Chapter 3

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Mackenzie POV She made her way over to the drinks table, looking for her friends while walking. Evie was still on the dancefloor in a very erotic dance with what looked to be an Alpha wolf while she saw Gigi had been thrown over the shoulder of a muscular brown-haired guy, walking up the stairs. She was giggling while they were being followed by a black-haired, equally muscled up, guy. Looks like she got her alpha and beta sandwich after all. She saw Valery sitting on a coach, seeming to be in a serious discussion with none other than Antonio Lopez. She couldn’t help but let her eyes go over his tanned skin, running all the way down to his toned abs which were visible through his tight black shirt. He ran his fingers through his dark short hair while talking, making Mackenzie’s gaze rest on his bulging biceps. “She really isn’t the spoiled princess you think she is…” Mackenzie heard Valery say to Antonio as she got closer. Suddenly, his dark brown eyes moved to her. “Hey Vi, what’s up?” Mackenzie asked, her eyes still on Tony. “Well, well, done rubbing yourself all over Dominic I see. ” Antonio said while glaring at Mackenzie. “It’s called having fun, you should try it some time. Besides, why would you care?” She shot back. “Wouldn’t want my future delta to get an STD” Antonio shot back. What a d**k Mackenzie thought to herself. “Oh, I see, so it’s okay if a guy does it? Sounds sexist to me! Besides, you’re one to talk, I’ve seen you with plenty of girls.” Mackenzie scoffed. “Jealous?” Antonio shot back with a sly smile. “Oh please, don’t flatter yourself” Mackenzie said with an eyeroll. She just wanted to punch him in his handsome face. She threw her drink back and stoop up to make her way back to the drink table, Valery following closely behind her as she could feel her anger rolling off her in waves. What is that asshole’s problem, Mackenzie thought while going back to the dancefloor to blow off some steam. ********************* Antonio POV Antonio watched with a frown as Mackenzie was dancing with Valery and some random guys. He felt an odd tinge of jealousy, which was strange, since Mackenzie wasn’t even his type. Though she was drop dead gorgeous, Antonio had a thing for more compliant woman. He hated the spoiled daughters of the alpha’s, always thinking they were above everyone else. Sure, they were easy on the eyes, but definitely not girlfriend material. He usually dated the daughters of the warriors in his pack. Strong woman, but not stuck up in the least. Antonio would never forget how the former Alpha’s daughter of his pack treated him. Before his father challenged Alpha Jordan for the Alpha position, his family was treated very poorly, as were many others. You see, the former Alpha only cared for his higher ranks, leaving everyone else, including his warriors, to fend for themselves. They barley had enough money for food or clothes, which in turn got Antonio bullied in school. All through primary school and most of high school, Antonio would be viciously bullied by the higher ranked children, especially the Alpha’s daughter, Marley. When his father challenged Alpha Jordan and won, they banished the former Alpha’s family, turning them rogue. But he would never forget about Marley, and her brown hair and brown eyes. That was the reason he hated Mackenzie. She reminded him of Marley. In looks only, but he just couldn’t see past that. He was currently in an open relationship with Stacy Lucas, the head warrior’s daughter back in his pack. The open relationship was her idea since they were so far apart. She didn’t want him to miss out on the college experience. She was so thoughtful. He was really considering taking her as his chosen mate when he finished college. He didn’t believe in fated mates. They made you weak. He had seen his dad suffer through a rejection, when his mother had had enough of him, and left him for another man. His father had become weak after that, never truly recovering from the betrayal. That would not happen to him, he vowed. He stood up with a sigh, making his way over to Valery, who was trying to persuade a wasted Mackenzie to stop dancing on the tables. She had gathered quite the crowd, cheering her on and wolf whistling. He couldn’t just stand by while someone might take advantage of a drunken Mackenzie, he was not that cruel. “Okay everybody, show’s over!” Antonio barked, while flinging Mackenzie over his shoulder. “Ooh, you’re so strong,” she giggled feeling his arm and back muscles. “And you smell so good,” she said sniffing his neck. It’s gonna be a long walk back Antonio thought to himself.
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