of service?” A handsome waiter asked. His light brown hair styles neatly to the side. He looked like he was around my age or less. “ Please, call me Melissa and yes, I an starving.” I tell him before taking a sit at one of the free tables, not caring that people were staring at me from all angles. I did not understand why people kept calling me Mrs. Slade when I wasn’t married to Nicholas. The moment they find out that I’m his mate, they push my last name aside, replacing it with his. This annoyed me if I were to be honest but I couldn’t tell them to stop either. “ Okay, Melissa.” The handsome waiter replies, my name rolling out smoothly from his mouth as he flashed me a flirty grin. How wonderful will it be if Nicholas walks in to this. He would definitely flip. “ What can I get you?” He asks in a flirtatious manner, his brown eyes staying glued to mine. I would’ve continued with this if I wasn’t so hungry. “ I’ll have spaghetti with some fried turkey please.” I say, my mouth already watering from the thought of it. “ Any drink choice?” He scribbles down what I said in a tab. “ An apple juice will be fine.” I didn’t drink alcohol because I barely had enough money to survive so drinks like that were too much of a luxury to me. I also didn’t want to waste my money on something that didn’t taste good. That was another thing I didn’t understand with people. They would spend lots of money on a drink that was mostly sour and made them fee like s**t the next morning. The handsome waiter leaves for a few minutes and quickly returns with my food. I can’t help but smile at the sight of it and I’m sure my stomach was as happy. I quickly eat knowing that Nicholas could show up at any minute. The seat in front of me is pulled out and the handsome waiter sits, waiting for me to finish. I was probably getting lots of stares from the guests but I couldn’t pretend to care. “ You’re pretty strange for a Luna you know.” He says with a smirk dancing on his lips. I finish the food in front of me without any interruptions thankfully so I finally had the time to converse with this handsome stranger. “ You’re not the first person to say this you know.” I tell him. “ I’m sorry but I still don’t know your name.” I was beginning to feel comfortable around him and I was really thankful for it cause mood of this place wasn’t pleasant to me. “ I thought I told you.” He laughs. “ My name is Anthony. Anthony Cage.”
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