Chapter 9: His New Concubine

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Ashley's Point of View Because of him, the world slowed down for me. He kept staring at me, and I got the impression that he was surprised to see the resemblance to my mother. His expression changed as his gaze became gloomy. Before getting out of bed, I tightly wrapped myself in the sheets. The only thing Bryan was doing was watching my every move while my father turned his head away but kept a frown on his face. He was completely speechless, and I suspected that he might be pondering the mystery surrounding my identity. “This woman is my new concubine. Do you think she is pretty? After the banquet, I will introduce her to my mother.” Bryan said, and his gaze was drawn to my father, who appeared to be upset by what he had heard. “You’re silly. Did you really believe your mom would give you permission to take her as a concubine? I am sure she will stop you from getting her.” My father stated this, clenching his fist in rage before looking at me. When our gazes locked once more, he hardly breathed. “Is this some sort of rebellion against your mother? Are you sure that you wanted to make her feel bad?” He continued by asking me. I was confident that, because of me, he remembered Brenda Fox. He was affected, and I was pleased to remain in the pack so that I could ensure that he would always be haunted by the presence of my mother. He was affected. I wanted him to always remember what he had done to my mother, and I intended to make his life as miserable as hers had been. He would feel guilty about the sleepless nights he caused her because of his betrayal. I swore to it! It could have been either him or me who survived here. As the Lycan King's daughter, I was born with the right to ascend to the throne, regardless of whether or not my father approved of the idea. I would show him that, despite being a woman, I could handle the pack successfully. I wanted to smack him in the face with the fact that a woman could manage the pack just as well as a man. “I have no intention of rebelling against her. She’s a werewolf, and she’s about to have her mating ceremony with her mate. You have heard of Alpha Brandon, right? He sent someone here to spy on us and attempted to assassinate me." Bryan spoke, and his gaze was drawn to mine to see how I reacted. I couldn’t help but be shocked to learn what my soul mate had done to him, but I tried to hide it. Given that Brandon never had any dealings with the Lycans, I couldn’t fathom why he would have sent someone to kill Bryan. My father coughed and nodded his head. He averted his gaze from me and toward Bryan, forcing a smile. He seemed to enjoy the fact that Bryan, his son, was, of course, his dream. His response gave me the impression that I could continue serving as the concubine in this pack. I don’t have an important reason to stay at peace. My mate was gone; his pack was gone. He took everything I had, so naturally I would take everything he had. “I will never forget that young man. He did everything in his power to kill me. He’s too dumb, and I can’t understand why he chose to be the next Alpha of their pack.” My father was so full of himself, and it made me wonder why Brandon wanted to kill him. “Shall we go? Your mother is expecting you. Did you know your brother was going to be here today?” “I had no idea. Aside from that, I don’t care if he’s here.” Bryan responded coldly and swung open the door wide. My father chuckled, but before he left, he gave me one last glance. Bryan approached me and wrapped his hand around my waist. Once again, he was acting possessive, which was something I strongly disliked about him. I was glad I never got the chance to fall in love with him because I hated being linked to him. It is possible that I could kill him for as long as I could while he was enjoying the pleasures of my body. “Are you trying to entice him in some way? I didn’t tell you to stand up and look him in the eyes. Rain, I want to punish you for your stubbornness.” He whispered in my ear and sniffed my scent once more. He smirked and lowered his head to kiss my neck passionately. “Is it painful that you didn’t c*m? I want you to meet my mother. I’m sure she will be pleased to see you.” He added, and I was about to protest when he called his guards. He ordered them to prepare me for the banquet before he left. A group of omegas came to me and pushed me to the bathroom. They were the ones who were gently scrubbing my whole body, and it looked like they were mutes because no one even tried to talk to me. After they helped me bathe, they even assisted me in wearing my robe and pushed me once again to the chair in front of the vanity mirror. “Close your eyes.” I heard the woman talking to me. She was the omega who helped bathe. My lips parted when I heard her speaking, making her giggle lightly. Although she looked like she was on alert and seemed scared that someone might catch her talking to me, “I thought that you were mute. I didn’t know that you could talk.” I honestly informed her, and I closed my eyes. She hardly breathed before she cleared her throat. “It is a miracle that the Lycan King’s concubine is talking with the Omegas. We thought that you were like them.” She whispered, making me open my eyes instantly. I couldn’t understand what she meant, making her blush and gaze away. “Those concubines always belittle us for being the maids in the pack. I’m the one that they assigned to you, so I will be your right hand.” She mumbled and put something on my face. My sight was too focused on her face because she was too near me. “Are you telling me that they all bullied you? Because you are an omega.” I wanted to know the truth, and she nodded. She sighed and continued putting some powder on my face. “Yes, they are. Wait, I don’t even know your name; please forgive me.” “You didn’t do anything wrong, so why do I need to forgive you? I’m Rain Fox.” “Fox? You’re a Lycan!” My eyes widened in astonishment when she exclaimed those words. I quickly shook my head because I might be a Lycan because of my mother and not because of my evil father. She covered her mouth and turned around to look at our surroundings. “But you look like a Lycan. Are you sure about your identity?” “Wait, what makes you think that I’m one of the Lycans?” “Your skin is glowing too much. You seem more powerful than a werewolf.” “You’re wrong. I don’t have the power to fight with someone. I was just an ordinary werewolf. I thought that I would be a slave, but it didn’t happen.” I paused when she started coughing. She smacked her chest and grinned at me. “You’re pretty. That’s why the Lycan King chose you. Well, you are kind, too. It’s only you who talks to me, and I’m excited to inform my friends about it. Seriously, I remembered someone for you. I still remember that she was the only one who took care of my mother when I was a child.” I smiled at her and signaled to her to continue what she was trying to share with me. She seemed delighted while she was trying to remember the woman that she was talking about. “She’s the first wife of the Lycan King. Her name is Brenda.” She whispered and checked once again if someone might be watching her. I felt like my heart was about to jump from my ribcage. I didn’t know that she could still remember my mother, even though she was still a child back then. “I promised that woman that I would be a faithful servant to her daughter. She liked it, especially because my mother was her servant, too. Unfortunately, she got beheaded because of a sin that she didn’t commit, and her daughter died after five years. We are not allowed to talk about her, or else we will be punished. Her name is like a taboo,” she added. “If you are not allowed to mention her name, then why are you telling me about her?” I swallowed hard when I felt that there was a lump in my throat. I felt that I was about to cry once again because of her. “When I see you, you look like her. I know that you will not report me to those officials,” she answered, and I nodded. After she finished, she made sure that I would be presentable. She encouraged me to check myself in the mirror. I didn’t know what to say when I saw my reflection. “Her gown is here. It’s King Bryan who chose this dress for her.” I heard another woman speak, and she stopped in front of me while the dress was still in her hands. After they helped me wear the dress, Jennifer, my omega, was the one who ushered me to where the banquet would be placed. She seemed anxious, and her eyes couldn’t focus on me. I was about to ask her when the door opened, and I heard loud music coming from the hall. When I entered the hall, I saw some members who seemed stunned, especially when they paused for a little moment when they saw me. My eyes landed on Bryan, who was tasting his wine from his gold goblet. He seemed proud as he stood up to reach me. The crowd seemed terrified when they saw me, and my father was giving me a death stare. Minerva seemed shocked when she finally saw me. She stood up and began gasping to breathe. My father rushed towards her, while a man who seemed like Bryan came to comfort his mother. “I know that you have all already found out that I have a new concubine. I want to introduce her to all of you. She’s Rain Fox; respect her like you all respect me.” Bryan shouted, and he seemed to be enjoying how his mother reacted after she saw me. Now, I fully understand that Bryan noticed that I looked like my mother, and he wanted to use me to make his mother mad.
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