Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Antonio POV It was an extremely though week for Antonio. Double training, classes and staying up all night patrolling. Tony only got 4 hours of sleep a day, for the whole week, between his early morning training and his first class. But he did not regret his fight with Mackenzie. He rather enjoyed it to be honest. He didn’t know what he had enjoyed most, the fight, or the aftermath of being naked on top of her. As much as he hated to admit it, there was something about her that intrigued him. It wasn’t just her hot body, although he had found himself in the shower quite often that week, helping himself while fantasizing about her, in all kinds of compromising positions. It was also the fire in her eyes, the defiance, the way she raised one eyebrow, while she challenged him. The way her eyes lit up when she knew the answer to a question the professor asked. He was beginning to think there was more to her than just a spoiled princess. But he couldn’t help teasing her. Though teasing might not be the right word. He knew deep down that his words hurt her, but it just made him livid, seeing her with other guys. Why was he even thinking about her again? Stop it! he scolded himself. He ran his hand threw his hair in frustration as he picked up his bag to head over to the library to do some research for law class and work on his ‘pack finance’ paper he had to do for Alpha class. As he entered the huge library, he heard laughter. He rounded the corner, walking around bookcases, to see his unit sitting with Mackenzie, Valery, Georgia and Evangeline. Gigi had her legs over Dominic’s lap, laughing at one of his jokes. “Shhhh!” the librarian reprimanded. He groaned internally, great, just great he thought to himself. He made his way over to the group. “Hey guys, what’s up?” he asked noticing Mackenzie didn’t even look up. “Just some studying” Dominic said. “Oh yeah, what ya studying?” Tony asked. “Foreign relations” Dom answered while winking at a giggling Gigi. “Maybe, you guys should take this assignment seriously, it’s like half the grade for shifter law this semester.” Valery reprimanded sternly. No matter your major, shifter law was a mandatory class for everyone attending college. Valery stoop op, picking up her bag. “Where are you going, Vi?” Mackenzie questioned. “I’m going back to the dorm, never thought the library would be too loud to actually study.” She scoffed. “Can I walk you to your dorm?” Brayden asked her. “Eum…Y-Yeah, s-sure” the otherwise confident Valery stuttered as Brayden started packing up his books. Tony noticed Mackenzie and Valery’s eyes glazed over. They must be mind-linking about something. “Hey, let’s go to that new diner off campus!” Giovanni excitedly exclaimed to the group. The girls and Dominic all stoop up, quickly agreeing. “You guys go ahead, I really need to work on this paper, I didn’t get anything done all week. Then I’m going to turn in early, hardly got any sleep either.” Mackenzie said yawning. “Same.” Tony stated. “Looks like you’re studying foreign relations as well.” Dominic said through the mind-link, mentally wiggling his eyebrows at Tony. “Shut it.” Tony grumbled through the link. “Don’t make it too late, I want you both fresh and ready tomorrow morning for an early training.” He commented sternly, getting back at Dominic for teasing him. Dominic and Giovanni both groaned, mumbling a “yes boss” before leaving with the two felines. Mackenzie and Antonio both studied in silence, the only sound the occasional flip of a page of scribble of a pen. Antonio side glanced at Mackenzie’s paper. “Hey, no copying! Do your own work!” Mackenzie said glaring at him. “Oh please, like I need to copy your weak hypothesis anyway.” He shot back. “SHHHHHH!” the librarian scolded for the umpteenth time. Mac and Tony’s eyes met, and they both burst out laughing. “That’s it, you both need to leave!” the librarian announced. “I’m done for tonight anyway.” Mackenzie said packing away her stuff. “Want to maybe get a coffee?” she asked a surprised Antonio. “Why, is it poisoned so you can steal my paper once I’m dead?” He joked. “You know what, never mind!” Mackenzie said while hitting his arm with one of her law books. “Joking, I’m joking,” He held up his arms in mock surrender. “I could really use a coffee right now.” He said smiling at her. “D-Did y-you just s-smile at me?” Mackenzie asked in a mocking stutter. “Yeah, well, sometimes, when you’re not being a b***h, you’re almost nice.” He laughed. She just rolled her eyes.
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