Chapter 5

1016 Words
Antonio POV “Hey, my eyes are up here.” Antonio joked, catching Mac looking at his chest. She blushed, quickly adverting her gaze. She was so cute when she blushed, he thought to himself. He chuckled internally. He was starting to get under her skin, and he knew it. “Let’s just pretend like last night never happened. Though I do owe you thanks for bringing me home safely,” Mackenzie said, surprising him. Antonio’s face turned from surprise to forming a sly grin. “I was just doing the community a service, really, keeping your STD's from spreading.” He replied. He just couldn’t help himself. “Don’t be bitter that your tiny d**k would only fit a girl’s navel, asshat!” Mackenzie blurted out angrily. Tony chuckled. He would never admit it, but he loved their little banter. “And begin!” the trainer's voice boomed. Mackenzie and Antonio started circling each other, checking for weaknesses in their opponent. Mackenzie suddenly lunged forward, trying to tackle him to the ground. Tony easily dodged her attack. She whipped around, kicking him into his gut. He, in turn, grabbed her foot, twisting her leg, and making her fall against the hard ground. Mackenzie quickly rolled backward, just as Tony was about to pin her to the ground. She swiftly stood up, jumping on his back just as his knee hit the ground. Tony was held in a chokehold. He felt her holding on tight, her legs wrapped around him. He tried to frantically wiggle free, feeling the oxygen leaving his lungs at a fast pace. Being unable to release himself, he threw himself backwards, slamming his body to the ground. He successfully knocked her off, crushing her body between him and the grass. Tony could tell that Mackenzie got the air knocked out of her. But she quickly recovered and kicked him in the face. Tony could feel his nose breaking. He stumbled backward, shock evident on his bloody face. He grabbed his nose, putting it back in place, with a loud cracking sound. Tony grabbed his discarded shirt to wipe off his bloody nose while his wolf was already healing him. “Mackenzie!” the trainer warned. While distracted, Tony kicked her legs from under her, successfully pinning her to the ground. “Not so small, is it?” Tony hissed in her ear. He was pressing himself against her thigh. He looked at her surprised face as she gasped. Quickly regaining her composure, a scowl appeared on her beautiful face. “Don’t flatter yourself, p*****t, I’ve seen bigger d***s on mice.” Mackenzie scoffed, kneeing him in the balls. “b***h!” Antonio growled viciously, his eyes glowing yellow, as Mac rolled from under him. “Miss Harper! This is the last warning, let’s keep it clean.” The trainer warned. Suddenly, the cracking of bones could be heard, as Tony shifted into his beautiful enormous black wolf, Apollo. “Oh, it’s on!” Mackenzie said menacingly, but didn’t shift. Apollo started circling Mackenzie, snapping its jaw. Apollo abruptly pushed off on his hind legs, jumping high over Mackenzie, but she dodged his attack. Tony was surprised as he watched Mackenzie glide underneath his body. He felt her pushing her feet against his wolf's abdomen, and he was flipped over. He came crashing down on his back. He immediately jumped back on his paws, turning to face her with a snarl. Mackenzie quickly shifted into her beautiful silver wolf with black paws, Montana, while Apollo was racing towards her. Apollo bit down on her front leg as Montana scratched his face with her other paw. While he was distracted by her claws, she jumped onto his back, biting down on the scruff of his neck. He violently threw her off, successfully pinning her to the ground, growling in her face. “THAT’S ENOUGH” a loud voice boomed. “SHIFT” the trainer commanded. Mackenzie and Antonio both shifted back to their human form. Antonio still pinning her to the ground. “As impressive as your little fight was, especially you, Miss Harper, staying in your human form to dodge an attack, it was also ‘AGAINST THE RULES’!” The trainer reprimanded. “I’ll see you both in my office after you hit the showers! Class dismissed!” the trainer scolded, ending the class early because of Mackenzie and Tony’s little stunt. As everyone started dispersing, Tony was suddenly aware that he was still naked on top of a very naked Mackenzie. “Looks like we’re in trouble,” Tony said sheepishly, staring down at Mackenzie. “Good fight, by the way.” “Eum, thanks, could you maybe, get off of me?” Mackenzie said, staring into his eyes. He never noticed how her eye color was light in the middle and darker at the edges. “Why are you staring at me like that, you’re not falling in love with me, are you?” Tony joked. He looked down at her plump lips and gulped. If he leaned down just a little more, he could kiss her. “Please,” she scoffed. “I’m trying not to vomit. I feel my morning coffee coming back up.” She whispered unconvincingly. Tony moved his lips to her ears as he whispered, “I can smell your arousal, little warrior.” He looked back to her grinning. “Yeah, well, I just saw Dominic walking by without his shirt on, so…” she sneered. His grin quickly turned into a scowl as he stood up, throwing her sweatshirt towards her. “Cover yourself, so I don’t have to look at your naked body. I’ll be traumatized for life.” He said, turning around, so she couldn’t see his semi-aroused state. After hitting the showers, they both separately made their way towards the trainer’s office. They learned their punishment was double training sessions, early mornings as well as afternoons, plus a whole week of graveyard shift patrolling. Tony made his way back to his dorm, groaning internally. He absolutely hated the graveyard shift.
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