Chapter 4

868 Words
Mackenzie POV “Oh baby, that feels good.” Mackenzie giggled, waking up from her sleep. She could feel a head between her thighs. When she looked under the sheets, she saw a dark head of short hair. She felt his tongue entering her. “Oh Goddess, yes, yes.” She moaned. “You like that?” She heard the grin in his deep voice. “Mm,” She couldn’t form coherent sentences as she felt herself getting closer to her release. “I want you to look at me when you cum.” The deep voice commanded. She pulled the sheet up, giggling, to look right into deep brown eyes. The deep brown eyes of Antonio Lopez. “Oh no!” Mackenzie woke up startled, sitting up in her bed. “No, no, no, no,” she kept saying. She held on to her pounding head, trying to remember the events from last night. “Look who’s awake.” Valery grinned from the doorway. “What time is it?” Mackenzie asked, sniffing the air. “And why do I smell like Antonio Lopez?” She asked with wide panicked eyes. “It’s almost 11 am, and, well, you hit the drinks pretty hard last night, so Antonio had to carry you home. And also…” Valery began hesitantly. “Oh Goddess, what?!” “You might have torn off your clothes on the way here, while dry-humping Tony.” Valery ended, laughing. “WHAT!? WHYYY!? NO, NO, NO” Mackenzie exclaimed, burying her head in her pillow. She would never hear the end of this from Antonio. Why would she do that? She hated him for crying out loud! “He was nice about it though, he put his shirt on you so no one would see you in your underwear.” Valery tried to end on a positive note. “Thank the Goddess I didn’t try taking off my underwear,” Mackenzie exclaimed. “Well, actually…” Valery began. “No, never mind, I don’t want to hear it. I might just die from embarrassment.” Mackenzie pulled the sheet back over her head, dreading having to face Antonio. ********************* As Mackenzie and Valery made their way over to the training grounds for combat training, which was mandatory for all students, except for those in ‘Luna tradition and etiquette,’ cause Goddess forbid they might just break a nail, they saw that Georgia and Evangeline were already present. “Hey girls, you have as much fun as us last night?” Gigi asked grinning. “I woke up in heaven, pressed warmly between my alpha and beta right before starting round two.” She said with a dreamy look in her eyes. “I don’t kiss and tell, but my night was amazing.” Evie smiled. “Let’s not talk about last night.” Mackenzie huffed. “Why, what happened?” the felines asked. “Nothing,” Mackenzie answered a bit too fast. “Well…” Valery began. “Vi, shut up!” Mac yelled. “Can we start the class or do you ladies need more time to gossip?” the trainer's voice boomed across the field. “I’ll tell you later” Valery whispered. Mackenzie turned around to look at the trainer apologetically when her eyes met Antonio’s from across the field. He was looking right at her, one side of his mouth curled upward, in a sly grin. Mackenzie stared right back, with a challenging look. She held her head up high, pretending she didn’t care, though on the inside, she was mortified. “Today it’s males against females. Let’s start forming groups of two. Use your weakness as an advantage, ladies. Your power is in your smaller size and your leg muscles. While males have more upper body strength, you must use your lower body strength as an advantage. Let’s keep the fighting nice and clean”, The trainer said, clapping his hands. As her friends broke off to form groups with the male students, Mackenzie was swiftly approached by a guy she knew as Xander, whom she had ‘shifter law’ classes with. “Wanna partner up?” Xander asked. “Sure,” Mac said. Suddenly, they heard someone clear their throat behind them. “Mind if I take this one?” Antonio Lopez asked. He must have used his Wolfen speed to get across the field so quickly. “Oh, yeah, sure.” Xander said turning to leave, just as Mac said, “Absolutely not!” at the same time. Xander looked between the two, confusion evident on his face. “It’s cool dude, I got this,” Antonio said, starting to get irritated. Xander looked at Mac, who just shrugged her shoulders. Mackenzie turned away from Antonio, feeling her body heat up, just thinking about her dream. Get a grip! She internally scolded herself. “Get in position” the trainer yelled. Mackenzie quickly shrugged off her hoodie, revealing the sports bra she wore with a pair of yoga pants. Antonio’s eyes lingered on her taut abdomen. “I see you’re wearing a lot more than last night”, Antonio smirked, while throwing off his shirt.
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