Chapter 8: King Bryan, who is with you?

1580 Words
Ashley's Point of View Bryan snarled and kept tearing my gown like he was upset about it. When I tried to break free from his grip, he seemed all too eager to s***h my throat. He was barely breathing and clutching both of my hands. He pinned my hands on the top of my head, and I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment, especially when I saw how his face darkened after he looked at my exposed chest. I had no idea he was the type of man who got angry easily, especially when the reason was not serious. He was overly possessive, which I fully understood, because he had Lycan blood. When it came to the one we loved, we Lycans were very possessive of our territory. The fact that someone was attempting to steal our loved ones from us disturbs us. Bryan, however, wasn't acting out of a sense of territoriality; he was insane! We did not even know each other, and I was sure he had no idea I was his stepfather's daughter. “Oh, you are insane! No way am I going to flirt with that guy! I had no idea who he was.” The sensation of his calloused hands massaging my two mountains caused me to groan. He pinched my n*****s, and I noticed that he seemed amused whenever I moaned in pain or when he tried to rouse the lust within me. He grabbed my hair on the right side and pulled it back so he could reach my neck. Bryan was a crazed rogue who was all too eager to devour me. He sniffed my scent and lowered his head to kiss the back of my neck. As soon as I felt the thousand volts of electricity entering my body, my eyes closed. When his hands were massaging my chest, I could not help but exhale violently. You have enormous breasts. I like it, and I want to suck your n*****s until you beg me to stop. I want you to beg me to do more.” he murmured. A moan escaped my lips as he licked my ears, causing me to jolt. The fact that I didn't find his treatment of me repulsive only made matters worse. At the same time, I felt both at ease and wary around him. I had no doubt that he would one day become the leader of the Black Moon Pack. When he sat on the bed and took something from my gown, I screamed. He moved closer to me once more and decided to blindfold me with my gown's garments. When he finished putting it on successfully and then went to my hands to tie both of them, I could not help but lick my lips. My stomach was in knots, and I think my heart was racing. I was trembling with fear because I thought he might have a knife on his back and that he might try to stab me with it. “Just chill out. You are one of my many concubines. I may hurt you, but I know you will enjoy it when I get too wild in here.” He mumbled something into my ear and then licked it once more. I was paying attention to what was going on around me because I was concerned that he might try to hurt me in some way. After he got out of bed, I could sense that he was moving around in the room. It took him two minutes to jump into the bed, and when I jerked in surprise, he laughed. “Parted your legs. I would like to see your pussy.” He issued a command, but I was so anxious that I did not even bother to comply with it. I flinched in response to the painful slap that came from my other leg. I did not have a choice but to spread my legs even further apart. Even though he was silent, I could feel his hand massaging my groin area. When he purposefully touched my genitals, I gulped. I was so itchy that I wished for someone to assist me in scratching. “Stop moving. I am not going to deceive you. I would like to confirm that you are a virgin.” He slapped my buttcheeks, causing me to grumble in pain. I could not figure out why he was doing those things, but I was curious as to how he knew I was a virgin. "You have the right to f**k with many women, and you don’t want to get a non-virgin woman. You’re such a hypocrite.” As I gripped the garments he used to tie in my hands, I couldn’t help but make a remark. “I’m not the one who examined them when they became my concubines. It is the midwife who is assisting me. It is written into the rules.” He retorted, making me swallow when I felt how he massaged my thighs. It was so good that I started gasping whenever I felt his hands on my c******s, gently massaging it. “Did you know how to please yourself? Answer me with honesty because the Lycan King is asking you,” he added, and attempting to stop my hips from moving. “What do you think? I have a mate. Did you think Alpha Brandon was supposed to marry me despite the fact that he never touched me?” I was being sarcastic, but it appeared that he did not like what I told him. He slid two fingers inside of me and moved them, causing me to scream in agony. I tried to kick him, but he dodged my kick too quickly. My legs trembled, and I was perplexed when he kept moving his two fingers before he stopped. He howled and started kissing my stomach. “It hurts…” “It is… You are a liar, and you are a virgin. s**t! I don’t want to f**k a virgin.” He growled as his lips sucked my n*****s. The pain I was feeling vanished in an instant, and I was certain that what he was doing to me was far too pleasurable. “I can make you c*m,” he mumbled, and I was not sure what he meant. Bryan's head moved slowly to my entrance, and I was taken aback when he licked my center. I grasped the garment once again when I felt how wet I was. “It’s true that you taste amazing. I want to devour your juices,” he added. At the time, I was unaware that my legs could be spread apart even further. Bryan's tongue hardened, causing me to moan in delight. Everything seemed off, and I could not decide whether to interrupt him or let him go on. “Moan my name. If you want me to make you c*m, you will have to beg. Damn it!” As his hands rubbed my c******s, he persisted in licking my slick genitalia. The loud knock on the door caused me to pause. The harsh reality of the situation hit me hard, and I felt ashamed. Bryan didn’t mind that someone was trying to disturb us; he just kept going and pretended not to hear anything. “Your Majesty, someone is knocking on the door.” I informed him because I thought that he didn't hear that someone was trying to talk with him. Bryan cursed a few times before stopping. I was disappointed that he paused because I felt like something was about to explode in my lower belly. “Stop distracting me, Rain. If this is your strategy for preventing me from tasting your delectable juices, you will fail. I am curious to see how your c*m will emerge from your hole.” My lips parted in disbelief as he continued, and I heard a loud knock on the door. His guard appeared to have some vital information for him to hear. “s**t! Did you even notice that someone was knocking on your door?" Bryan came to a halt and removed the blindfold that he had placed on me He took the blanket, but he didn’t untie my hands. When he wrapped the blanket around my body, he seemed agitated because he was breathing heavily. I was grateful that he thought he might leave me naked because I did not want anyone to see me without clothing. Bryan approached the door and was about to open it when the guard yelled, “Your Majesty, your father has arrived! He is awaiting you.” I became anxious after hearing what the guard said. My nefarious father waited behind the door for Bryan to open it and come to him. Bryan looked at me as if he was inspecting my face. “I will talk to him,” he informed me, making me gulp in nervousness. “Why are you telling me that? Please release my hands.” When I was talking to him, I had to swallow hard. I didn’t want him to think that I was being kind to him. Bryan smirked coldly, but he removed the tie from my hands. When he opened the door, I saw my father approaching the room. “King Bryan, who is with you? I discovered that you have a new concubine whom you have chosen.” I overheard him telling Bryan, and when our gazes locked, he appeared stunned.
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